

Ethnicity and Historiography

【作者】 姜萌

【导师】 王学典;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 历史事实是唯一的,但是对于历史事实的呈现和理解会随着历史叙述模式的改变而改变。在这种情况下,“历史要成为受过教育的人的学问的一个基本组成部分”,就必须满足一个条件,即历史事实是在同一个历史叙述模式中呈现。在中国传统社会,只有一个主要的历史叙述模式,即基于儒家“三纲五常”伦理观念构建的,以帝王将相为书写主体的历史叙述模式。在这种情况下,人们虽然有可能在具体的历史事实上有不同的认识,但是对于历史事实的呈现和理解却鲜有分歧。但是自中国在甲午之战惨败给日本之后,中国传统的历史叙述模式之权威性受到质疑,并很快被现代历史叙述模式取代。在清末兴起的中国现代历史叙述模式是在西方现代历史学影响和时势共同作用下形成的。从1820年代开始,西方传教士为了改变中国人对西方野蛮落后的偏见,开始通过创办中文报刊等方式向中国人传播西方现代史地知识。伴随着西方列强对中国侵入程度的加深,一些开明的中国士大夫开始认识到中国的不足,并且主动向西方学习。在惨败给日本及随之而来的瓜分狂潮彻底打碎了中国士大夫的“天下中心观”,树立了新的时空观念。把视野扩展到世界的中国人从西方列强的历史中寻找到了可以促使中国走向富强的经验,从其他被征服国家的历史中发现了可让中国人警醒的教训。为了推动维新变法,拯救中国,现代历史学被推上了前台,成为发动政治变革依赖的重要资源,历史叙述模式现代对传统的替代在维新人士对历史的利用中开始。现代历史叙述模式的“现代性”主要体现在三个方面,一是历史进化论取代了历史循环论成为历史指导观念,一是西方现代普世价值成为历史价值观的新内核,一是历史书写主体从帝王将相转移到群体。这三个因素只是中国现代历史叙述模式的共同因素。由于族群意识的影响,清末现代历史叙述模式对中国传统历史叙述模式的替代不是从一个占据支配地位的传统历史叙述模式过渡到一个占据支配地位的现代历史叙述模式,而是从一个占据支配地位的传统历史叙述模式演变成三个现代历史叙述模式。在创深痛巨的外患压迫下,首先出现的是现代国史叙述模式。清末开明的知识阶层为了挽救危亡,希望通过历史书写来构建生活在中国境内的各种族对中国的认同,达到内结外竟,抵抗西方列强侵略,振兴中国的目的,逐渐形成了现代国史叙述模式。这个模式具备四个主要特点,一是以促进国族整合为主要目的,一是以国族主义为历史价值基准,一是多种族混合的历史体系,一是书写内容重国家社会轻种族矛盾。虽然在具体的实践中面临着如何认识汉族及周边其他种族的起源、如何看待匈奴等非汉族种族对中原地区的入侵、如何定位非汉种族在中原地区建立的政权、如何评价与种族竞争有关的历史人物等这些颇为棘手的问题,不过清末的知识阶层仍然初步建构了新的中国历史体系,并且通过教科书等形式表现出来。汉族知识阶层在爱国心不能正常表达的情况下,汉族种族意识逐渐觉醒,并构建了旨在为发动反满革命进行舆论宣传的种族史叙述模式。这个历史叙述模式以汉族中心观为指导,秉持汉族主义价值基准,不仅对传统史学进行了种族主义的批判,而且还构建了以汉族为中心的历史体系。章太炎、刘师培、刘成禺、陶成章等清末著名的反满革命者对种族史叙述模式的形成、实践,都贡献了不小的力量。不过由于种族史书写的狭隘性,及其旨在发动反满革命的功利性,使它在1906年之后就开始出现了衰微的趋势。导致这一现象出现的原因有三个,一是孙中山等人已经开始摆脱狭隘的种族主义,提倡国族主义;一是可资发扬汉族种族主义的材料在经过数年之后基本都已经使用,很难再找到历史书写需要的新材料;一是在多年大肆宣扬反满革命之后,汉族史书写在宣传反满革命和激扬汉族族群意识方面的功效已经开始消退。在1902年之后,随着地方自治思潮的兴起,现代地方史志叙述模式也开始出现。虽然这一模式在价值基准上既可能受到国族主义的影响,也可能受到种族主义的影响,但是它也有自身的特点:一是在世界——国家格局中寻找乡土的位置,一是从乡土认同中寻求国家认同,一是为改良地方而探寻地方特质。随着国家推行乡土教育的大潮,现代乡土史志书写在清末较快地走向兴盛。但是知识阶层逐渐认识到由于强调地域意识对加强国族认同的负面影响,以及国家教育政策的调整等原因,导致清末出现的乡土史志也很快出现了衰微的趋势。书写历史的目的是通过对过去的回溯来寻找当下的自我。在清末这个独特的时期,原本封闭的“天朝”已经被打碎,每一个对国家、种族和故乡还有感情的人,都要面临着一个巨大的难以回答但是又必须尽快回答的问题——“我是谁”?这个问题之所以难以回答又必须回答又急迫回答的原因,是因为在这个问题之后还隐藏着一个更巨大、更关键、更急迫的问题——“中国是什么”?只有正确回答了这一个问题,中国才可以挽救危亡,才可以走向富强。由于时势的原因,清末的知识阶层对这一个问题试图从国家、种族和地方三个视角来回答。以学术史的眼光来看,为回答这一问题出现的三个现代历史叙述模式对此后中国的历史叙述产生了深远的影响,最大的影响就是导致国人在对同一历史事实的理解上出现了不能弥合的分歧。在当前的中国,要合理地解决历史分歧和展开妥善的书写历史,需要先以此前出现的现代历史叙述模式之扬弃为基础,构建包容性更强的历史叙述模式。

【Abstract】 The presentation and comprehension of history reality can be changing with different narrative modes, though it is unchangeable to history reality itself. In this situation, history reality must be presented in the same narrative mode. It is the only way to guarantee that "history becomes the essential portion of an educated man’s knowledge". In traditional Chinese society, there was only one main history narrative mode, which was based on the three cardinal guides and five constant virtues as specified in the Confucian ethical code and regarded kings and princes,generals and ministers as descriptive subjects. Under this condition,people may have different opinions in the specific history events, but seldom varies on the presentation and comprehension of history reality.However, after the failure to Japan in sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the authority of traditional Chinese history narrative mode was queried and replaced by modern marrative modes soon.Chinese modern history narrative modes that rose in late Ching dynasty took form under the influence of western modern history. From the 1820s,to change Chinese people’s prejudice that western people are barbarous and backward, western missionaries began to spread western history and geography knowledge in China by establishing Chinese publication and some other ways. With the deepening of invasion from the west, Chinese scholar-officials realized the deficiency of the country and began to learn from the West initiatively. The loss to Japan and the following partition raging tide totally destroyed Chinese scholar-officials’Tianxia conception, and then they built their new space-time perception.The Chinese people who had expanded their vision to the whole world found the way to become rich and powerful from western powers’ history, and learned an important lesson from other conquered countries. In order to promote Wu Hsu Reform and save China,modern history was pushed to the front stage and became an important resource for Chinese political reform. The history narrative mode’s replacement from tradition to modern also took place when history was made use of by reformers.The modernity of modern history narrative mode mainly embodys three aspects.First, evolutionism takes the place of cyclicism as history guiding notion. Second,western modern universal values have become the new kernel of history value.Third,the subject of history writing has transferred from the emperor to public groups. These three factors are common factors of modern Chinese history narrative mode. Due to the influence of ethnic consciousness,the narrative mode’s replacement from tradition to modern is not changing from one traditional dominant history narrative mode to another modern dominant one,but to three modern modes.Under the severe oppression of foreign aggression, the modern national history narrative mode is the first to emerge. In order to rescue from the crisis, the open-minded intelligentsia of late Ching Dynasty gradually formed the modern national history narrative mode. Through the mode, the intellectual tried to build the country identity of the people from different ethnics, so as to unite the interior to resist the aggression from western powers and eventually restore China. The mode has four main characteristics,namely,to regard promoting the integration of the nation as the main purpose, to put nationalism as historical value reference, the multi-ethnic of the historical system, and the emphasis of the writing is nation and society rather than ethnic conflicts. Despite many tender problems in practice, such as how to deal with the origin of the ethnic Han and other ethnics, how to cope with the invasion from other ethnics like Hun, how to assess the dynasty built by other ethnics except Han, and how to evaluate those historical figures related to ethnic competitions, and so on. The intelligentsia of late Ching Dynasty preliminarily constructed a new system of Chinese history, and displayed it by textbooks and other forms.The destroy and retroaction of Empress Cixi and other conservative powers of Manchu Dynasty not only destroyed Wu Hsu Reform which aimed at saving from peril, but also led to great disturbances like The Boxing Event and the Invasion of Eight-Power Allied Forces. The intelligentsia of Han nationality could not express their patriotism properly, which roused their racial consciousness. So they constructed racial history narrative mode, which aimed at promoting for anti-Manchu revolution.This narrative mode is Han nationality oriented, and upholds the value of the Han nationality, which not only criticized traditional history racially, but also constructed Han history system. Zhang Taiyan, Liu Shipei, Liu Chengyu,Tao Chengzhang and other anti-Manchu revolutionaries contributed greatly to the formation and practice of the racial history narrative mode. Because of the narrowness of racial history narration and the utilitarian of anti-Manchu revolution, the mode began to decline from the year 1906. Three reasons lead to the phenomenon, one is that Sun Yat-sen and other people began to get rid of the narrow racialism, the other is that data concerning racialism was used up after a few years, and it was hard to find new materials. The last one is that after revolutionary magazines promoting anti-Manchu revolution, the effect of Han nationality narrative mode on promoting anti-Manchu and encouraging Han ethnicity began to waneAfter 1902, with the rise of local autonomy,modern local records mode also appeared. While the mode can be affected by nationalism and racialism in value, it also has its own characteristics.First, to seek local position in the world-nation pattern. Second, to seek national identity from local identity.Three,to explore local characters for local improvement.With the trend of implementing local education,the writing of modern local records quickly approached prosperity at the last years of Ching dynasty. However, since the emphasis on regional consciousness has negative effect on strengthening national identity, and the adjustment of national education policy and some other reasons,the local records soon appeared a trend of decline.Historiography aims at the self of the moment by tracing the past. In the unique late Ching Dynasty, the original closed Celestial Empire was broken.Everyone who had affection for the country, the race and hometown was faced up to the question "Who I Am",which was big and difficult to answer but must be answered quickly. The reason is that a huger,more important and critical problem is hidden behind "Who I Am".That is "What China is".Only by answering this question correctly can China be saved from peril and approaches prosperity. In that situation intellectuals of late Ching dynasty tried to answer this question from national,ethnic and local three angles. From the point of academic history, the three modern history narrative modes for answering the issue have a profound impact on Chinese historical narration. Of which the biggest influence is causing the Chinese people disagree greatly in understanding the same historical facts. In current China, to solve historical disagreements and carry out history writing reasonablely, we should base on developing and discarding previous modern history narrative modes, and then build a more inclusive history narrative mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

