

Diplomacy of Chinese Communist Party: Theory, Practice and Experience

【作者】 时新华

【导师】 臧秀玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中共党史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 全球化的加速发展使得传统意义上外交主体只限于主权国家的狭义外交概念发生了变化,从广义上理解外交的概念已经成为冷战后国内外学界的趋势。议会、政党、非政府组织等纷纷成为新兴的外交主体。在现代社会,由于政党是国家政权的实际操纵者,政党不但居于国内政治舞台的核心,而且也是国际政治舞台的主角。因此,政党外交在国家总体外交中的作用也显得更加独特。政党外交属于政党政治学的范畴,对其进行深入研究,有利于深化对于政党在国内、国际政治及国际关系中所起独特作用的认识。自中华人民共和国成立算起,中国共产党的政党外交已走过了六十余年的风雨历程。对这一伟大历程进行系统梳理,总结其中的经验教训,对于一个由在封闭条件下执政到全面开放条件下执政;由领导改革开放的执政党到初步成为一个负责任大国的执政党来讲有着十分重要的现实意义。论文使用历史研究法、文献研究法、比较研究法等,按照从一般到特殊,从理论到实践的总体思路对中国共产党政党外交进行全方位观照,然后使用国际关系理论中的身份理论对中国共产党60余年政党外交过程进行梳理、研究。最后总结出蕴含其中的经验与教训。文章共分导言、主体四章及结语六个部分。导言部分阐述了论文的选题依据、研究意义、国内外研究现状。指出了本文的研究思路、研究框架、研究方法,指出了论文的创新点和难点。论文第一部分从政党外交的一般入手,对政党外交的产生、内涵、特征等进行了论述。并对中国共产党政党外交的特殊性从含义、特征、影响因素等方面进行了考察。政党外交是随着国家外交主体多元化而产生的概念,属于广义外交的范畴,是国家整体外交不可或缺的重要组成部分。其在形式上具有灵活性、在内容上具有广泛性、在目标上具有前瞻性。政党外交可以起到推动国家总体外交发展;为建立、巩固良好的国家关系奠定基础;起到宣传政党自身形象的作用。在政党外交中应该坚持如下原则。由中国共产党倡导的独立自主、完全平等、互相尊重、互不干涉内部事务的四项原则;维护国家利益原则;互利共赢原则以及不以意识形态划线原则等。笔者认为政党外交的影响因素主要有以下几点。首先,政党所处的国际环境,对政党行为有较大的影响。对非执政党来讲,国际环境好坏直接影响到其活动的国际空间的大小。对执政党而言,则会影响到其执政能力及其在国际舞台上发挥作用的大小。国内政治因素,如国家利益和国家的政治、法律制度等对政党外交的影响作用更大。社会主义国家不实行竞争性的政党制度,各国共产党处于长期执政地位。并且宪法大多规定了共产党在整个国家中的领导地位。政党外交与国家外交的重合处、交汇点与西方国家相比就会更多些。而西方国家大多实行竞争性的政党制度,政党有“在野党”与“在朝党”之别。由于议会中反对党的存在,任何执政党在推行本党的外交政策时,都会受到强有力的制约。与非竞争性的一党制国家相比较,政党外交对国家外交的促进作用要小。其次,经济因素对政党外交有重要的影响作用,特别是经济全球化对中国共产党政党外交带来双重影响。一方面,经济全球化促使各国进一步提高开放水平,为中国共产党政党外交创造了良好的外部环境。另一方面,要警惕某些国家及政党利用意识形态的全球渗透来推行对社会主义国家的和平演变。第三,政党自身的发展因素,如政党数量的剧增、政党国际组织的广泛建立及政党政治的普及和发展等,会影响到政党之间进行国际交流的方式。另外,政党领袖的素质如何会在很大程度上影响到政党的作为,在西方两党制、多党制国家可能会影响到其是执政还是在野党的地位;在一党制国家则会对国家政治、经济发展产生较大的或正面、或负面的影响。此外,意识形态也会成为影响政党外交的一个重要因素。这在冷战时期社会主义与资本主义两大阵营的对立中表现得尤为明显。论文第二部分主要考察了政党外交的理论渊源及理论流变。本文从马克思主义经典作家马克思恩格斯、列宁有关党际关系的思想到工人阶级执政党处理党际关系的理论,再到建国后中国共产党几代领导人政党外交的理论进行了系统梳理。为政党外交经验研究建立了理论上的坐标。关于无产阶级政党如何进行国际联合与交往,科学社会主义的创始人马克思恩格斯提出了一系列正确的思想原则,如无产阶级政党进行国际联合必须坚持国际主义原则、共产党要争取全世界民主政党的团结与协调、无产阶级政党国际交往应该以每个党的独立自主为前提等。列宁在继承马克思恩格斯上述思想的基础上认为,没有国际无产阶级的支援,俄国革命胜利也不会巩固、无产阶级的国际联合是革命胜利的基本条件、被压迫民族是无产阶级及其政党的同盟军、重视各国、各党的独立自主。斯大林成为苏联和国际共产主义运动的实际领导者之后,苏联的大党主义、大国主义倾向,日趋明显。苏共操纵共产国际,迫使各国共产党服从苏联一国利益;在共产国际解体后强行向其他共产党、工人党执政国家推广社会主义的苏联模式、以老子党、领导党自居,对其他社会主义国家颐指气使,肆意干涉别国内政及共产党、工人党的内部事务,对国际共产主义运动造成了恶劣影响。从而引发了各共产党、工人党争取和维护独立自主、实现党与党之间完全平等的斗争不断高涨。其中以南共、意共、罗共等的成绩最大,这些工人阶级政党探索的理论成果也是政党外交的理论渊源。建国后,以毛泽东为首的第一代领导集体,高度重视政党外交,并初步形成了以独立自主、相互平等、坚持国际主义为主要内容的政党外交理论。1978年,以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体,顺应国际时代潮流变化结合国内形势发展,及时调整了外交及政党外交的战略。提出了以四项原则为核心的政党外交的完整理论。期间经过第三代领导集体的努力,开创了全方位政党外交的新局面。进入新世纪,新一届领导人提出的科学发展观、构建和谐世界的外交理论为政党外交注入了新活力。笔者认为,政党作为一个服务于国家利益的新兴外交行为主体和国家一样在不同时期拥有不同的身份,并与交往对象在互动中不断建构自己的这一身份——或者得以强化,或者得以弱化。不同的身份认同也会直接影响到政党外交战略、策略的选择。因此,在论文第三部分本文运用国际关系理论中的身份理论对建国60多年来,政党外交的实践进行一个长时段的观照。基本的理论假定是:不同的身份认同会影响到主体行为的选择;受到国际、国内环境变量的影响,在不同时期,对于自身的身份认同发生了很大的变化;不同时期不同的身份认同,决定了中国共产党政党外交战略、策略的选择与变化。这一部分是本文的创新之处。本文以1978年和2002年作为关节点,把中国共产党六十余年的政党外交历程分为三个阶段。即建国后到改革开放前的中国共产党政党外交(1949—1978)、改革开放后的中国共产党政党外交(1978—2002)、新世纪的中国共产党政党外交(2002一至今)。建国后到改革开放前,对时代主题的判断是战争与革命,在国内外环境的影响下,中国共产党革命思维依然存在,其身份认同是继续进行革命的执政党。与此相适应,意识形态因素在中国共产党政党外交中起着非常重要的作用。1978年,由于面临的国际局势不断缓和,中国共产党认为和平与发展成为时代的主题,中共此时的身份认同是领导改革开放的执政党,适应这一身份,中共进行了外交及政党外交战略的大调整,形成了以四项原则为核心的政党外交的完整理论体系,在政党外交中淡化意识形态、服从国家利益、为经济建设服务,开创了中共政党外交的新局面。2002年,中共新一代领导集体上台执政后,改革开放取得重大进展,中国经济实力迅速增强,中国日益成为国际舞台上举足轻重的力量。中共的身份认同是负责任大国的执政党,中共适应这一身份提出了对内构建和谐社会,对外构建和谐世界的全新理念。政党外交呈现出机制化趋势,政党外交在全球治理中的作用不断增强。论文第四部分总结了中国共产党政党外交的历史经验。独立自主既符合唯物主义的辩证法原理,又是唯物主义认识论的具体体现,坚持独立自主是政党外交取得成功的保证;爱国主义与国际主义二者之间既相互联系又辩证统一,二者相结合是政党外交的根本出发点;正确处理政党外交中的意识形态问题既是历史经验的总结又是新世纪开展政党外交前提;政党外交要维护国家利益,这是维护政党合法性的基础;审时度势及时调整政党外交的战略是政党外交实现可持续发展的关键;理论创新是政党外交保持活力的源泉。

【Abstract】 The narrow concept of diplomacy based on the traditional idea that sovereign state is the body of diplomacy has changed due to the accelerated development of globalization. To understand diplomacy from a broad sense has become a trend in the research field at home and abroad since the cold war. Parliaments, parties, and non-governmental organizations have slowly become the new body of diplomacy. In the modern society, because the party is the controller of state power, the party is not only the core of domestic politically stage, but also the leader of international politically stage. Therefore, the party diplomacy becomes more unique in the role of the state’s overall diplomacy. Party diplomacy belongs to the sphere of party politics. To study party diplomacy deeper can better understand its unique role in dominant and international politics. Since the founding of PRC, it has been over sixty years for the CPC’s party diplomacy. To systematically summarize this great vicissitude and to draw the necessary lessons has a greater realistic significance for a responsible ruling political party who rules from a close to an open condition.This study, based on historical, referential, and comparison approaches, reviewed the CPC’s party diplomacy from theory and experience. Then a summarize research was conducted the process of the CPC’s party diplomacy over the past 60 years. Finally, the experiences and lessons were drawn. There were six sections, including introduction, four chapters of the main bodies, and conclusions. The introduction reviewed the basis of choosing this topic, objective, and the research status quo on domestic and overseas. Also, the novelty and problems were shown in this section.The first main section discussed the origins, contents, and characters of the party diplomacy. Furthermore, the definition, characters and the influential factors were addressed. Party diplomacy, a concept originating from multiple-body of state diplomacy, belonged to a broad sense of state diplomacy and a vital part of state integrate diplomacy. It is flexible in form, extensive in content, forward-looking in goal. Party diplomacy can advance the state overall development, to lay foundations of good international relationships, to publicize the party image. During political party diplomacy, the rules should follow:four basic principles of independence, complete equality, mutual respect, and noninterference in each other’s internal affairs; protecting national interests; double-winning and non-drawing lines according to ideology.The factors that impacted party’s political diplomacy included:First, the international environments had great influences on the acts of political party. The international environments directly affected the room of the non-ruling party’s action and also affected the ruling ability for the ruling party. National political factors, such as state interest and the state political and lawful system played more roles. Without competitive political party system, the communist party in each communist country took the ruling power. Moreover, the constitution laid down the ruling position for the communist party in the country. There were more coincides between the political parties and the state’s diplomacy in communist countries than in the western countries. With a competitive political system, the parties of outs versus ins co-existed in the western countries. Due to the existence of the opposition parties, a strong constraint would be met when practicing the ruling party’s political diplomacy, therefore, the political diplomacy in the western countries played weaker role than in one-party country. Second, economic factors also played important roles in political diplomacy. On one hand, the degrees of openness enhanced by the economic globalization have brought about a favorable external environment for China’s political party diplomacy. On the other hand, we need to be vigilant against the peaceful evolution of socialist countries towards capitalism by cultural pedagogy of values and ideology. Third, the ways of the party’s communications have been impacted by an increasing number of political parties, the broad establishments of international political parties, and the popularization and evolution of party politics.In addition, the political party leader’s quality will to a great extent influences the party’s events. In the western countries, two-party and multi-party systems would affect the position of the ruling and non-ruling parties. By contrast, one-party system would play a positive or negative role in state politics and economic developments. Also, the ideology could be an important factor that impacts political party diplomacy, which was most obvious in the opposing camps of capitalism and communism during the cold war.The second section was to address the origin and development of CPC’s political party diplomacy. This thesis addressed the thoughts of classic writers Marx, Engels, and Lenin, the theories of the working class ruling party, and the ideas of several CCP leaders after the founding of the People’s Republic, by which the theoretical ordinate set could be created for the study of political party diplomacy. In terms of how the working class ruling party to deal with international relationships, the founders of scientific socialism Marx and Engels proposed a series of principles:principle of upholding nationalism in the union of working class ruling parties; principle of fighting for joint and harmony among the democratic political parties across the world; principle of independence as the primary during the consideration of international contact. Based on the ideas of Marx and Engels, Lenin thought that the Russian revolution cannot be consolidated without the help from international working classes. The basic prerequisite for revolution was the international union of working classes. The oppressed nations were the ally of the working classes and their parties. The independence of each nation and party needs to be concerned.Since Stalin became the true leader of Soviet Union and the international communist movement, the great-party doctrine and the great-nation doctrine tended to be gradually obvious. The Soviet Communist Party controlled the Communist International and forced the communist party in each country to subordinate to the interests of the Soviet Union. After the demise of the Communist International, the Soviet Union socialism model was promoting to other communist parties and countries. As a patriarchal and a ruling party, the Soviet Communist Party became demandingly dominant over other communist parties and social countries, and meddled in their affairs without respect, resulting in evil influences for the international communist movement. Consequently, rising fighting for independence and total equality among parties grew. In particularly, Communists of Yugoslavia, Italia, and Romania made the greatest progress. All of these theoretical achievements from the working classes were the origins of the CPC’s political party diplomacy.Since the founding of the People’s Republic, the first generation of the communists led by Mao Zedong co-constructed Mao Zedong has attached great importance to the exchanges with foreign countries, and the theories of independence, mutual equality, and internationalism begun to take shape at the same time. Inl978. The second generation of the communists led by Deng Xiaoping adjusted in time the political party diplomacy strategy conforming to the trend of the times and incorporated inter (national) situation. The complete theory of political party diplomacy with four principles at the core was proposed. After the hard work by three leading generations, a new chapter in history of political party diplomacy from all directions has begun. Entering the beginning of new century, the scientific concepts of development and building harmonious society proposed by the new leaders has injected new vitality in the political party diplomacy.I believed that political party, as the main body of diplomatic behaviors, had different identities at different times and constructed it in interaction with others, or strengthened or weakened. Different identities would also directly affected the options of political party strategies and tactics. Thus, in the third part of this thesis, the experiences of political party diplomacy over the sixty past years since the founding of the People’s Republic has been reviewed by utilizing the identity theory of international relationships. The theoretical assumptions were:different identities impacted the main body’s action option; the CPC’s identities had changed greatly at different times; The identity at different time decided the options and changes of political party strategies and tactics. This part was the innovation of this paper. Based on the articulation points of 1978 and 2002, the CPC’s sixty years process of political party diplomacy was further subdivided into three stages, i.e., from the founding of the People’s Republic to reform and opening-up (1949—1978), after reform and opening-up (1978—2002)、in the new century(2002—present).From the founding of the People’s Republic to reform and opening-up, the CPC’s assessment of the theme of the era was war and revolution. Under the influence of the environments at home and abroad, the CPC’s revolution in thinking still existed and its identity was a ruling political party to continue revolution. As a result, ideological factors still played a vital role in CPC’s political party diplomacy. In1978, because of the continued relaxation of international situation, the CPC thought that peace and development became the main theme of the time and the CPC’s identity turned to be the ruling political party to lead the reform and open-up. To adapt to the new identity, the CPC made big re-adjustments of strategies of political party diplomacy and proposed the theory of a new relationship among parties, such as weakening ideology, obeying and serving national political benefit, making a contribution to the socialist economic construction, etc. Since the new generation of CPC leaders came into power, great progress in reform and open-up has made and China economic strength has been rising rapidly. China has become an important power at the international stage. The CPC’s identity was a ruling political party for a responsible country. Thus, to adjust the new identity, a complete new concept was proposed by CPC for building up a harmonious society at home and a harmonious world at abroad. The political party diplomacy tended to be institutionalization and its role in globalization has strengthened.The fourth section of this thesis reviewed the historical experiences of CPC’s political party diplomacy. Independence was not only in conformity with dialectics materialism, but also the specific expressions of theory of materialism. It was also a basic historical experience of CPC’s political party diplomacy. Patriotism and internationalism both relate mutually and opposes mutually, which combination was the basic starting point of CPC’s political party diplomacy. It was both a review and a prerequisite and for developing political party diplomacy in the new century to treat correctly the ideology. Defending the national interest was to safeguard the legitimacy basis. The strategy of sizing up the situation and adjusting immediately political party diplomacy is an important experience, and the oretical innovation is the source of keeping it alive.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

