

Textual Research on Gu Yanwu’ Poetries

【作者】 孙雪霄

【导师】 王小舒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 迄今为止,学界对顾炎武的研究呈现重学术而轻文学的局面。关于顾炎武在经学、理学、史学、经济学、小学等方面的成就及思想,学界前辈都曾进行过较为深入的探讨,而关于顾炎武文学成就的研究,不论是研究视角的广度,还是研究层次的深度,都无法与其学术思想研究所取得的成果相比。之所以会出现这种重学术而轻文学的局面,究其根源在于顾炎武本身就是一位对清代学术诸领域有着奠基性重大意义且并不以文人自居的研究对象。然而,事实上,顾炎武的文学创作,特别是其诗歌创作,成就很高且影响深远,堪称清初诗坛之巨擘。本文立足于顾炎武的诗文著述和明清易代史料,对顾炎武生平经历中影响深远但未获关注,或前人有论但存在争议的问题再做考证;对顾诗中隐含的抗清经历、行旅历程等史事进行梳理;结合时代背景和诗歌创作实际,对其诗学渊源、诗歌思想和诗艺特色等问题再做深入论析。全文共分为五章。第一章是从“知人论世”的角度出发,对顾炎武生平的考论。内容包含顾炎武的家学渊源、明清易代之际的社集活动和影响、黄培诗案和济南狱始末、北游不归原因等。笔者结合顾炎武诗文作品和相关史料文献,对前人论述中存在争议的问题做了深入的考证,得出了较为客观的结论,并初步揭示出这些事件对顾炎武生平、创作的深远影响。第二、三章旨在充分发掘顾诗“以诗纪史”的史料价值,并结合明清易代之际大量的史料文献,对顾炎武一生的抗清经历和行旅历程进行系统、全面的考论:顾炎武以诗笔幽隐地记录着自己的抗清活动,将这些线索穿连起来,就可以从中窥见明清易代之际遗民活动的真实情景;顾炎武一生游历南北,足迹遍及江苏、安徽、山东、河北、山西、陕西、河南诸地,经历之广在清初诗人中罕有人匹,而在其人生历程的每个阶段,都有相应的诗作记录他的行踪,为后人探寻他的行踪事迹留下了最可靠的第一手资料,因此,以诗来观其行,不仅可以清晰勾勒出其人生行旅轨迹,也可从中窥见其行为背后的心路历程。第四、五、六章主要结合顾炎武的学术风格、明清易代之际的社会背景和顾炎武诗歌创作实践,对其诗学思想、诗学渊源、诗艺特色作全面深入的考察:顾炎武对古今诗文创作理论和实践做了深刻的反思,就文学的意义和价值、诗文创作和时代的关系、内容和形式的关系、文人品格四个方面,提出了一系列很有见地的诗论主张,对后世诗人的创作实践发挥了重要指导作用;顾炎武学诗自明七子入手,并在承继的同时对其诗学弊病做了深刻的反思,而诗学造诣远非七子可以牢笼,为给自己树立更高的标尺,顾氏“进而益上”,将诗圣杜甫作为师法的对象,在对杜诗的涵咏中锻炼诗艺,在对杜诗精神的承传中将诗歌创作提升到一个更高的境界;顾炎武的诗艺特色主要表现为三个方面:贯穿着深沉的兴亡主题;情辞凝练古雅、隶事用典熨帖切当,开启有清一代以学问入诗之端倪;诗风如风霜般沉郁沧桑、似松柏般遒劲坚毅,气骨峥嵘,有金石之声。本文力图打破以往学界对顾炎武诗歌研究多浮泛之论而少深入体析的不足,将顾炎武的诗歌创作与明清易代之际的社会历史背景相结合,通过对文献史料的爬梳和充分的诗作实例分析,对顾炎武的诗歌创作形成更为系统、深入的认识,期望在以下几个方面有所突破和创新:第一,在明清易代之际的社会背景、诗歌发展史背景和学术思想背景这三重语境下综合考察顾炎武的诗歌创作,充分彰显其诗歌的思想、风格、意义和价值。顾炎武一生不以文人自居,首先是遗民、学者、其次才是诗人,对他来说,诗歌创作最大的意义就是可以即时地抒写自己的见闻感慨,记录这段硝烟弥漫、血流漂杵的亡国痛史和自己艰辛坎坷但矢志不移的心路历程,依严迪昌所论:“作为遗民诗群中影响深广的杰出爱国者,倘若人们无视顾炎武之为诗,就其本意只相副于诸如‘五谒孝陵,四谒横宫’之类践行,作为明志和张扬舆论、鼓舞士气、激励同志的一种器具的话,那么岂止有悖于诗人原不欲以诗鸣世的初衷,也难以确定其在诗史中应有的切实的地位”。顾炎武诗歌远绍杜甫、近承七子,“逗出一代诗学倾向”,堪为遗民诗典范。他很少单纯地探讨文学问题,常将文学置于治道的高度加以思考的,其诗歌创作其经世致用的学术主张一脉贯通的。由此可见,如果缺乏社会历史背景、诗歌发展史背景、顾炎武的学术思想背景这三重语境的支撑,就不可能对顾诗做出深刻的体析。第二,综合考察、梳理明清易代之际的史料文献、诗歌中蕴含的史实和顾炎武的诗歌创作实践,将从三条线索中获得的讯息比照串联,发掘顾炎武幽隐诗笔中蕴藏的史事、情感,并通过对其诗篇的深入体析、品赏,对其诗风形成更为深刻的认识。第三,综合运用考据、审美、思辨三种方法全面考察顾炎武的诗歌创作。本文不论是对顾炎武生平事迹的考证,还是对其诗歌思想、诗学渊源、诗艺特色的体析都本着考论结合的方法进行论述,以诗史互证的视角发掘其诗歌的史料价值、通过大量的诗作品赏获得对顾诗思想风格的深入体认,结合社会历史背景和顾炎武的学术特色对其诗学思想进行深入的思考和辨析,对顾诗进行全面深入的体析,推动顾诗研究走向深入。

【Abstract】 So far, educational circles pay more attation to Gu Yanwu academic achievement rateher than his literary creation. About Gu in classical studies, Neo-Confucianism, history, economics, philology achievements and ideas, senior academics have been more in-depth discussion but about the literature on the achievements of Gu, Whether the breadth of perspective, or depth of research-level, can not be achieved compared to the institute for his academic thought. The reason why educational circles pay more attation to Gu Yanwu academic achievement rateher than his literary creation, the reason in root is that Gu himself is one who has a foundation of the areas of academic significance but did not consider oneself as scholars. However Gu’s literature, especially his poetries have high and far-reaching achievements, can be rated as thumb in the poetic circle at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. According to the writing of Gu and the historical material or data about the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, this text does in-depth study about the life experience of Gu which has a far-reaching influence but has not been concerned or which has been discussed but not reach a consensus, cards the process of resisting the Qing and tourism which has been expressed implicitly by the poetries of Gu, and also combining background of the times and the practice of poetry creation does in-depth analysis about the poetic thoughts and features art of poetry of Gu.The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is from the "knowing of the world" point of view, doing Textual Research on Gu Yanwu’poetries. The content of the first chapter includes learning handed down in the family of Gu Yanwu, the behavior of taking part in mass rganizations of letters of men and its impact, textual research on the whole story of Huang Pei poetry sase and Jinan prison, the cause of no return trip to the north and so on. According to Gu poetry works and historical documents related the author did in-depth study on contentious issues before reaching some relatively objective conclusions and Initially revealed the profound influence on Gu Yanwu’s life and creativity from these events.The second、third chapters fully explore the value of " using poetry to record the history" and do comprehensive and systematic study about the process of resisting the Qing dynasty and travel experiences according to Gu poetry works and historical documents related. Gu Yanwu’use poetries to reflect the his resist the Qing dynasty activities implicitly, if wearing with these clues together we can glimpse from the real-world scene of the activities of adherents between Ming and Qing. In the whole life of Gu Yanwu, he has traveled all over North and South and has visited Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan various places. In the early Qing Dynasty poets, few people matchthe breadth of experience of Gu Yanwu. In every stage of their life course the poem has a corresponding record of his whereabouts, leaving first-hand information for future generations to explore the story of his whereabouts. Therefore, to observe the movements through poetry can clearly outline not only travel path all his life can also be from a glimpse of the mentality behind their behavior.The fourth, fifth and sixth chapters mainly combining the academic style of Gu Yanwu, the social background between the occasion of the Ming and Qing and the Poetry Practice of Gu, give his poetic thought, poetic origin, poetic Art features a comprehensive in-depth study. Gu had did a deep reflection on the theory and practice of ancient and modern poetry writing putting forward a series of insightful poetry ideas on the meaning and value of literature, the relationship between literary creation and the times, the relationship between content and form and literary character, and had played an important role in guiding creative practice of later poets. Gu began writing poetry by studying before and after the start of Seven while in the succession of their poetry he also doing a deep reflection about the drawback of the Seven however the poetry attainments of Gu Yanwu have been far beyond the Seven. To establish a higher scale to himself Gu consider Du Fu as a learning object, promoting his poetry creation poetry to a higher realm by inheritting the spirit of Du Fu. Disintegrating the art of poetry features mainly in three aspects:the main theme of patriotism, concise and elegant emotion and rhetoric, proper using of literary quotation, and great and tragic poetry style.Tring to break the past academic do more superficial research on Gu poetries and lack of in-depth analysis of the body, this paper combine the poetries of Gu Yanwu with the social and historical background between the Ming and Qing dynasty. By the means of combing through the literature and historical data and full analysis of the poems examples, this paper form the more systematic, in-depth understanding of of the poetries of Gu Yanwu. The author hope bring forth new ideas in the following aspects.First, Gu Yanwu’s poems will be made an on-the-spot investigation under three background, such as The the social background between the Ming and Qing, background history of poetry,Ideological background of academic, fully demonstrating the idea of his poetry, style, meaning and value. Gu Yanwu did not see themselves as scholars. His identity is first Dynasty, scholars, followed by the poet. So, For him, the most significant thing of poetry creation is can be seen and heard in real time writing your own feelings, can record this smoke, blood everywhere and the subjugation pain history, just as what Yan Dichang said Gu Yanwu’s poems is a model of dynasty poem. Gu Yanwu’s poems inherit Tu Fu and the former seven writers and latter seven writers of Ming dynasty influencing the generation of poetics. He rarely discuss the question of literature simply, he always placed it as high as governance. The poetry creation of Gu Yanwu interlinked his academic ideas. From this, it can be seen that If the lack of social and historical background, the background history of poetry and the ideological background of academic of Gu Yanwu, we can not make a profound analysis on his poems.Second, integrated survey and card the historical documents of Ming and Qing dynasty, historical facts contained in the poetries and poetry creative practice of Gu Yanwu. Connecting and comparing the message obtaining from the three clues, we can explore the unknown things hidden in the history of poetic writing in the matter and emotional. By the means of in-depth analyzing and tasting we can form the more profound understanding of the formation of Gu Yanwu’s poetry.Third, by comprehensive using of the three methods of textual, aesthetic and mentally analyze the author made systematically study on the poetries of Gu. No matter the research on life story of Gu or the discussion and analysis of his poetry, poetics and poetic art characteristic, this text use the method of combination of textual research and discussion. Historic perspective of each card in order to explore the historical value of his poetry. Through a lot of poetic thinking style of poetry to gain in-depth realize of Gu Yanwu’poetries. Combination of social and historical background and academic characteristics of Gu Yanwu the author give deep thinking and discrimination about the poetic thought of Gu Yanwu. This paper hope to make a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of Gu Yanwu’poetries while further promote the research of his poetries.

【关键词】 顾炎武诗歌考论
【Key words】 Gu YanwuPoetriesTextual Research
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

