

A Probe into the Scientific Realization of Contemporary Value of Marxism

【作者】 尹海燕

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 选择研究马克思主义当代价值科学实现问题,目的在于让人们在当代视野下,全面准确地认识马克思主义,自觉自愿地接受马克思主义,自主地运用马克思主义的观点方法思考分析问题,用发展着的马克思主义理论指导社会主义实践,解决当代问题。为此,本文主要围绕着马克思主义当代价值科学实现的必要性、可能性和科学实现三个部分展开论述。21世纪最大的特征是全球化,在全球化时代,我国面临着新的机遇和挑战,在实践中也遇到许多新问题。要抓住机遇,应对挑战,回答时代提出的新问题,必须在马克思主义和时代之间展开对话,创新发展马克思主义,在全球化视野下科学实现马克思主义当代价值。当代人不可能避开马克思,不可能离开马克思主义的指导,因为马克思主义已经成为当代思想背景的组成部分,它的历史唯物主义几乎成了当代人的生活常识,它的辩证唯物主义已经成为今天普遍使用的分析问题解决问题的工具。它所蕴含的丰富的知识、所具有的说服力、所富有的预见性和所具有的真理性,至今令世人叹服。在21世纪虽然马克思主义的一些具体理论失去了现实意义,但是它的基本理论和基本精神仍然具有普遍的指导意义。马克思主义的理论品质决定了马克思主义仍然具有当代价值,中国发展的蓬勃生机证明了马克思主义指导思想的生命力,马克思主义自身分析问题的全面性、深入性、厚重性以及历史感造就了马克思主义理论的独特价值。所以,在当代马克思主义仍然保持着旺盛生命力,仍然熠熠生辉,仍然是社会主义前行的指路明灯。马克思主义当代价值可以通过多维视角表现出来。从学科视角看,有哲学的价值、政治经济学的价值、科学社会主义的价值;从性质视角看,有意识形态价值、方法论价值、价值观价值;从实践的视角看,具有指导实践的价值;从主体视角看,又有激励鼓舞、求真、向善和审美的价值。概言之,马克思主义具有批判、建设、预测、价值导向、凝聚思想、精神支柱、陶冶情操等价值。这里“对马克思主义当代价值多维视角的划分”是本文的第一个创新之处。马克思主义当代价值科学实现是个常提常新的话题,需要在实践中不断探索。因为:一是历史在不断前进,科学技术在不断进步,实践中的新问题新情况层出不穷;二是在不同时期不同发展阶段上,马克思主义有些具体理论可能会因时代的变化而过时,需要修改创新或者抛弃;三是马克思主义的使命还未完成,资本主义不可能短期内灭亡,共产主义也不可能在短期内实现;四是在一球两制的状态下,需要充分体现社会主义的优越性,推进中国特色社会主义事业继续前进。马克思主义当代价值科学实现本身涉及三个主要问题:主体能否真正接受马克思主义的问题,主体能否科学对待马克思主义的问题,主体能否科学运用马克思主义的问题。这三个问题是不同时期研究“理论科学实现问题”的着眼点和出发点,对这三个问题的划分是本文的第二个创新之处。这三个问题密切联系、不可分割,接受问题、科学对待问题的解决是科学运用问题有效解决的前提,科学运用问题的解决又是接受问题、科学对待问题解决的目的和归宿。本文从这三个问题出发,观照现实实践中存在的具体问题,分析存在问题的根源,并在马克思主义的指导下找出解决问题的对策。全文共分六章写作,重点是马克思主义当代价值科学实现部分。第一章讲述了马克思主义当代价值科学实现的时代意义,指出科学实现马克思主义当代价值是应对时代机遇与挑战的必然要求,是推进中国特色社会主义事业发展的迫切需要。为科学实现提供了必要性前提。第二章讲述了马克思主义当代价值的客观存在性和表现形式的多维视角,指出马克思主义仍然具有当代价值,而且通过多维视角表现出来。为科学实现提供了可能性前提。第三章讲述了马克思主义科学实现存在的问题及出现问题的根源,在实现的必然性、可能性和科学实现之间架起了一座桥梁,起着承上启下的作用。第四章、第五章和第六章分别就接受问题、科学对待问题和科学实现问题的解决给出相应对策,是本文写作的重点和落脚点。第四章在解答接受问题时借鉴了传播学和心理学的相关知识,通过向传播者提出更高要求、调动接受者的积极性、选择合适的传播途径和方法、设置传播情境四个因素,来提高接受马克思主义的效果;还具体分析了中国主要接受对象(党员干部、青年学生和人民群众)接受马克思主义的方式方法。对“马克思主义理论接受问题”的科学处理是本文的第三个创新之处。第五章在解答对待马克思主义态度问题时,把马克思主义理论纳入到当代问题谱系和时空结构中来,建构当代视野下的马克思主义。重新理解和解释马克思主义的科学内涵,实事求是地认识和把握马克思主义基本精神,创新发展马克思主义,并运用发展着的马克思主义指导社会主义实践。第六章在解答科学运用马克思主义问题时,分别从科学实现的主体、客体、基本原则和有效途径四个方面作出回答。实践是主观见之于客观的活动,应用马克思主义理论指导社会主义实践关键是看主体的素质,所以培养合格的实践主体非常重要;社会主义的本质、发展阶段和发展的动力是科学实现的客体,清醒地认识实践客体是科学实现的立足点;推进马克思主义中国化、坚持以人为本、坚持科学发展是科学实现的基本原则,明确基本原则能够保证科学实现的正确方向,也能为科学实现提供理论依据;从当前社会发展中存在的问题入手,科学运用马克思主义指导实践,解决现实问题,加强中国特色社会主义经济建设,完善社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义核心价值体系,构建社会主义和谐社会。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation the subject centers upon "a probe into the scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism", whose main purpose is to enable people to be equipped with contemporary vision, get a precise and comprehensive idea of Marxism, voluntarily accept Marxism on one’s own initiatives, furthermore, to reflect and ponder on problems on one’s own with Marxism viewpoints, to guide the socialist practice with the instruction of the developing Marxism theories, finally to offer insights into the solution of contemporary problems or issues. Hence, this dissertation is conceived and formulated, focusing on the following three sections:Inevitability of Scientific Realization of Contemporary Value of Marxism, its Feasibility and its Scientific Realization.The 21st century is mostly significantly characterized by globalization, where we people and our nation as well are faced with unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities, and numerous new issues arise in practice. In order to grasp the opportunities, cope with the challenges, and seek proper solutions to the newly arising problems in such ever-changing era, the dialogue between Marxism and the era must be carried out, new ideas must be brought forth to innovate Marxism, and to be further, contemporary value of Marxism must be scientifically realized with the help of globalization vision.Nowadays despite of great changes to era vision, the spatial and temporal structure, and problem ancestry of Marxism, the contemporary people cannot evade from them, let alone depart from its instructions, for Marxism has involved into part of background for contemporary thinking and ideology:its historical materialism is almost a commonplace in people’s daily life, and its dialectal materialism has become a useful methodological tool commonly applied in analysis and settlement of problems. Even today people gasp in admiration for its abundant knowledge, persuasive power, its great for see ability, and its being of truth. Major theories and thoughts of Marxism are still of general significance in theoretical guidance, though some of its specified theories have lost their existence roots in reality. Theoretical traits of Marxism determine its contemporary value, and the vigorous development of socialist China witnesses its great vitality, its comprehensiveness, thoroughness, being dignified, and sense of history makes its unique and distinctive value. Thus, even in the ever-changing contemporary society, Marxism still live in an exuberant life, as brightening as before, is still the guiding lamp to light up the marching path of socialism.The manifestation of contemporary value of Marxism is forms of multidimensional view. From the perspective of discipline, it can be value in philosophy, in plutonomy, in scientific socialism; From the perspective of nature, it can be value in ideology, methodology, and value system; From the perspective of time, it can be value in history and contemporary; On part of human beings, it can be value in inspiration, encouragement, seeking truth, pursuit of kindness, and being aesthetic. In sum, Marxism enjoys such value as criticism, reconstruction, forecasting, value guiding, thinking cohesion, spiritual pillars, and sentiment cultivation, etc. Here categorization of multiple manifestation of contemporary value of Marxism is the first highlight regarding the innovative ideas of this dissertation.The scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism is an over-the-lip and ever-changing topic, and it demands continuous probe in practice, because firstly, marching history and advancing science and technology give rise to numerous new problems and conditions; Secondly, at different developing stage over different periods some concrete Marxism theories are out of date and hence require amending, innovation or to be discarded; Then, the historical mission of Marxism has not yet fulfilled, that is, capitalism is not yet terminated and communism will not established on a short-term period; Next, the current political institution of "two systems condition In a ball" makes it necessary that we shall give full embodiment of socialist superiority, and carry on the great cause of the socialism with Chinese Characteristics. The scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism mainly involves three major issues:1) whether the subject can really accept Marxism; 2) whether the subject scientifically regards Marxism; 3) whether the subject can scientifically apply Marxism in practice. These three questions is the starting point as well as focus of attention for the probe into scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism over different periods, and the classification of such three questions is exactly the second highlight in this dissertation. The three questions are closely related and inseparable. Acceptance and scientific treatment of problems presupposes scientific application in solutions to problems, while the latter is the purpose and ultimate orientation of the former. Embarking upon these three questions and referring to specific problems existing in practice, the dissertation analyzes the underlying roots problems lie in, and finally find out the countermeasures to resolve such problems.The whole dissertation is composed of six chapters, stressing on section of the scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism. In chapter one, the Times meaning of scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism are given an account, pointing out that it is an inevitable requirement to cope with challenges and opportunities in new era, and also the urgent need for the advance of great cause of the socialist with China’s characteristics, which is the necessity premise of scientific realization. In chapter two, objectivity and diversity of contemporary value of Marxism is elaborated on, pointing out that Marxism is still richful in the manifestation as well as its contemporary value, which is the feasibility premise of scientific realization. In chapter three, the problems lying ahead and their underlying causes in the course of scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism are detailed, which bridges necessity and feasibility of realization and scientific realization, working as a connecting link between the preceding and the following.In chapter four and chapter five and chapter six, to-the-point countermeasures to problem acceptance, scientific treatment, and scientific realization of problem settlement are respectively offered, also all of which are the keynote and final foothold.In chapter four, knowledge related to communication studies and psychology is applied in reply to problem acceptance. Better Marxism acceptance effects can be achieved via the following four factors:raising more demanding requirements on part of disseminators, generating the initiatives of receivers, selecting appropriate transmission channel and methods. Meanwhile, various ways and methods the majority of Chinese embracers (i.e. CPC member and cadre, the youth and the masses) accept Marxism are described. The ideas in respect to acceptance of Marxism theory is the third highlight from the perspective of the innovative points in this dissertation.In chapter five, in response to how to treat Marxism, new Marxism is reconstructed under contemporary vision by combining Marxism theory with the contemporary pedigree and space-time continuum. The scientific connotation of Marxism demands new renewable comprehension and interpretation, and on basis of a better understanding and grasping the essence of Marxism, give new life to Marxism, hence apply the ever-developing Marxism in Socialist practice.In chapter six, the author offers the unique insight into the question of how to make a scientific application of Marxism From the perspective of the subject, the object, basic principles and main content. Practice is a kind of activity where the subject interacts with the object, and the key to the application of Marxism theory in socialist practice is the subject’s ability, hence it’s much important to cultivate a qualified subject in practice. Socialism nature, development stages, and developing impetus are the object of scientific realization, and having a clear picture of the object in practice is the anchor point of scientific realization; To facilitate forward sinicization of Marxism, to adhere to the people-centered and to carry out scientific outlook of development is the primary principle, and having a clearer and definite idea of such primary principle can guarantee the right direction to scientific realization, and also it can provide theoretical grounds for the sake of scientific realization of contemporary value of Marxism. Proceeding with the existing problems in the course of social development, we shall scientifically apply Marxism to guide daily practice, aim at the smooth settlement of problems in reality, strengthen the build-up of the socialist economy with unique China’s characteristics, complete democratic and political construction of socialist China, develop the socialist core value system, and build a more harmonious socialist society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

