

Research on the Influence of Enterprise Knowledge Network Competence on Technological Innovation Performance

【作者】 李贞

【导师】 张体勤;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,技术创新的日益复杂使得单个企业不可能具备实现创新任务的所有知识,为弥补知识缺口、提高技术创新绩效,企业有意识构建和管理外部知识网络的行为明显加强。但是,企业构建知识网络的活动存在较多失败案例,而且在成功构建知识网络的案例中,不同企业的技术创新绩效也存在差异。这些现象表明,不同企业构建和管理知识网络的能力存在异质性,不同的知识网络对企业技术创新绩效的影响也存在异质性。如何构建和管理有利于提高技术创新绩效的知识网络,已成为技术创新实践中一个亟待解决的问题,企业亟需培养一种新的能力,即知识网络能力,来构建和管理知识网络,优化知识网络的结构和成员间关系,提高技术创新绩效。然而,理论界对知识网络与企业技术创新关系的研究才刚刚起步,尤其缺乏对知识网络特殊属性的关注。多数研究将知识网络视为外生变量,割裂了企业和知识网络的互生关系,忽视了企业对知识网络形成和演化的影响。实际上,与技术创新密切相关的知识网络具有很强的自主构建属性,在一定意义上,是企业构建和管理知识网络的能力决定了技术创新相关知识网络的构建成功和运行效率,进而影响技术创新绩效。但是,迄今为止,关于促使企业成功构建和管理外部知识网络的能力,即知识网络能力还缺乏研究,这限制了从自主构建视角出发的知识网络与技术创新研究,导致企业“知识网络能力—知识网络—技术创新绩效”分析框架的缺失,也就无法解答实践中亟待解决的问题,即如何构建和管理有利于提高技术创新绩效的知识网络。因此,本研究从企业自主构建知识网络以提高技术创新绩效的视角出发,首先对企业知识网络能力的理论架构和构成要素进行了探索性分析,以突破该视角研究的瓶颈。在此基础上,尝试构建了企业“知识网络能力—知识网络—技术创新绩效”理论框架,并利用山东省内186家高新技术企业的横断面数据进行了实证验证,完整清晰地阐释了企业知识网络能力影响技术创新绩效的机制,在深化知识网络与企业技术创新理论研究的同时,也揭示了企业构建和管理有效(有利于提高技术创新绩效)知识网络的实践可行路径,即企业可以通过有意识地培养企业知识网络能力、差异化地组合企业知识网络能力的各个维度来实现对知识网络的成功构建和有效管理、提高技术创新绩效。本研究主要解决了三个方面的问题:第一,利用归纳式理论建构和演绎式理论建构相结合的方法并借鉴模糊聚类算法的思想,阐释了企业知识网络能力的理论架构、构成维度和测度体系。第二,通过理论研究和实证分析,阐释了企业知识网络能力影响技术创新绩效的机制,揭示了企业知识网络能力各个维度对技术创新绩效的直接影响和间接影响过程。第三,对知识网络在企业知识网络能力影响技术创新绩效过程中的中介作用进行了理论探讨和实证检验,揭示了企业知识网络能力各个维度对知识网络结构和成员间关系的影响,以及知识网络结构和成员间关系对技术创新绩效的影响。本研究得到的主要结论及其实践启示包括:第一,企业知识网络能力是资源基础观、企业网络理论和知识管理理论交叉研究产生的新构念,由网络规划、网络管理、网络知识吸收、网络知识传送四个维度共同组成。该结论在为企业知识网络能力研究提供理论基础的同时,也为该研究向纵深发展廓清了逻辑思路,并提供了在实践中识别、测度和提升企业知识网络能力的方法。第二,企业知识网络能力对技术创新绩效具有显著的正向影响。一方面,企业知识网络能力的四个维度即网络规划、网络管理、网络知识吸收和网络知识传送对技术创新绩效具有直接的显著正向影响。另一方面,企业知识网络能力通过影响外部知识网络的中心度、开放度、关系双重度和关系质量,对企业的技术创新绩效产生间接作用。该结论表明,在技术创新实践中,企业可以通过有意识的培育知识网络能力来提高技术创新绩效。第三,企业知识网络能力各个维度在影响外部知识网络方面存在差异。网络规划主要对知识网络的中心度、开放度和关系双重度产生作用;网络管理主要对知识网络规模、中心度、关系双重度和关系质量产生作用;网络知识吸收主要对知识网络规模、中心度和关系质量产生作用;而网络知识传送则主要对知识网络中心度、开放度和关系质量产生作用,并在一定程度上影响关系双重度。这表明企业在实践中,可以通过有意识的培养和组合部分知识网络能力维度,来实现对外部知识网络的自主构建和管理。例如,当企业计划扩大自身的知识网络规模时,可以重点发展自身的网络管理能力和网络知识吸收能力。第四,企业外部知识网络的中心度、开放度、关系双重度和关系质量对技术创新绩效具有显著正向影响。结合结论三,该结论表明在技术创新实践中,企业可以根据自身外部知识网络所处的具体阶段,差异化地培养和组合自身的知识网络能力,以促进技术创新绩效提高。例如当企业计划通过增强知识网络开放度来提高技术创新绩效时,可以重点发展自身的网络规划能力和网络知识传送能力。第五,企业外部知识网络在企业知识网络能力影响技术创新绩效的过程中起到了部分的中介作用,而且不同表征变量中介作用的发挥存在一定差异。网络规划主要通过影响知识网络中心度、开放度和关系双重度对技术创新绩效产生间接影响;网络管理主要通过影响知识网络中心度、关系双重度和关系质量对技术创新绩效产生间接影响;网络知识吸收主要通过影响知识网络中心度和关系质量对技术创新绩效产生间接影响;网络知识传送主要通过影响知识网络中心度、开放度和关系质量对技术创新绩效产生间接影响。相对于知识网络与技术创新问题的其他研究,本研究的创新和发展主要体现在三个方面:第一,突破了企业知识网络能力研究的瓶颈,将停留在概念探讨阶段的企业知识网络能力,深化为具有理论架构、构成要素和测度体系的构念,为企业知识网络能力研究向纵深方向发展和实证分析的开展奠定了基础。第二,突破了当前知识网络与技术创新研究中将网络视作外生变量的局限,从企业自主构建知识网络的新视角出发,阐释了企业知识网络能力影响知识网络、技术创新绩效的机制,建构了企业“知识网络能力—知识网络—技术创新绩效”的新框架。第三,从知识网络特殊属性出发重构了知识网络的解释变量,详细阐释知识网络在企业知识网络能力影响技术创新绩效过程中发挥的中介作用,提高了知识网络与技术创新研究的针对性和可操作性。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, with the increasing complexity of technological innovation, the single enterprise may not have enough knowledge to achieve innovation. As a result, more and more enterprises consciously build and manage knowledge network in order to make up the knowledge gap and improve the innovation performance. However, many enterprises fail to build knowledge network and many enterprises successfully building knowledge network have different technological innovation performance. These phenomena show that enterprises’knowledge network competence is heterogeneous. How to build and manage knowledge network to improve technological innovation has become an urgent problem in practice. Enterprises needs to develop a new competence, which named Enterprise Knowledge Network Competence (EKNC), to build and manage knowledge networks. EKNC can help enterprises optimize knowledge network and improve technological innovation performance.However, research on knowledge network and technological innovation is just starting, little attention paying to the special properties of knowledge networks. Most studies claimed knowledge network as exogenous variables, which dissevers the interdependence between them and ignores the impact enterprises playing on knowledge network formation and evolution. In fact, knowledge network related with technological innovation is often built consciously by enterprises. In a sense, it is EKNC that determines the success and efficiency of knowledge network, influents technological innovation performance. But to date, little research pays attention to EKNC, which limits studies from the perspective of building knowledge network, leads the lack of analytical framework "knowledge network competence—knowledge network—technological innovation performance".So this paper starts from the new perspective of building knowledge network and does many exploratory studies. Firstly, the theoretical framework and constituent dimensions of EKNC is explored. Secondly, this paper constructs the analytical framework "knowledge network competence—knowledge network—technological innovation performance".Thirdly, empirical research is carried out based on 186 samples from technological enterprises in Shandong province. As a result, this paper systematically explains the mechanism of EKNC influencing technological innovation performance, reveals the path to build and manage knowledge network improving technological innovation performance.This paper mainly answers three questions:(1) Based on construction theory and fuzzy cluster analysis, this paper reveals the theoretical framework, constituent dimensions and measurement system of EKNC. (2) By theoretical and empirical research, this paper explains the mechanism of EKNC influencing technological innovation performance, reveals every dimension of EKNC how to directly or indirectly influence technological innovation performance. (3) This paper studies the mediate impact of knowledge network, reveals every dimension of EKNC how to influence the structure and relationship of knowledge network, argues how the structure and relation of knowledge network influences technological innovation performance.The conclusions and enlightenments of this paper include five aspects as follows:Firstly, EKNC is a crossed construct based on Resource-based View, Enterprise Network Theory and Knowledge Management Theory, and consists of four dimensions which named network programming, network management, network knowledge absorption and network knowledge transmissions. This conclusion not only clears the logical path of research on EKNC, but also supplies the method to identify, measure and improve EKNC in practice.Secondly, EKNC has significant positive effect on technological innovation performance. On the one hand, four dimensions of EKNC have direct positive effect on technological innovation performance. On the other hand, EKNC has indirect positive effect on technological innovation performance through influencing the centeredness, openness, dual degree and relation quality of knowledge network. This conclusion indicates enterprises can consciously cultivate EKNC to improve technological innovation performance in practice.Thirdly, every dimension of EKNC has different effect on knowledge network. Network programming mainly influences the centeredness, openness, dual degree of knowledge network. Network management mainly influences the size, centeredness, dual degree and relation quality of knowledge network. Network knowledge absorption mainly influences the size, centeredness and relation quality of knowledge network. Network knowledge transmission mainly influences the centeredness, openness and relation quality of knowledge network. This conclusion indicates enterprises can consciously cultivate and combine EKNC to build and manage knowledge network in practice. For example, when the company plans to expand its size of knowledge network, it can focus on developing network management capabilities and network knowledge absorption capabilities.Fourthly, the centeredness, openness, dual degree and relation quality of knowledge network has significant positive effect on technological innovation performance. With the third conclusion, this conclusion indicates, according the stage of knowledge network, enterprises can differently cultivate and combine EKNC to improve technological innovation performance in practice. For example, when the company plans to improve technological innovation performance by strengthening the openness of knowledge network, it can focus on developing network programming capabilities and network knowledge transmission capabilities.Fifthly, knowledge network plays a partly mediate role in EKNC influencing technological innovation performance, and every feature’s role is different. Network programming influences technological innovation performance indirectly mainly through affecting the centeredness, openness, dual degree of knowledge network. Network management influences technological innovation performance indirectly mainly through affecting the centeredness, dual degree and relation quality of knowledge network. Network knowledge absorption influences technological innovation performance indirectly mainly through affecting centeredness and relation quality of knowledge network. Network knowledge transmission influences technological innovation performance indirectly mainly through affecting the centeredness, openness and relation quality of knowledge network.The main innovation of this paper is:(1) Breaking through the bottleneck of research on EKNC, this paper deeps EKNC from conception into construct which has theoretical framework, constituent dimensions and measurement system. (2) Breaking through the limitation of knowledge network as exogenous variables, from the new perspective of building knowledge network, this paper reveals the mechanism of EKNC influencing knowledge network and technological innovation performance, constructs the analytical framework "knowledge network competence—knowledge network—technological innovation performance". (3) From the special character of knowledge network, this paper rebuild the explanatory variables of knowledge network and reveals the mediate role of knowledge network in EKNC influencing technological innovation performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F270
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1512
  • 攻读期成果

