

Evaluation of Anti-jamming Capability of Typical Radio Proximity Fuzes Based on Ambiguity Function Incision

【作者】 周新刚

【导师】 赵惠昌;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 无线电引信抗干扰性能测度理论和方法是表征其抗干扰能力的度量原则和方法,也是评定引信抗干扰能力及其抗干扰技术指标的重要依据。对无线电引信抗干扰性能客观科学的评价是确保引信有效使用、弹药威力有效发挥的基础与前提。以几种典型无线电引信为研究对象,建立它们的等效统一模型,深入分析其中具有代表性的引信——伪码调相连续波引信的抗噪声性能和抗典型压制性干扰性能,建立有源干扰机理模型,提出基于模糊函数切割法的典型无线电引信抗干扰性能测度理论和方法,并用该方法分别对脉冲体制引信和周期调制连续波体制引信固有的抗干扰性能进行测度。主要内容有:(1)在归纳总结脉冲定距引信、脉冲多普勒引信、伪码调相脉冲定距引信与伪码调相脉冲多普勒引信等四种脉冲体制引信和对称三角调频连续波引信、锯齿调频连续波引信与伪码调相连续波引信等三种周期调制连续波体制引信工作原理的基础上,通过对引信系统各模块输入输出信号的分析与推导,提炼出这些引信基于相关(匹配)接收思想实现的本质,建立典型无线电引信工作原理的等效统一模型。(2)通过推导基于多普勒效应的伪码调相连续波引信接收机信噪比/信干比增益,研究其抗噪声(射频噪声干扰)性能、噪声调频干扰和噪声调幅干扰性能,并得出射频噪声、噪声调频和噪声调幅等干扰波形对伪码调相连续波引信的干扰效果依次减弱的结论。(3)分析不同多普勒频移和时延下的单载频矩形脉冲信号模糊函数的切割图;利用m序列的性质,结合概率统计的相应理论,推导m序列编码脉冲压缩信号的模糊函数。利用推导的公式,通过计算机仿真,揭示其原点附近的细微结构。(4)根据周期模糊函数的性质及其与单周期模糊函数的关系,推导出周期调制连续波信号周期模糊函数的统一表达式,并推导对称三角调频、锯齿调频连续波信号和伪码调相连续波信号的单周期模糊函数和周期模糊函数,对它们的3-D模糊图、不同多普勒频移下以及不同时延下的切割图进行分析。(5)在建立典型无线电引信等效统一模型、有源干扰机理模型,以及模糊函数和匹配滤与相关接收等效关系证明的基础上,提出基于模糊函数切割法的典型无线电引信抗干扰性能测度理论和方法。(6)利用模糊函数切割法对所研究的四种脉冲体制引信和三种周期调制连续波体制引信固有的抗干扰性能进行测度,揭示它们的抗干扰性能随其特征参数的变化规律,并分析它们之间固有抗干扰性能强弱的对比情况。

【Abstract】 Not only measurement principles and means for anti-jamming capability of radio proximity fuzes (RPF), but also the important basis for their anti-jamming technology guide-lines are characterized by its evaluation theory and methodology. Anti-jamming capability of RPF can be evaluated objectively and scientifically, which is a foundation and prerequisite for the effective usage of RPF and effective release of ammunition power. Several typical RPF are taken as research objects. Their equivalent generalized theoretical model is established. The anti-noise performance and anti-typical-barrage-jamming capability of the pseudo-random binary phase coded CW fuze as a representative of them are analyzed. The active jamming mechanism model is established. The evaluation theory and methodology for anti-jamming capability of RPF based on methodology of ambiguity function incision is proposed, which is applied to evaluating the anti-jamming capability of typical pulse fuzes and periodic modulation CW fuzes respectively. The main contributions are as followings:(1) Operation principles of the four typical pulse type fuzes such as pulse ranging fuze, pulse Doppler fuze, pseudo-random binary phase coded pulse ranging fuze and pseudo-random binary phase coded pulse Doppler fuze are summarized. Meanwhile, it also summarizes the operation principles of three typical CW type fuzes such as symmetric triangular frequency modulated CW fuze, sawtooth frequency modulated CW fuze and pseudo-random binary phase coded CW fuze. On this basis, these fuzes are realized on the basis of correlation reception, by analyzing and deducing the input/output signal of each module of fuzes. Equivalent generalized model of them is established.(2) anti-noise performance/anti-radio-frequency jamming capability, anti-FM-by-noise jamming capability, anti-AM-by-noise jamming capability of pseudo-random binary phase coded CW fuze are analyzed, which is by means of deriving the SNR/SJR of the fuze receiver based on Doppler effect. The jamming effect decreases in order of radio frequency jamming, FM-by-noise jamming, AM-by-noise jamming.(3) Cuts of ambiguity function for rectangular pulse signal at certain different Doppler shifts and time delays are analyzed. Ambiguity function of pulse coded by m-sequence is derived by the properties of m-sequence and the related probability theory. Fine structures around the original are described by the formula derived and simulation.(4) According to the properties of periodic ambiguity function (PAF) and the relationship between PAF and single PAF, the generalized PAF of CW signal modulated periodically is derived. The single PAF and PAF of symmetric triangular frequency modulated CW signal, sawtooth frequency modulated CW signal and pseudo-random binary phase coded CW signal are derived. Their cuts of ambiguity function for rectangular pulse signal at certain different Doppler shifts and time delays are analyzed. Their 3-D ambiguity patterns are analyzed also.(5) On the basis of the equivalent generalized model, active jamming mechanism model and the equivalent between ambiguity function, match filter and correlator, the evaluation theory and methodology for anti-jamming capability of RPF based on the methodology of ambiguity function incision is proposed.(6) The inherent anti-jamming capability of the typical fuzes is evaluated by the methodology of ambiguity function incision. Their inherent anti-jamming capability changing with their characteristic parameters is described. The comparisons of anti-jamming capability between them are analyzed.


