

Study on Parameter Extraction and Jamming Effectiveness of Typical Pseudo-random Code Fuze

【作者】 涂友超

【导师】 赵惠昌;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伪码体制引信由于具有较好的低空工作性能、良好的抗干扰能力和测距、测速能力,使其成为引信工作体制中重要的发展方向之一。如何客观、准确、定量地分析和评价对抗装备对伪码体制引信的干扰效果,如何提高干扰和抗干扰能力,是引信对抗双方在科研、生产、试验等环节广泛关注的重要课题。本文以三种典型伪码体制引信——伪码调相连续波引信、伪码调相与正弦调频(PRCPM-SFM)复合调制连续波引信、PRCPM-SFM复合调制脉冲串引信为研究对象,研究了上述三种引信信号特征参数的提取方法,在此基础上,研究了压制性和欺骗性干扰对这三种引信的干扰效果,分析了影响其干扰效果的主要因素,并对干扰效果进行了定量评估,为引信对抗双方在提高干扰、抗干扰能力方面提供了理论依据。同时,本课题的研究工作对伪码体制及其它体制引信的进一步研制也具有重要的理论指导意义和借鉴作用。本文主要工作包括以下几个方面:(1)给出了伪码调相连续波引信、PRCPM-SFM复合调制连续波引信以及PRCPM-SFM复合调制脉冲串引信的原理框图,分析了其工作原理,推导了这三种引信自发射、接收到信号处理各阶段的信号形式。(2)研究了基于ZAM分布的三种伪码体制引信信号特征参数的提取方法,给出了提取伪码序列参数、正弦调频参数、脉冲宽度、脉冲重复周期的具体算法,仿真分析了噪声环境对引信特征参数提取的影响。(3)建立了三种典型伪码体制引信各自的接收机模型,以信干比增益为衡量标准分析了压制性噪声调频(NFM)、噪声调幅(NAM)干扰对三种引信的干扰效果,讨论了影响干扰效果的重要因素,以欺骗性干扰对相关器输出值的影响大小作为衡量标准,分析了影响这三种引信欺骗性干扰效果的主要因素以及这些因素对引信干扰效果的影响。(4)提出了基于启动概率的压制性干扰效果评估方法和基于成功欺骗概率的欺骗性干扰效果评估方法。定义了上述三种引信的启动概率,并在压制性NFM、NAM干扰下,推导了其启动概率,分析了影响启动概率的主要因素,以启动概率作为评估指标,对压制性干扰效果进行了评估。定义了上述三种引信的成功欺骗概率,分析了影响成功欺骗概率的主要因素,并以成功欺骗概率为评估指标,对欺骗性干扰效果进行了评估。(5)利用Simulink仿真软件建立了伪码调相连续波引信接收机系统仿真模型,仿真分析了影响该引信压制性干扰效果和欺骗性干扰效果的因素。在吸波暗室中利用无线电引信实验干扰机系统对伪码调相连续波引信原理样机进行了压制性和欺骗性干扰实验,验证了前述研究内容的结论。

【Abstract】 Pseudo-random code fuze is an important development direction of radio fuze for its better performances, such as low altitude performance, strong anti-jamming ability, precise detecting distance and velocity performance.How to analyze and evaluate the jamming effectiveness of the pseudo-random code fuze objectively, accurately and quantificationally, as well as how to improve jamming and anti-jamming ability is an important project concerned about by the two parties of fuze countermeasure in scientific research, production and testing, etc. In this dissertation, method for extracting characteristic parameter of the three typical pseudo-random code fuzes, namely pseudo-random binary phase coded continuous wave fuze, pseudo-random code phase modulation and sine frequency modulation (PRCPM-SFM) compound continuous wave fuze and PRCPM-SFM compound pulse train fuze,is studied.Based on this, jamming effectiveness on oppressive and deceptive jamming is studied and major factors of influencing jamming effectiveness are analyzed,at the same time, jamming effectiveness on oppressive and deceptive jamming is evaluated quantificationally. The research provides theory foundation for the two parties of fuze countermeasure on improving jamming and anti-jamming ability, meanwhile, the productions obtained from this dissertation are valuable for studying the pseudo-random code fuze and other system fuzes further. The main contributions are as followings:(1) Acorrding to the providing principle block diagrams of pseudo-random binary phase coded continuous wave fuze, PRCPM-SFM compound continuous wave fuze and PRCPM-SFM compound pulse train fuze, the working principle of the three kinds of fuzes is analyzed, and their signal forms from launcher, receiver to signal processor are deduced.(2) Method for extracting characteristic parameter of the three typical pseudo-random code fuzes is studied based on ZAM distribution, the specific algorithm of extracting pseudo-random code sequence parameters, sine FM parameters, pulse width and pulse repetition period is provided. The influence coming from noise is discussed by simulation while extracting these characteristic parameters.(3) The receiver models of the three pseudo-random code fuzes are set up respectively, according to the receiver models, the jamming effectiveness of oppressive noise frequency modulation(NFM) jamming and noise amplitude modulation (NAM) jamming is analyzed, and major factors influencing the jamming effectiveness are discussed based on the criterion of signal to jamming ratio (SJR) gain. The jamming effectiveness of deceptive jamming is analyzed based on the value of the correlator output under the deceptive jamming environment, and the primary factors influencing deceptive jamming effectiveness are also analyzed.(4) Methods of evaluating oppressive jamming effectiveness based on starting probability and evaluating deceptive jamming effectiveness based on successful deceptive probability are put forward.The starting probability of the three kinds of typical pseudo-random code fuze is defined, and their starting probability is deduced under oppressive NFM jamming and NAM jamming. Major factors influencing the starting probability are discussed and the oppressive jamming effectiveness is evaluated based on the starting probability. The successful deceptive probability of the three kinds of fuze is defined, and primary factors affecting successful deceptive probability are analyzed.Moreover, the deceptive jamming effectiveness is evaluated according to the successful deceptive probability.(5) The system model of the pseudo-random binary phase coded continuous wave fuze receiver is set up by making use of simulink simulation software, and the factors influencing both oppressive and deceptive jamming effectiveness on the pseudo-random binary phase coded fuze is studied by simulation.In the absorbing chamber, the oppressive and deceptive jamming experiments are carried out for the principle sample machine of pseudo-random binary phase coded continuous wave fuze with the help of radio fuze experiment jammer system, and the conclusion of the research mentioned above is approved.


