

The Research about Marxist Human Rights Theory’s Merge with China Since Reform and Opening Up

【作者】 孙强

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在新中国成立后人权长期以来被认为是资产阶级的专利,社会主义是拒斥人权的,由此导致中国社会长期对人权的漠视。改革开放后党的领导集体正确对待马克思主义人权理论,将马克思主义人权理论与中国实际相结合,实现了马克思主义人权理论中国化,这一历史进程推动了中国人权事业的大发展,形成了关于人权问题的科学的理论原则和经验总结,对这一伟大历史进程进行总结与反思,对未来中国人权事业发展具有重要意义。马克思主义人权理论中国化涉及概念较多,首先要站在马克思主义立场上形成对人权概念本身的界定,人权是指由社会整体发展状况所决定和制约的,由公民权利、市民权利等权利范畴所组成的,反映特定社会中人所处的社会关系的总和,并以实现人的全面解放与发展,充分实现人作为人所应当享有权利为指向的权利形态。人权并非孤立存在,与经济、政治、文化存在密切关系,这种关系的解读有助于全面理解人权。同时马克思主义人权理论中国化属于马克思主义中国化的一个方面,在这一过程中所形成的理论成果属于中国化马克思主义的一个组成部分,立足于马克思主义中国化研究基础上,马克思主义人权理论中国化是指运用马克思主义研究中国人权国情,解决中国人权发展中的实际问题,使之具体化、民族化、通俗化的实践过程,中国化马克思主义人权理论是指将马克思主义人权理论与中国人权整体实际相结合,在解决中国人权发展问题的过程中所形成的理论成果,是被实践证明的关于中国人权建设的正确理论原则和经验总结。改革开放以来马克思主义人权理论中国化的发生具有历史必然性,从时代背景与实践条件看,二战后出现了对人权保障的世界性潮流,同时二战后两级对峙格局的形成也使“人权”成为西方国家渗透、干预的工具;社会主义国家苏联在人权问题上虽取得巨大成就,但也教训深刻,其高度集权体制的存在影响了人民权利的行使,使整个社会丧失了民主、自由的环境,官僚特权阶层的形成严重损害了人民利益,大俄罗斯主义、大国沙文主义损害了少数民族及弱小国家的自治权,对集体人权造成侵害;就中国国内而言,新中国成立后中国在人权建设上走了一些弯路,由于偏离经济建设中心,错误适用人权阶级性,长期忽视对人权保障,最终导致“文化大革命”的发生,严重践踏了人权,因而改革开放后中国对人权发展存在迫切需要,这些因素都要求我们将马克思主义人权理论与中国实际相结合,走出符合中国实际的发展道路。而马克思列宁主义的人权理论为我们提供了马克思主义人权理论中国化的理论来源,西方人权理论及中国传统文化中的有益于当今人权建设的理论为马克思主义人权理论中国化提供了重要的文化基础,这一切都决定了马克思主义人权理论中国化的发生具有历史必然性。改革开放以来马克思主义人权理论中国化的发展轨迹可划分为三个阶段,从理论与实践发展的角度进行概括,第一阶段是从1978年到1991年,这是在探索中寻求突破的阶段;第二阶段是从1992年到2002年,这是中国人权建设步入正轨的阶段;第三阶段是从2002年至今,这是马克思主义人权理论中国化进入科学发展的新阶段。改革开放以来马克思主义人权理论中国化实现了重大理论创新,所形成的理论成果是一个完整的理论体系,其理论形态体现在邓小平、江泽民的人权理论及科学发展观所蕴含的人权观点等,其指导思想是以人为本、科学发展,基本原则是坚持人权普遍性与特殊性的统一、权利与义务的统一。在主要内容方面,“符合中国实际的人权”是将生存权、发展权列为首要、核心的人权,包含了经济社会文化权利、公民权利与政治权利、民族自决权与发展权等诸多权利为内容的丰富的权利体系。在人权的构建上,坚持社会主义道路是实现中国人权的根本路径,在主体上立足于广大人民人权的实现,通过大力发展社会生产力,加强民主法制建设,在国际交往中正确处理人权问题来全面保障人权的实现。整个理论体系体现出的特点包括人民性、民族性、实践性、解放与发展性,这一理论体系的实践意义体现在它是中国人权建设的行动指南,为世界人权发展提供了一个成功的范例;其理论地位体现在它是马克思主义人权理论在中国发展的新阶段,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分。纵观发展的历程。套用范式理论,这一历史进程的逻辑范式体现在,其原则是科学对待马克思主义人权理论与把握中国人权实际,主题是实现最大多数人的人权,基点是将生存权、发展权列为首要人权,主体包括领袖人物、广大人民群众及理论工作者,指向是实现人的自由、全面发展,理论总结是中国化马克思主义人权理论。通过对马克思主义人权理论中国化的过程进行反思,总结出其中所隐含的基本特征。最根本的特征在于将马克思主义关于人权问题的普遍真理与中国具体人权实际相结合,将马克思主义理论应用于中国实际,解决了中国问题,并使理论具有了中国作风、中国气派。具体特征包括坚持以马克思主义唯物史观作为理论指引,这是发展我国人权事业最为核心的思想;这一过程始终坚持在经济发展基础上不断实现对人权的全面保障;坚持对西方主流人权理论的全面分析研判,通过驳斥错误的思想有力地支持了我国的人权建设,使我国在国际人权建设中的地位、作用更加增强;这一过程的实现是将政治家与理论工作者的研究相结合共同作用的结果。当前马克思主义人权理论中国化进一步发展是必要、重要和紧迫的,机遇与挑战并存。在经济上社会主义初级阶段人权问题的存在具有经济必然性,社会主义市场经济对人权发展具有双重作用,全球经济危机的爆发也为我国人权建设带来了经济冲击。政治上等级特权思想的存在,基层群众自治、公民政治参与的不足,法治贯彻不彻底等问题都阻碍着人权的充分实现。在文化上主要从文化的核心——意识形态角度出发分析人权问题,一个社会对人权问题的主导性认识反映了一个社会或集团根本性的、全局性的利益,与社会的经济、政治、文化等相联系,在很大程度上都属于意识形态的范畴,中西在人权文化问题上的冲突实质反映的是两种不同意识形态的冲突。西方人权文化的侵蚀包括“普世价值”、新自由主义、“意识形态终结论”等社会思潮的冲击,这种文化渗透的方式主要通过传媒工具将这种文化带入我国,此外一些封建文化也影响着当今中国的人权文化建设。从全球化视角看,“人权全球化”在一定意义上是存在的,我们所理解的“人权全球化”是在坚持人权属国家主权、内政范畴的基础上,国际社会对人权的共同保障,在人权建设上强调通过国与国之间的共同努力,来共同推动世界人权的发展,以及人权理论、观念的国际交流与融合。“人权全球化”应是在尊重多样人权文明基础上世界各国的共同发展,而当前东西方对人权全球化存在不同的理解,以美国为首的西方社会对我国施行“人权外交”,借人权问题推行霸权主义,妄图使人权全球化成为西方世界的一元化,严重干扰了马克思主义人权理论中国化的进行。努力推进马克思主义人权理论中国化进一步发展的对策包括正确对待马克思主义人权理论。在经济上坚持社会主义市场经济保障人权的有效途径,加强国家对社会主义市场经济的调控管理,合理调整收入差距拉大问题,不断推进市场经济条件下的反腐败工作等。在社会主义民主政治建设上,不断加强、改进党的领导,坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政,改革、完善监督制度,加强基层群众自治建设,进一步扩大公民有序的政治参与,深入推进依法治国基本方略等。在人权文化建设上,巩固马克思主义人权理论在人权文化建设中的指导地位,使其真正成为人权文化领域的主流意识形态;正确对待中国传统封建文化,发扬其有利的一面,弃其糟粕,实现马克思主义人权理论与中国传统文化相融合;注意吸收西方人权文化中对人权保护的积极因素,正确应对西方人权意识形态对我国人权文化的侵蚀;加强传媒建设促进中国人权文化的传播;在全社会范围内加强人权教育,加强国际人权文化的交流等。在人权全球化发展进程中,要积极抵制西方人权外交攻击,维护中国良好国家形象;加强中国与西方世界的人权对话;以“和谐世界”理念推动人权全球化的发展;而其终极指向将是伴随人的自由而全面发展在全世界范围的实现,全球范围内将实现统一的人权理念,各种阻碍人的发展和人权实现的异化因素将得到消除。

【Abstract】 After the founding of new China human rights has long been considered the patent of the bourgeois, socialism reject human rights, which led to China’s long-term disregard for human rights. After reform and opening up the leading collective of the party have correctly treated Marxist theory of human rights, integrating human rights theory of Marxism with China’s realities and achieving the Marxist theory’s merge with China. This historical process promote the great development of China’s human rights, forming the scientific principles and experience about human rights. The summary and reflection on this great historical process is significant to the future development of China’s human rights.The Marxist theory’s merge with China involve some concepts, first of all we should make the definition of the human rights concept standing in the position of the Marxism. Human rights are right forms which determined and constrained by the overall development of society, composed of the civil rights and people’s rights etc, reflecting the sum of the specific social relations, in order to achieve the full emancipation and development, fully realize the rights as human beings should enjoy. Human rights are not existed in isolation and have a close relationship with economic, political, cultural. The interpretation helps us fully understand human rights. At the same time the Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China is one aspect of the Marxist theory’s merge with China. Based on the study of Marxist theory’s merge with China, Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China refers to use Marxism to research China’s human rights situation and solve China’s practical problems in human rights development, make it specific, nationalization, popularization. The Chinese human rights theory of Marxism refer to combine the theory of Marxist human rights with the whole reality of Chinese human rights and form the theoretical results in solving the questions of China’s human rights development. They are correct principles and lessons which are proven by the construction of China’s human rights. Since the reform and opening up the Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China have historical inevitability. From the conditions of the background and practice, It appeared the global trend of human rights protection after World WarⅡ, while the formation of two levels confrontation will also make "human rights" as penetrating and intervening tools of Western countries; the Soviet Union as socialist countries although made great achievements on human rights issues, but also had profound lessons. Its highly centralized system limited the exercising of people’s rights, led to the loss of democratic and free environment. The formation of the privileged bureaucracy seriously damaged the interests of the people. Greater Russia, ethnic chauvinism undermined the autonomy of minority and weak countries and damaged the exercise of the collective human rights. To China, the new China had a few detours in the construction of human rights, due to deviation from the center of economic construction, the wrong application for the class nature of human rights, long-term neglect for human rights protection, which ultimately led to "Great Cultural Revolution" and seriously trampled human rights. After China’s reform and opening up we had an urgent need to human rights development. These factors all required us to combine Marxist human rights theory with Chinese reality and form the developing path fit for the actual of China. Marxist-Leninist theory of human rights provided us with theoretical source of Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China, Western human rights theory and Chinese traditional culture benefitting for today’s human rights construction provided an important cultural foundation for Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China. All of these factors decided the historical inevitability of Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China.Since the reform and opening up the developing track of Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China can be divided into three stages, summarized from the Angle of the theory and practice. The first stage from 1978 to 1991, this is the phase of seeking breakthrough in the exploration; The second phase from 1992 to 2002, China’s human rights construction is on track phase; The third stage since 2002 till now, Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China have come into a new stage of scientific development.Since the reform and opening up Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China have achieved significant theoretical innovation. The formed theory is a complete theoretical system. Theoretical form embodies in human rights theory of Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and the human rights view inherent in scientific concept of development. Its guiding ideology is people-oriented, scientific development. The basic principle is to insist on the unity of human rights universality and particularity, rights and obligations. In the main content, "human rights conforming to China’s actual" is making the survival, development as top, core human rights, the rich right system including the economic social and cultural rights, civil rights and political rights, national self-determination and the right to development, and many other rights. In construction of human rights, adhering to the socialist road is the fundamental path to achieve human rights in China.In the subject based on human rights realization of the broad masses, by developing the productive forces and strengthening democracy and legal system, in the international communications correctly handle the issues of human rights to guarantee the realization of human rights. The whole theory system reflects the characteristics including national character, nationality, practicality, liberation and expansibility. The practical significance of this theory system lies in that it is the guide of China’s human rights construction, provides a successful examples for the world human rights development; Its theoretical position embodies in that it is the developing new stage of Marxist human rights theory, it is the important part of Chinese characteristic socialism theory system.Throughout the developing process, applying paradigm theory, the logic paradigm of this history embodies that the principle is that we should scientifically treat Marxism human rights theory and grasping the actual of Chinese human rights, the theme is to realize most people’s human rights, the basis points is to make subsistence and development as primary human rights, its subjects include the leaders, the masses and theoretical workers, the pointing is to realize freedom, all-round development of people, theoretical summary is Chinese Marxist human rights theory.Through the reflection to Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China, I summarizes the hidden basic features. The most fundamental feature is combining the Universal truth of Marxist human rights theory with the Chinese human rights concrete practice, utilizing Marxist theory in the actual, solving the problems of China and making the theory have Chinese style and manner. The specific features include insisting on the guiding of Marxist historical materialism as theoretical guidance, this is the most core thought developing human rights; This process always insist that on the basis of economic development we should realize the comprehensive guarantee of human rights; In the process we make comprehensive analysis and judgment to western mainstream human rights theory, through refuting wrong ideologies we strongly support the construction of human rights in China, make our country’s status and function more increased in international human rights construction; This is the result of political and academic research combining.At the present time the further development of Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China is necessary, important and urgent, opportunities and challenges all exist. In economy the primary stage of socialism the existence of human rights problems has economic necessity, socialist market economy for human rights development has dual functions, the erupt of global economic crisis has brought the economic impact for the construction of human rights. In politics the existence of level privileges thoughts, the lack of Grassroots autonomy and political participation, the rule of law is not implemented thoroughly, which hinder human rights full realization. In cultural mainly from the core of culture-ideology I analyze human rights questions. The dominant awareness to human rights issues in a certain society reflects the fundamental and overall interests of the society and group. It is connected with social economic, political, cultural and other, to a great extent, belong to the category of ideology. The conflict essence of human rights cultural problems between Chinese and western reflects the conflict of two different ideology. The erosion of western human rights culture include "universal value", the new liberalism, "ideology eventually conclusion" etc. This cultural osmotic way is to take this kind of culture into our country mainly through media tools, furthermore some feudal culture also affects the China’s human rights culture construction. From the perspective of globalization, "human rights globalization" in a certain sense is existed, the "human rights globalization" we understand is on the basis of persisting in human rights belonging to the national sovereignty, interior category, that international society should have common security for human rights. On human rights construction emphasizing through the joint efforts between countries we should jointly promote the world human rights development, and fulfill international communication and integration of human rights theory and concept. "Human rights globalization" should be common development for all countries based on respecting various human rights civilization. The current east and west have different understandings on the exist of human rights globalization. The us-led western society execute "human rights diplomacy" to our country, implement hegemonies by human rights, try to make human rights globalization become the western world unary, seriously interference Marxist theory’s merge with China.The countermeasures promoting Marxist human rights theory’s merge with China for further development include that we should treat correctly Marxist theory of human rights. In economic we should adhere to the effective ways of the socialist market economy safeguarding human rights, strengthen national regulation and management to socialist market economic, rationally adjust the widening problem of income gap, continue to promote anti-corruption work in market economic conditions. In socialist democratic politics construction, continuously strengthen, improve party leadership, adhere to the scientific, democracy and law-based governance, reform and improve the supervision system, strengthen the building of grassroots self-government, further expand orderly citizen participation in politics, advance the rule of law as a fundamental principle, etc. In Human rights cultural construction, consolidate Marxist human rights theory as the guiding position of human rights culture construction, make it become real mainstream ideology of human rights cultural field, Treat correctly traditional Chinese feudal culture, carry forward its advantageous, discard the dross. We should combine Marxist human rights theory with traditional Chinese culture; Pay attention to absorb positive factors of human rights protection in western human rights culture, correctly deal with the erosion of western human rights ideology to our human rights cultural; Strengthen the construction of media to promote Chinese human rights culture’s spreading, In all the social scope to strengthen human rights education. In the process of human rights globalization, we should actively boycott the attack of western rights diplomacy, safeguard Chinese good image of the state; To strengthen China’s human rights dialogue with the western world, promote development of human rights globalization with the "Harmonious world" thought; But the ultimate point should be that the worldwide form unity of human rights idea accompanied by the realization of people’s free and overall development in all the world, various alienation effects preventing human development and human rights realization will be eliminated.

【关键词】 马克思主义人权改革开放
【Key words】 MarxismHuman rightsReform and opening up
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

