

A Study on the Thoughts of the B(?)ha’u’llah

【作者】 王玮

【导师】 蔡德贵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 外国哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 巴哈伊教诞生于工业革命开始的19世纪中叶,并且从20世纪六十年代起迅速在全球范围内传播。一个诞生于资本主义文明萌芽时代的新宗教,何以会随着现代文明的进步与发展在新时代找到了契合现代人需求的信仰之路?本文从研究巴哈伊教的创始人巴哈欧拉的思想体系入手,寻求这一问题的答案。巴哈欧拉的思想直接与全球化的现代社会生活相关:“上帝独一”、“人类一家”、“宗教同源”是其核心教义。从上述三种教义出发,巴哈欧拉构建了一个完整的包含宇宙观、灵魂观、真理观、宗教观、历史观在内的思想体系。在宇宙观方面,巴哈欧拉认为,上帝创造了万物,无限的造物主上帝在创世之初,只需要创造“存在”这样一个概念,万物就会按照他的意旨运转,从一种物质分化成几种元素,再通过元素的分离与结合,最后一步步发展到今天的人类世界。人是受造界最高层次的存在,上帝造人的目的,就是要使人类超脱自己的物质限制,从而在人的灵魂脱离肉体之后,可以继续接近完美,接近上帝。在这种意义上说,人在今生的存在,只是灵魂走向完美的第一阶段。由此,巴哈欧拉将此生的作为与来世结合起来,引导人们在今世加强道德修养,使所作所为努力接近上帝的属性。其在人间的楷模就是“上帝的显圣者”。从上帝、显圣者与人这三者之间关系的论证入手,巴哈欧拉又推导出自己的认识论和真理观:作为有限的存在物,人们通过感觉、知觉所获取的各种知识是不确定的。真正的知识是来自上帝的知识,是来自上帝的显圣者带来的启示。而获取真正的知识,是每一个作为上帝受造物的人类存在的价值。要获取真正的知识,既需要拉开传统的宗教观念带来的帷幕阻隔,又要涤除人类的物质欲望给灵魂带来的迷雾,还需要发挥人类特有的思维能力,独立的去寻求真理。巴哈欧拉对于灵魂追求真理会经历的七个阶段给予了详细的描述,他把这比喻为灵魂接近上帝旅程的七个山谷:探寻之谷、爱之谷、知识之谷、独一性之谷、满足之谷、奇观之谷、赤贫与绝对虚无之谷。在真理观方面,除了探讨人的灵魂应该通过何种方式接近上帝,巴哈欧拉还探讨了世俗知识的存在价值。他认为,世俗知识的来源同样是上帝,是上帝无限的智慧作用于有限的存在物的结果。因此作为来源于上帝的知识,探索自然界规律的科学,正从另一个角度证明了上帝之伟大。如果科学知识证明了正确的东西,与旧有宗教观念相冲突,这只能说明宗教观念本身,受到了人们固有的教条的限制而出现了迷信或其他错误,需要得到修正的是宗教观念而不是科学。由此,巴哈欧拉在宗教观方面,把“宗教”和“宗教规条”作为两个不同的概念区分开来。他认为,只有一个宗教,那就是对上帝的信仰。宗教的内涵来自上帝,但宗教的规条却可以随着时代的进步而废除。由此出发,巴哈欧拉把以宗教为主线的人类历史进行梳理,认为人类历史会经历“动荡期”进入“小和平”时期,而人类历史的终极目标,是进入“至大和平”。巴哈欧拉的思想系统,为其在新时代的崛起打下了坚实的理论基础。与此同时,无论是巴哈欧拉的上帝创世论还是它的宗教观、认识论,都始终保持着一种动态的开放性,一种发展变化的眼光,一种对时代变化和未来社会发展的包容和接纳。从巴哈欧拉思想的这一特点中,也许可以为巴哈伊教在现代社会的传播提供一点启示。然而,巴哈欧拉的思想体系,在为巴哈伊教提供了理论基础的同时,也面临着一些需要解决的问题:在标榜宗教宽容的背后,巴哈伊教对其他宗教的消弭和统一,必然会引起其他宗教的警惕与敌意;在宣称宗教与科学两翼齐飞的宗教主张背后,存在着一旦科学逼近宗教的底线,宗教如何自处的危机;上帝的绝对不可知与人类接近上帝的人生目标之间存在的悖论;巴哈欧拉诗化语言的表达方式以及比喻式论证与宗教思想体系的逻辑严密性之间的矛盾;巴哈伊教不参与政治的主张与宗教团体本身即是无法忽视的政治势力之间的矛盾,随着时代发展巴哈伊教对未来社会构想的实践面临的挑战,这些都为巴哈伊教的未来发展提出了新的课题。

【Abstract】 The Baha’i Faith was born in the middle of 19th Century and gets more and more popular in today’s world. Why could such an old religion attract more and more people today? This dissertation tries to figure it out by searching the answer from the thoughts of Baha’u’llah.Baha’u’llah’s thoughts have three main points:the Unique God, all peoples belong to the same family and all religions have the same origin. These points are connected with each others and based on them, Baha’u’llah made his whole system of religion and philosophy.In his cosmology, Baha’u’llah kept his faith of the Creation of God. God created the world, and in doing this, He needed only the concept of "existence", and step by step, so be the existence of the world. Human beings are the highest level of the world, God’s purpose is to make human beings go beyond their bodies’limitation and keep going to perfect, to God. In this way, the existence of human is only the first stage of the perfection of the soul. From this stage, Baha’u’llah connected this world and the world to come, teaching peoples to be perfect in moral, and the model of them is the so called "Manifestation".Through the relationship of God, the Manifestation and human beings, Baha’u’llah made his epistemology. He believed that as a finite living creature, human being’s knowledge is very unstable. The true knowledge could only come from God. To get this, people must not only break down the barrier of traditional religions, but also clear up the confuses made by secular desires, only then could he quest for truth independently. In his metaphor of the Seven Valleys, Baha’u’llah described the course of searching for truth.In his epistemology, Baha’u’llah also considered the relationship between science and religion. Science is also from God, so if something was proved by science, then religion has to correct its own method to accept this. Based on this point, Baha’u’llah made difference between religion and religious doctrines. There is only one religion yet religious could be corrected step by step, and by this development, human society could develop from chaos to peace and finally to the ultimate peace. Baha’u’llah’s philosophy of religion makes a firmly foundation for its uprising in the new eras, and at the same time, it also keeps an open mind to accept the change, the development of the society, perhaps this is the reason why it could survive and live a better life in the future. Of course, Baha’u’llah’s thoughts also face lots of problems. For example, other religions take the Baha’i Faith’s toleration as a danger act; how to solve the problem between science and religion when it happens in the fundamental dimension; how to make human beings close to God while He is absolutely beyond our reach; Baha’u’llah expresses himself in a poetic way, yet a system of religion needs a more acute logic; the Baha’i Faith is not a political one, yet its community could not avoid political life and so on. With the change of the society, the Baha’i Faith has to face all these problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

