

The Study on Glosseme of Jining Dialects

【作者】 冀芳

【导师】 唐子恒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以济宁方言词汇、语义为主要研究对象,以义位作为研究的基本语义单位,通过对济宁方言词汇的调查和整理,从词汇语义学的角度分析方言和普通话之间、济宁方言内部即各个方言点之间的差异,试图探求方言词汇的系统性和规律性。本文绪论部分首先阐明了选题的原因,选择济宁方言作为研究对象,以及选择词汇语义进行研究的原因。济宁方言跟山东方言及整个北方方言有很大的一致性,但也存在着差异,具有自己的一些特点。济宁分12个县市区:中区、任城、兖州、曲阜、邹城、泗水、嘉祥、鱼台、微山、金乡、汶上、梁山。由于自然地理环境、历史条件和人们的生活习惯等方面的差异,各县市区之间的词汇、语义也有不同。以往方言词汇的研究大都是对词汇特点和分类的简单罗列,缺乏从理论上进行系统、深入的研究。本文在田野调查的基础上,建立了分类较为完整的语料库,为方言义位的描写提供了详细而丰富的语料基础。同时,本文以现代语义学理论为指导,包括词汇语义学理论、认知语义学、结构语义学、语法语义学,立足共时和历时层面,主要通过比较的方法研究普方之间、方言内部之间的语义差异,探求方言词汇的特点和语义规律。第一章对济宁地区的地理、历史、人文概况和词汇特点进行了描述。济宁市位于鲁西南地区,地处苏鲁豫皖四省结合部,东邻临沂,西与菏泽接壤,南面为枣庄和江苏徐州,北临泰安,且北与聊城相望。济宁特殊的地理环境和人文情况,使得济宁内部的词汇表现出一定的差异性。第二章阐述的是济宁方言义位的语义内容的研究。主要是从词素义、义位的内容、义位的语法意义进行比较。从词素的角度看,济宁方言和普通话形成了不对应关系,即在方言中作为成词词素,在普通话中不能独立成词。反之,也成立。词素义方面,主要是从词素义对单纯词词义和合成词词义影响的角度进行论述,普方之间词素义的不同会影响两者单纯词、合成词的词义。义位的差异,主要是从义位的义域、义位的数量和内容、义位的语用域差异进行论述。义位的义域主要表现为在普通话中义域对应的最小子场的客观对象等级高,而在济宁方言中义域对应的等级低。相反的情况也存在。我们进一步考察了方言中义域的宽窄和编码度的关系,发现从义位对某些概念的描述来看,义域小的编码度高,反之,编码度就低。同时我们对方言义位的语用域差异进行了分析,义位在语用的选择搭配上表现出与普通话不同的特点。义位的语法意义主要是从方言的特殊重叠构形与量范畴,方言特殊的虚词以及表示时、体语法意义的角度进行论述。方言重叠构形形式比普通话丰富,如单音节量词和少数具有量词性质的名词具有三次重叠的形式,少数副词具有ABA式的重叠,形容词重叠形式多为ABB式等,体现出不同的量范畴,在物量、度量、动量、数量上表现出自己的特点。方言中完成体多以动态助词“来”“唠”等体现,进行体以“喷”体现。第三章阐述的是将义位置于语义场中进行分析比较研究。将语义场分为同义义场、反义义场、多义义场、分类义场,分析语义上的差异。试图探求方言语义的系统性和语言现象的规律性。与普通话相比,方言相对应的同义义场具有义位的数量不同,义位的关系也不同。有的是普通话没有的,出现了语义空缺。也就是在普通话中没有专门的义位来承担语义内容,济宁方言不仅有专门的义位表述,且各方言点有所差异。反义义场主要从义场中义位关系的平衡性和不平衡性两个角度进行论述,表现出与普通话的差异性。从整个方言区程度副词的使用来看,程度副词搭配有标记和无标记成分并不平衡,据我们对语料库的调查统计,程度副词只能搭配无标记成分的占了11%,只能搭配有标记成分的占了21%,两者在反对关系中表现出不对称和不平衡性。多义义场中义位引申的数量和内容都体现了普方差异,我们用认知语义学的理论和“概念结构的非多义性”理论进行论述,挖掘方言多义义位的特点。我们在数据库中挑选了比较齐整的能够形成类义义场的义位,用义素分析法进行逐个的剖析,以求发现方言义位的细微差异和特点。我们依据建立起来的济宁方言的语料库,对分类义场进行编码度的考察。就我们调查到的方言类义义场,表示农事、亲属、家畜等的义场在某种程度上其命名度和编码度要高于普通话中同类的义场,方言义场既吸收了普通话的某些义位,同时又具有方言所特有的义位,在描述与当地生活联系紧密的事物时,其精细程度要高。如动物交配、发情义场,普通话中描述不同动物只有“交配”“发情”,在济宁方言中不同的动物有不同的义位进行描述,其编码度就高。第四章阐述的是济宁方言义位的组合研究。主要是从义位内部,即词素的组合进行分析,以及义位之间的从选择差异和序列差异两个角度进行分析。在普通话中可能是比较冷僻,或者是在古代汉语中使用,在现代汉语中已经不用的词素,在方言中仍比较活泼,且有一定的构词能力。义位的选择差异在普方、方方之间表现的更为突出,越是日常生活中常用的义位越在组合搭配中体现出方言特点。程度副词的义位组合在一定程度上反映出方言内部语义变化的层次性。同时,我们对具有济宁方言特点的正负极义位的组合进行了详细地考察,中性词语发生偏移的环境多是具有评价性的环境,济宁方言程度式中偏向负极义位的占了大多数,普通话中有表示正负极词素、义位组成的义位或义丛,但是并不能进入表示询问或程度的词组,如“多—”“很—”,但是在方言中某些正负极义位可以进入这种词组。方言中通常为对立的表示正极意义和负极意义的词组,如大—小、深—浅、高—矮等,这样正负极义位相对出现,能够进入上述的格式。另外,正负极义位也体现了方言之间的差异。如“崩”在曲阜、汶上、鱼台、泗水、邹城、兖州、中区和任城使用,但在邹城和兖州仅搭配正极,其他地方和正负均可搭配。“老”在曲阜、鱼台、微山、兖州和中区使用,在曲阜中和正负搭配,其他地方只能和正极进行搭配。第五章是方言义位的历时研究。方言词的来源,从横向来看,有的是吸收普通话或其他地方的方言词,从纵向来看,有的是继承和发展了古语词。在研究词义发展演变的时候把词的一个意义演变和一个词的意义演变问题区分开,我们以义位为单位分析词义在方言中的演变和发展。济宁方言中保留了一些古语词,是对古代汉语和近代汉语词语的沿用,这些词语在有的属于直接沿用,如,济宁方言的很多词语源于明清时期,有很多途径使得一些词语演变成方言词,其中词汇化是形成方言词的重要手段,这些非词成分在实际运用中渐渐凝固成词,并在济宁方言中延续使用。有的则发生了一些变化,在语义、义域、义位语法意义上有所不同。如“来”在近代山东方言中,句法格式较多,语法意义进一步虚化,既可以和表示过去的时间词语和助词连用,也可以单独使用,承载表示过去事件的意义。“来”仍和感官动词、时间词“曾”连用,但是对其依赖的程度大大降低了,这都表明“来”表示过去经历义的地位下降了,表示过去发生的用法渐渐稳定。现代济宁方言中“来”用于持续性动词后,表示过去发生且可作为完成体的标记已成熟。“来”也可用于终结性动词,这类动词本身就含有终结点,“来”表示这种终结变化的实现,如果将“实现”看作“完成”的一部分,“来”表示该变化的完成。“来”与静态动词共现,表示静态情状的实现,虚化程度更高。在方言词的形成和发展的过程中,方言词或受社会人文环境的影响,或是自身内部系统的调整,不断地发生演变,有时增多、减少、消亡,有时创新、调整,是一个动态发展变化的过程,形成了普通话、古代和方言之间的差异。

【Abstract】 The thesis selects the Jining dialectal vocabulary as the research object. From carrying out investigation and study of the Jining dialectal vocabulary, the thesis is to explore the discrepancies of semantic phenomena between Jining dialects and mandarin and between Jining dialects of different kinds on the basis of lexical semantics. The research aims to explore the system and the regularities of the dialectal vocabulary.The preface firstly explains the reasons of selecting the Jining dialectal vocabularies as the research object, and the reasons of using lexical semantics. Jining dialect vocabulary has great consistency with the Shandong dialect and the entire northern dialect vocabulary. At the same time, there are also many differences; it has its own characteristics. There are twelve counties and cities in Jining, including zhongqu, jiaoqu, Yanzhou, Qufu, Zoucheng, Sishui, Jiaxiang, Yutai, Weishan, Jixiang, Wenshang and Lianshan. Because of the discrepancies of nature environment and history and people’s living custom, there are some differences in the dialectical vocabularies. In the past, the vocabulary studies were mostly with focus on simple enumerating the vocabulary’s characteristics and classification. The studies lacked systematic and in-depth study theoretically. The thesis which based on the modern Semantics including lexical semantics, cognitive semantics, structural semantics, and based on synchronic and diachronic aspects, mainly through the comparisons on the mandarin and dialect, aims to explore the system and the regularities of the dialectal vocabulary.Chapter one:It deals with the geography, history, philosophy and the characters of vocabularies of Jining. Jining is in the southwest of Shandong province, which is located in the combination of su-lu-yu-wan, which is close to the east of Linyi, the west of Heze, the south of Zaozhuang and Xuzhou, the north of Taian and Liaocheng. Because of the discrepancies of nature environment and history and people’s living custom, there are some differences in the dialectical vocabularies.Chapter two:It deals with the content of glosseme. It studies on the morpheme meaning, the content of glosseme, the grammar meaning of glosseme. The study of the morpheme meaning, mainly discussing the influence of simplex word and compound word from the differences of morpheme meaning, finds that the differences of morpheme meaning between mandarin and dialect. It studies that the differences between mandarin and dialect and the interior each dialect mainly from the connotation and the extension, in order to find the difference in the concept of the vocabulary, namely the extension and the connotation, and the number of the lexical meaning. From the field of meaning, the semantic field of mandarin is higher, the dialect is lower. Reduplication is a manifestation of morphological change in dialect, and important influence linguistic means of quantity categories. There are many forms of special reduplicative formation in JiNing dialect,for example, the ABB-form of adjectives, theABA ub-form AA of verbs, the AAA-form of quantifiers. It explores the complex relationship of reduplication and quantity categories by the study of the forms of the reduplicative formation. The perfect is inbodied by’lai"lao’, the proceed is inbodied by ’pen’Chapter three:It will put glosseme into the semantic field to make comparative studies.The semantic fields are divided into the semantic fislds,synonymy fields, classification fields and antonymy semantic fields. Then it will analyze the difference in semantic. Attempt to seek the systematic characteristic of the dialect semantics and the regularity of the language phenomenon. The differences is inbodied by the concept of the vocabulary, namely the extension and the connotation, and the number of the lexical meaning. In the synonymy fields, it finds that some vacancy glosseme in mandarin. The antonymy semantic fields, it studies from the blance and the inblance. The adverbs of degree in antonymy semantic fields, which have sign, whih is not, reflect that the inblance are different. The adverbs of degree with sign is 21%, without sign is 11% by our statistics. The concept of the vocabulary, and the number of the lexical meaning of polysemy field indialect is different from mandarin. It analye the field by ’no-polysemy view’. In the classification field, the dialect of named degrees is higher than mandarin by our statistics in farm wok, relaties, domestick animal. For example, in mating and estrus field, there are only two words in mandarin, but there are different glossemes for different animals in dialects.Chapter four:It makes the studies on the combine of the Jining dialect’s glosseme。It also includes the differences of the glosseme in the combine and the matching. We have positive and negative characteristics of Jining dialect meaning a combination of bits inspected in detail, neutral words occurred more than offset the environmental assessment of the environment, Jining dialect negative bias level where the majority of defined spaces, In Mandarin can not enter that phrase questions or extent of positive and negative meaning of place in the dialect can be. In addition, the positive and negative position also reflects the meaning of the differences between dialects. The adverbs of degree reflects the differencesof dialects. The neutral glosseme occurred in assessment of the environment by our statistics.The neutral glosseme is bias on negative meaning in dialect. The positive and negative glosseme in mandarin cant enter in assessment environment, just like ’duo’ and ’hen’.But it opposites in dialect, just like big and small, high and shrt, tall and low. It also includes the differences of dialects,for example "beng""lao",which is different in zoucheng, yanzhou,and in qufu.Chapter five:It is a dialect of justice took place. Origin of the word dialect, from the horizontal point of view, some absorption of Mandarin or other local dialect word, from the vertical perspective, some inherited and developed the ancient words. Dialect words in the process of formation and development, dialect words or by the impact of social environment, or to adjust their internal systems, continue to occur evolution, sometimes increased, decreased, die, and sometimes innovation, restructuring, is a dynamic development Process of change, the formation of the Mandarin, the difference between ancient and dialects. For example"lai", As sentence-final auxiliary word, Lai presents some tense and aspectual meanings in Early Modern Chinese. Based on the study on the syntactical implications of "lai", it suggests that lai means past occurrence and accomplishment, which closes to the usage of recent past and perfect. But the implications of lai aren’t stable, which also present past experience and future tense. So Lai which becomes the typical tense and aspect mark is during the transitional period.The process of the development of dialects, it is influenced by the people’s living environment and the modulation of interior system.And it is the dynamic development, for example, which sometimes become more, less, extinct,innovating, and modulating. So there are differences between the Mandarin, ancient and dialects.

【关键词】 济宁方言义位义域语义场历时
【Key words】 Jining dialectsglossemefield of meaningsemantic fieldSynchronic
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

