

Study on the Folk, Culture, and Idiom Terms of South China Zhuzhici in the Ming-Qing Dynasty

【作者】 吴玉凤(Nareerat Watthanawelu)

【导师】 吉发涵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 竹枝词蕴藏着丰富广泛的原始资料,是诸多学科一个极好的资料宝库。本文以《中华竹枝词全编》中8824首华南竹枝词为主要分析考察对象。全文共分为五章:第一章论本文指的华南竹枝词包括广东、广西、福建、海南四个地区的竹枝词。华南竹枝词的作者成分复杂,来源广泛。清代是竹枝词创作的高峰,占华南竹枝词中的80%以上。本文综合运用现代语言学、词汇学、修辞学、民俗语言学等学科理论,对明清华南竹枝词的民俗文化词语与熟语进行分析。竹枝词流行于巴蜀、渝地区,后经过唐代诗人学习、仿效、创造、改编等方式成为后世文人墨客关注和模仿的竹枝词。竹枝词是以咏风土民情、男女恋情为主要内容的一种文人诗体,其特点可以概括为“三易”,即易懂、易写、易传。竹枝词具有丰富多彩的民俗语言资料,并且时代性、地域性和针对性强,可信度高,是语言研究的好材料之一。第二章华南竹枝词岁时节日民俗词语研究明清华南竹枝词岁时节日的民俗事象或活动基本上继承前代,岁时节日中的民俗词语大部分具有全民性的特点,基本上跟中国其他地区的岁时节日相同,区域性民俗词语不很突出,这是明清华南岁时节日民俗词语的一大特点。究其因由,可能是明清时期中原的许多岁时节日已经传入华南地区,甚至普及全国,随着中原岁时节日的传播,民俗词语也随之在华南地区根深蒂固。另外,随着经济发展与文化交流,不少民俗词语已经演变成全民性的共同语。第三章华南竹枝词中的成语研究华南竹枝词中的成语使用频率较高,在来源方面,主要是运用已有的成语。在结构形式方面,多数是联合结构成语。在语法功能方面,主要作主语。在运用方面,除四音节成语直接入诗外,成语的活用现象相当突出。在内容方面,主要集中在事物类。在意义方面,除了运用成语的实际意义外,有部分成语,作者放弃成语原本的实际意义,选用了成语的字面意义。华南竹枝词中成语的运用原因,主要是出于作者的临时需要,以及成语丰富的内容及意义等。第四章南竹枝词中的谚语研究通过对华南竹枝词中谚语语言形式上的特点、语义内容等方面的分析总结。谚语在词汇构成、语言结构、语义表达等,都表现出了明清华南地区谚语独特的魅力。第五章华南竹枝词中的文化词研究举例探讨了具有华南地方色彩“槟榔”与“文身”两个文化词。中国种植槟榔已有2100多年的历史,并且在汉代华南一带已形成嚼食槟榔的习俗了。“槟榔”名称大概来源于中国。槟榔文化的形成与衍生皆与槟榔自身的特殊性、自然地理条件等有密切关系,其通过自己的特殊性能以及人们的文化心理等因素向民俗载体进行角色转换,参与人们社会生活中的各种礼俗活动,包括一系列与槟榔相关的词语,形成了槟榔文化。文身的起源和功能是伴随着人类生产、生活方式的进步而逐渐从实用性工具上升成为审美性符号的。从古至今,文身逐渐带上了贬义色彩。文身的民族特色风格虽然日渐衰微,现在的文身已变成一种时尚的潮流,具有了艺术价值。另外,汉语中与文身相关的词语也特别丰富。可以说,槟榔与文身是极具魅力、内涵丰富,而其文化,早已成为民俗文化的重要组成部分。结语部分简单地总结了全文,得出华南竹枝词民俗文化词语与熟语的特点。

【Abstract】 Zhuzhici rich in a wide range of raw data and is also an excellent information on many subjects treasure. In this thesis,《Zhonghua Zhuzhici quan bian》in the 8824 South China Zhuzhici is the main object of this research.The thesis is divided into five chapters:ChapterⅠis Introduction. This refers to the South China Zhuzhici in four regions including Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan Zhuzhici. South China Zhuzhici authors are complicated, wide variety of sources. Qing Dynasty is the peak of creation Zhuzhici, which is about 80% of South China Zhuzhici above. This integrated the use of modern linguistics, vocabulary, rhetoric, linguistics and other disciplines folk theory, folk culture of South China Zhuzhici words in Ming and Qing Dynasties for analysis. Zhuzhici was popular in Bashu and Yu areas, after learning through the Tang Dynasty poet, to follow suit, creating, adapting, etc. and it becomes a concern and later writers and poets imitate Zhuzhici. Zhuzhici described people lifestyle, culture, and men and women love as the main content of a literary poetic style, its characteristics can be summarized as "three easy", which are easy to understand, easy to write and easy to pass. Zhuzhici with colorful folk language information and times, regional, and targeted, high reliability, is a good material for the study of language.ChapterⅡis South China Zhuzhici words of folk festivals. South China’s Ming and Qing Dynasties Zhuzhici folklore festivals and activities are basically inherited the previous generation. The folk festival at the age of most words have universal characteristics, and other parts of China is basically the same as the age of festivals, regional folk expressions do not very prominent, it is a major feature of the words in Ming and Qing Dynasties Folk festivals of South China. The study of its cause, may be the Ming and Qing Dynasties Festivals Central Plains have been introduced in many southern areas, and even spread around the whole country, As the spread of the Central Plains Festivals, folk terms also will be deeply rooted in southern China. In addition, as economic development and cultural exchanges, many words have evolved into folk universal common language.ChapterⅢis The idioms of South China Zhuzhici. South China Zhuzhici idioms frequently used in the source and the main use of the existing idioms. In structure, the majority of the joint structure of idioms. In terms of grammatical functions, mainly to do the subject. In the use, in addition to four syllable phrase directly into the poem, the idiom of the active use are quite prominent. In terms of content, mainly in the category of things. In the sense that, in addition to the practical significance of the use of idioms, there are some idioms, idioms of the original to give practical meaning, the choice of the literal meaning of idioms. South China Zhuzhici in the use of idioms is the main reasons for the temporary needs of, and rich in content and meaning of idioms and so on.Chapter IV is The proverbs of South China Zhuzhici. South China Zhuzhici by language in the formal characteristics of proverbs, and other aspects of semantic content are analyzed and summarized. Proverbs in vocabulary composition, language structure, semantic representation, have shown a saying in South China in Ming and Qing Dynasties unique charm.Chapter V is South China Zhuzhici example of Cultural Words. southern local color "betel nut" and " tattoo" are the examples of the culture words in South China Zhuzhici Words. Betel nut cultivation in China has 2100 years of history, and southern China in the Han Dynasty has become the custom of chewing betel nuts. "betel nut" name probably comes from China. Betel nuts and its relative cultures are derived from the particularity of its own natural and geographical conditions closely related to its special properties as well as through their own people to the folk culture of psychological factors, the role of vector conversion, participate in social life in a variety of people customs activities, including a series of related words with betel nut, betel nut culture formed. Tattoo’s origin and function are accompanied by human production and life in progress increased gradually from the practical tools to become aesthetic symbols. Since ancient times, tattoos gradually bring the derogatory sense. Although the national characteristics of style tattoo waning, and now the tattoo has become a fashion trend, with the artistic value. In addition, the Chinese words related with the tattoo is particularly rich. It can be said, chewing and tattoo is of great charm, rich in content, and its culture, has become an important part of folk culture.Epilogue briefly summarizes the full text of the South come to terms with the sayings of folk culture Zhuzhici features.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

