

The Microscopic Analysis of Social Development

【作者】 单业才

【导师】 刘陆鹏;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 在历史的任何一个时代都要面临发展的问题,人类不断地力求回答这个问题,但却不曾彻底解决这个问题。当今,和平和发展成为时代主题。社会的发展问题必然地成为人们所关注的一个热点。这既是社会发展的实践需要,也是社会发展理论本身的需要。社会不断地趋向新的发展或在新的发展中遇到自身或外在的困境,出现了一系列发展问题,资源紧张、环境污染、生态破坏、社会危机、贫富分化等,集中表现就是经济发展与人的发展的不一致性。就我国发展现状而言,现代社会发展的困境在我国也已有明显表现,社会发展与人的发展的不和谐性已经影响到我国的发展速度和发展效率。由此,我们不得不重新认识发展,反思我们过去的经验和教训,以期待能够解决现在发展的困难。“发展的实质是‘做’,不是‘想’。”①对于一个社会的发展而言,关键是如何做的问题。落实到具体活动生活中,就是如何把社会中不同的个人组织起来,使他们能够产生整体的高效率的问题。历史的发展是人类生活的自组织的过程。企业作为社会自组织的一个环节,承担着经济发展的重要责任,决定着人的活动条件和环境。特别是国有企业,在承担经济发展责任的同时也要承担社会责任。其中最为重要的一项社会责任就是企业员工发展的责任,即国有企业的发展目标要保持企业和员工发展的一致性。国有企业发展是我国发展情势的“缩影”,国有企业发展困境是社会发展困境的微观体现。本文以重庆市电力公司为例,立足于国有企业与员工发展之间的矛盾,从微观层面上再现社会发展遇到的瓶颈,探讨企业与员工和谐发展之路。第一章:理解发展。主要是为企业与员工共同发展寻求理论上的证明。在马克思那里,历史是人的活动的总和,所以发展应该包括生产力的发展和人的解放两个层面,这二者相互依存、相互作用、相互统一。现代的发展理论经历了传统的发展观、综合发展观、可持续发展观和新发展观几个阶段,这一层层递进的理论关联,反映了人们对发展的认识由表及里,由点到面,越来越深入、越来越丰富的历程。它所反映的一个中心问题就是如何处理好人和经济发展的关系。中国是一个发展中国家,在改革开放、实现现代化的过程中遇到了与其他国家相似的发展难题。科学发展和构建和谐社会的理念对这一难题做出了回答。基于以上种种,我们认为发展的实质是人的发展。人的发展与经济发展统一,也受经济发展制约,这是一个矛盾。发展的过程就是解决矛盾的过程。具体问题具体分析的方法论要求我们在正确理解发展的前提下,将社会发展的探析由一般走向具体。没有对具体矛盾的解决,“发展中的问题在发展中解决”也是一句空话。第二章:企业是社会发展的“细胞”。对企业的探析是走向具体的一种形式,本章主要是从微观层面上探讨企业发展与员工发展的关系。首先,企业是生产劳动的组织形式,是经济活动的主体,是市场经济活动的主要参与者。企业创造财富,推动经济的发展;企业提供就业机会,维护社会稳定;企业推动创造发明,引领社会进步;企业影响制度建设,改变社会秩序。其次,企业的主体是员工,企业是员工发展的舞台,为员工的发展提供具体环境和条件。所以,企业的发展离不开员工的发展,员工的发展也离不开企业的发展。企业发展与员工发展具有一致性,二者的关系是相辅相成,共同促进的。由此,企业肩负着双重使命:对于社会而言,企业是社会经济发展的一个单位,它承担着经济发展的使命;对于员工而言,企业是社会,它为员工提供舞台,承担着员工发展的使命。企业必须肩负起自己的双重使命,不能选择一方舍弃另一方。舍弃任何一方,都不利于社会发展,不利于员工发展,当然也不利于企业发展。第三章:企业与员工的矛盾。企业和员工共同发展的目标是明确的,但是如何达到目标是不明确的。本章选择重庆市电力公司这一特殊的国有企业,分析揭示企业与员工共同发展中的矛盾,希求收到“解剖麻雀”的效果。目前,在重庆市电力公司所存在的矛盾概括起来为三类八对矛盾:首先,企业和员工在认同方面存在矛盾。这些矛盾主要表现为秩序与和谐矛盾、继承与创新矛盾、责任与环境矛盾;其次,在作风及方法层面存在矛盾。这种矛盾主要表现为领导与员工的矛盾、机关与基层的矛盾这两个方面;再次,企业与员工在价值文化方面存在矛盾。这种矛盾突出表现在理想与实干的矛盾、付出与收获的矛盾、原则与感情的矛盾这三个方面。这些矛盾最终可归为利益、发展和思想这三个深层次的问题。企业发展与社会发展具有相关性,正是当前中国社会现代化建设的大环境决定了当前国有企业所具有的特有矛盾。这些矛盾的产生是不可避免的,所以我们需要保持清醒的头脑,客观地认识这些矛盾,明确探讨国有企业的矛盾实际上是从微观上积极主动地探寻社会发展的矛盾,找到矛盾的根源,化解矛盾。第四章:“凡是现实的都是合乎理性的”。本章主要分析企业与员工矛盾产生的原因。造成企业与员工共同发展矛盾的原因可以概括为三个方面:利益关系是核心,体制要素是主要制约因素,而文化观念是深层原因并产生重庆特色。国有企业改革中,牵涉到方方面面的利益问题。在企业内部,制度设计的不完善、企业员工素质不高、供电单位的二元结构以及企业文化建设的不足,是导致企业与员工存在冲突的主要原因。在企业外部,由于受到中国传统文化和重庆特有的地域文化影响,企业的员工思想保守,创新不足;同时国有企业特有的弊端导致企业和员工的积极性不高,使企业失去了发展的活力和生命力。历史与现实、社会与企业、制度与操作、传统与现代的矛盾交错并存,制约着共同发展的实现。这就需要我们立足现状,积极发挥自己的主体性,创造历史,改变现实,从多方面入手,解决发展难题,开辟出一条具有中国特色的企业和谐发展之路。第五章:探寻通达之径。关于企业与员工的共同发展问题,我们需要从企业内部着手,首先解决企业员工的认同问题;我们可以解决非正式员工“成员资格”;探索一种非正式向正式转化的准入机制;通过多方的努力,使企业和员工成为一个有机体。其次,我们要进行体制创新,通过制度的完善和体制的创新激发企业活力,通过坚持以生产为中心的生产制度,完善创新领导制度,在制度和体制创新中不断激发当代员工的主体能动性和创造精神,增强人的自我发展的能力。在进行体制建设的同时,加强对人的文化价值和道德素质的提升,通过加强团队文化、正气文化、韧性文化、愿景文化和管理文化的建设,提升员工的凝聚力、激励力、抗压力和创新力,提高员工的综合素质,激发其潜在的创造能力和道德能力,最终实现员工发展与企业发展的协调一致。

【Abstract】 Any time in history, the development issues to be faced with the human, who constantly strived to answer this question, but did not completely solve the problem. Today, peace and development become the theme of the times. Social development issues inevitably become a focus of concern. This is the practice of social development needs, and also the theory of social development to their own needs. Social constantly new developments or trends in the development of a new experience in their own or external difficulties, there has been a series of development issues, resource constraints, environmental pollution, ecological destruction, social crisis, rich-poor divide, and a concentrated performance is that economic development and human development inconsistencies.For our current development status, the plight of modern social development has also been evident in our performance and social development and harmony of human development has affected the development of China’s growth rate and efficiency. As a result, we have to re-development of knowledge, and reflect on our past experiences and lessons, looking forward to solve the current difficulties in the development."The essence of development is’doing’ rather than ’want’." For the development of a society, the key question is how to do. It is how to organize different individuals together so that they can produce a high overall efficiency in life. Historical development is a self-organizing process. Companies as a part of social self-organization undertake the important responsibility of economic development which determines the conditions of human activity and the environment. Especially state-owned companies, they assume responsibility for social and economic development and must also take social responsibility. The most important social responsibility is corporate responsibility for the staff development, which target the development of state-owned companies to maintain business and staff development consistency. The development of state-owned company development situation is China’s "microcosm", and the plight of the development of state-owned companies is the micro-expression of the social development.In this paper, Chongqing Electric Power Company, for example, we based on the conflict between state-owned companies and between staff development, and from micro-level representation to see the social development bottlenecks, in order to discuss the harmonious development of the company and the staff.ChapterⅠ:Understanding Development. We mainly seek theoretical proof for the common development of companies and the staff. Marx thinks the history is the sum of human activities, so the development should include the development of productive forces and people’s liberation, which are interdependence, interaction, mutual unity. The development of the modern theory experienced the traditional concept of development experience, integrated development, sustainable development concept and a new concept of development stages, which reflects a central problem is how to deal with the relationship between human development and economic development. China is a developing country, facing similar development problems with opening up the process of modernization. Scientific development concept and the idea of building a harmonious society answer the problem. Based on the above, we believe that the essence of development is human development. Human development and economic development are not only unified, but also are economic development constraints, which is a contradiction. The process of development is the process of conflict resolution. The methodology of analyzing specific issues requires us to correctly understand the development under the premise of social development, from the general to the specific. No specific conflict resolution, "the developing problem solving in the development" is an empty talk.ChapterⅡ:The Company is the "cell" of sociality. We analyze the company which is a form of concrete. This chapter is from the micro level of business development and staff development in the relationship. First of all, the company is the production organization of labor, which is a major player in the market. The company creates wealth and promotes economic development; the company provides employment opportunities to maintain social stability; the company promotes the invention and leads the social progress; the company affects the building of institution and change the social order. Secondly, the staff is the owner of the company, and the company is the stage of the staff development, which provides specific environment and conditions. Therefore, the company can not develop without staff development, and staff development is inseparable from the development of the company. The company development and staff development are consistent relationship.As a result, Company shoulder a dual mission:to society, the Company is a unit of social and economic development, which bears the mission of economic development; For the staff, a company is a society, which provide a stage for the staff, and it is responsible for staff development Mission. Companies must shoulder the dual mission of their own, and can not choose one giving up the other side. Giving up any party, it is not conducive to social development, and is not conducive to staff development, and certainly is not conducive to company development.ChapterⅢ:The Contradictions between the company and the staff. The goal is clear that the Company and the staff and common development, but how to achieve the goal is not clear. In this chapter, we choose Chongqing Electric Power Company of these particular state-owned companies, and analyze the conflicts in the common development between the company and the staff. At present, Chongqing Power Company exists the three types of eight pairs contradictions:First, the contradictions on organizational identification. These contradictions are mainly for order and harmony conflicts, inheritance and innovation conflicts, responsibility and environmental conflicts; secondly, the contradictions between the organizational level and system. The contradictions are mainly for leadership and staff conflicts, and the authorities and the grass conflicts; again, the contradictions on the value of corporate culture. The contradictions are mainly for ideals and hard work conflicts、getting and giving conflicts、and principles and feelings conflicts. These contradictions can be classified eventually three deep-rooted problems:interests, development and ideas. The contradictions in state-owned comapanies are keeping with that in society, so the specific contradictions in Chongqing Power Company are based on the development of Chinese Modernization. The generation of these contradictions is inevitable, so we need to keep a clear head, objective understanding of these contradictions, and make it clear that dissolving the problems in Chongqing Power Company is just to dissolve the problems of Chinese social development microcosmicly and actively address the contradiction to resolve conflicts.ChapterⅣ:"All reality is rational." In this chapter, we analyze the reasons that cause the conflicts. These reasons can be divided into three categories:the interest relationship as the core, the institution as the main restraining factor and the culture of Chongqing feature as the underlying reason. Dealing with the interest relationship is the company’s main task. In the company, the imperfect design of the institution, quality of the staff is not high, the dual structure and the lack of culture construction led to the main conflicts between the company and the staff. Outside the company, due to the Chinese traditional culture and the unique local culture of Chongqing,, the staff are conservative thinking, and lack of innovation; while state-owned company-specific defects lead to company and the staff are not enthusiastic, making company lose the energy and vitality. History and reality, society and companies, institution and operations, the contradiction between tradition and modernity coexist staggered, which restricts the realization of common development. Based on our current situation, this requires us to play subjectivity, to change the reality, to open up a business with Chinese characteristics, harmonious development.Chapter V:Explore the mastery path. On the common development of the company and the staff, we need to start from the company itself. First of all, we should solve the employees’recognition problem; we can solve the informal staff "membership"; explore a transformation of the informal to the formal; through the multi-Efforts to make the company and the staff into an organism. Second, we must carry out institutional innovation, through institutional innovation and improvement to stimulate the vitality of the company, and through adhering to the production as the center of the production institutions and improving the leadership institution innovation, and create the staff Spirit and enhance people’s self-development. During the same time, we should strengthen the people’s cultural values and improve their moral quality, and by strengthening the team culture, righteousness culture, cultural resilience, vision, culture and management culture, it will enhance the cohesion, driving forces, anti-stress and Innovation, and improve the overall quality of staff, and stimulate creativity and the potential moral capacities, and ultimately achieve the common development between the company development and the staff development.

【关键词】 发展企业员工矛盾
【Key words】 DevelopmentCompanyStaffContradiction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

