

A Study on Local Gazetteers of Xiangshan County in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 胡孝忠

【导师】 谭世宝;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “县”这个行政单位在明清行政系统中上连省府、下接都乡,具有基础地位和特殊意义。研究“县”一级的方志,则是史志研究中最基础的工作。明清时期的香山县,行政区域较为固定,现存方志数量较多、种类较全,最重要的是其管辖澳门这个特殊的地方,所以其方志成为本文的关注点。本论文主要研究明清时期的县级(也包含其所属的都、乡等单位)修志的理论、方法、过程及方志内容,兼及修志的启示及思想研究,试图从中找到一些带有规律或理论模型的东西,对今人认识方志学和研究地方史及修志活动提供借鉴。全文共分六个部分:第一章主要讨论地方志的性质,地方志与地方史、正史及国史的关系,认为地方志是后三者的补充和来源之一,但并非单纯为后三者而作。笔者赞同章学诚的“志属史体”的观点,认为不同时期的方志性质是不同的,明清方志应当属“史”。判断方志的性质可从方志的内容、用途、修方志者认为该志的性质、方志表现的“义”(即宗旨)等方面判定,方志的官修性也可从侧面证明方志属史体。地方志所载有可信与不可信之分,可从志料来源、修志者的才学识及时代局限等几个方面去判断。第二章主要研究香山方志史和香山方志提要。序、跋是方志不可或缺的重要内容,是研究方志史的重要史料。本章分析了香山方志序跋的位置、数量和作者,重点对其内容进行研究,发现其主要是讲述方志的性质、作用、纂修目的和经过、方志评价、志料的搜集及纂修方法、主持和参编人员等。方志的小序也有重要作用,即是每一门类的指引门径,又具有小凡例的作用。研究方志史之目的在于辨家学之渊源,明折衷之有自也。方志提要是方志史的不可或缺材料,本章所收各家对香山方志的提要,不光著录书名、卷数、纂修者、版本、藏书单位等,以提供志书存在的线索和一般状况,还研究每一志书的内容,对每种志书力求搞清楚其纂修者身份、时代背景、修志缘起、主要内容、文献特征与价值、影响等,对这些项目作出解释性的评语。这无疑有利于后来者研究香山方志的历史和优缺点。本章还关注香山方志续修的断限、类型、效果、目的等方面,对于今人修志有一定的参考价值。第三章主要研究香山方志的纂修组织和纂修方法。提出一部方志的质量不仅取决于纂修时间长短、经费是否充裕、环境是否安定等客观因素,更决定于纂修人的素质和组织方法是否得当等主观因素。修志人员名单,既能反映修志分工不断变得精细,而且体现香山内部各都乡之经济发展、功名盛衰及氏族势力变迁。地方官是修志的主要领导者和支持者,士绅则是修志主体。清中期以前,香山的政治、经济、文化中心主要集中在县城和小榄,清中后期逐渐形成县城、小榄和澳门三足鼎立之势。方志的不同门类有不同的纂修方法,本论文将明清以来方志学家的研究成果与香山方志的相关内容结合,从而得出有益于后来修志和研究者利用的结论。历代所修香山方志,基本采用纂辑体或撰著体的编纂方式,各有优点,但都未完全遵循详今略古、繁简得当、不越境而书、有褒无贬或少贬的修志原则。第四章主要研究香山方志的体例。官方的意志通过颁布修志政策,编纂者的思想通过方志体例,都渗透到方志的方方面面。凡例是一部方志宗旨的集中体现,香山方志中只有乾隆《香山县志》有完整的凡例,其他或隐于序中,或散见于各卷之首,在一定程度上影响了方志质量的提高。本论文还品评了香山方志的各种体例,总体看来体例不断优化。方志中的八景诗和八景图历来为方志学家褒贬不一。本文梳理了香山方志中的八景诗及其演变,认为八景诗是因为作者热爱乡邑或为留美名而作,志书收录它们,既可反映当地自然和人文变化,又能起到资政、教化的作用,不应完全视为允谐风雅或装点名胜之物。第五章主要研究香山方志地图,将其与舆地图、西人所绘地图做对比,试图找出方志地图绘制原则、理念及各自优缺点。本文研究了“制图六体”与“四至八到”在方志地图中的运用,特别注意到其中道里之差别乃是采用人行里数与虚空鸟道两种不同的度量方式而导致的。通过将香山方志所载地图及中国人所绘的有关澳门地图与西人所绘有关澳门地图的对比研究,发现东西方所绘地图在方法、内容及所蕴含的观念方面既有区别,又有联系,大陆文明与江河文明在这些地图中有所体现。名从主人应是通行的地名标注原则。第六章主要综述编纂香山方志思想研究及纂修方志的启示。方志在历史研究中的地位日益重要,史志同源,凡欲考一县一郡之历史莫不藉其方志,理清历史发展脉络和前因后果,以资当世修史、治世之用。纵观明清的香山方志,可见其修志的组织方式、人才选择、体例编排等等,有利于进一步研究方志学理论,促进修志事业的良性发展。将方志与其他史料结合起来研究,有利于历史学家观察该地域长时段内的历史变迁和自然变化,并总结其中的规律。旧方志对今人修志、理政、国防等方面具有重要参考价值,尤其是香山方志中有关澳门这个特殊地区的记载,对中西文化交流和“一国两制”政策的贯彻具有积极意义。方志可以体现儒家思想,凝聚着民族感情,发扬着爱国爱乡的精神,同时又具有经世致用和“开眼看世界”的作用。

【Abstract】 As an administrative unit connecting the province and village, county is fundamental and special in Ming and Qing’s administration system which makes the research of local Gazetteers becoming the base of historical study. Administrative division of XiangShan in the Ming and Qing periods was comparatively settled, thus the local Gazetteers are abundant in numbers and complete in types. Most important is that Macau which was still belonged to XiangShan in those two periods had become a special place. Hence, the local Gazetteers of those periods become the focus of this thesis. The main purposes here are through research of the theories, methods and processes in local Gazetteers of Ming and Qing dynasties on the level of county (including "Du" and rural area which belong to county), as well as the enlightenment and thought from them, to find out some regular pattern or theoretical model and offer example for the research and cognizing of local Gazetteers study.This article includes six parts.Chapter one discusses the character of local Gazetteers as well as the relation of local Gazetteers with local history, official history and national history. Although the local Gazetteers are supplement and one of the sources of the latter three, they are not written as the addition of them. The author agrees with the viewpoint of Zhang Xuecheng that "Gazetteers belong to history". Although there are special natures in local Gazetteers of different periods, the local Gazetteers of Qing dynasty should belong to the range of "history". To estimate the nature of local Gazetteers, we could focus on the following characters:the contents, the purpose, the natures of them from the viewpoint of the writers and the aim. Official characters of the local Gazetteers could also provide evidence in nature of them in some degree. The reliable of contents of local Gazetteers can be judged from the sources of historical materials, the knowledge of their writers and the limitation of their periods.Chapter two focus on the history and the synopsis of Xiangshan local Gazetteers. The preface and postscript are both important and indispensable parts as well as important historical materials of local Gazetteers. This chapter analyzes the position, number and writers of Xiangshan local Gazetteers. For the content becomes the most focal parts of the research in which we find that the majority of them focus on the nature, role, purpose and process of the compiling, the evaluation, methods of material collection and compiling, and the leader and staffs. Sub-prefaces of local Gazetteers still have their important roles. They are either the guides or the sub-notes of each category. The purpose of research local Gazetteers are to distinguish the sources of historians and the reasons of compromising. The synopsis of local Gazetteers is indispensible materials. This chapter collected all the synopsis of Xiangshan local Gazetteers which not only record the name, volume number, writers, version and collectors to offer the clue and situation of this local Gazetteers but also research the content of every Gazetteer to figure out the identity of the writer, the background, the origin, the main content along with the feature, value and influence of literature. All of those parts are given explanatory comment which undoubtedly in favor of the comprehensive controlling of the history, merit and demerit in researching the Xiangshan local Gazetteers. Besides, this chapter pays attention on the determination, types, results and purpose of the continued Xiangshan local Gazetteers which contribute to the local Gazetteers of today.Chapter three researches the organization and method of the compiling of Xiangshan local Gazetteers. The author put forward the idea that the quality of a local Gazetteer is decided not only by the time, money or environment but also by the quality and organization method of the writers. Name lists of the writers reflect the trend of more and more careful of the work division as well as the economic development, rise and fall of the scholar honors, and change of the power of clan in " Du" and rural area of Xiangshan. The main leaders and supporters of local Gazetteers are officials of local governments while the main powers are gentries. Before the mid-Qing Dynasty, the political, economic and cultural center of Xiangshan concentrated upon city of Xiangshan and area of Xiaolan. After that, Macau became the third important part and the time of tripartite confrontation came. As different categories of local Gazetteers have different methods to compile, this article will combine the research achievement of Gazetteer scholars since Ming and Qing Dynasties and comparative content in Xiangshan local Gazetteers to make conclusion which is benefit for the further researchers and writers of local Gazetteers. The Xiangshan local Gazetteers of each period have basic compiling methods of compiling or composing. Both the two method have their benefit but neither of them can completely obeyed the principle of detailed today and brief in past, expediently in complex and briefness, not cross the area as well as the principle of no or less degrading.Chapter four focus on the style of Xiangshan local Gazetteers. The official will is expressed through publishing the political of local Gazetteers. Ideas of writers permeate to every word of local Gazetteers through the style. The guide concentrated reflects a local Gazetteer. Of all the Xiangshan local Gazetteers, only that of Qianlong period remained the integrated guide while others are contained in the sequences or dispersed in the beginning of every volume which influences the quality of local Gazetteer to some extent. This article also comments different styles of Xiangshan local Gazetteers which become better and better in total. For scholars have always given different judgment to the eight views and poets, this chapter resettles the poets of eight views and their development and concludes that they are recorded for the love to the hometown of the writers or for their good names. The record of them could not only reflect the change of nature and culture but also contribute to the civilization which does not just to vote to art-crafty.Chapter five discusses the geographical maps in Xiangshan local Gazetteers and compares the different between those maps and "whole maps", the maps from Westerners to find out the principles, idea, merit and demerit of map-drawing in local Gazetteers. We also discuss the six styles and theory of "four boundaries and eight methods" in map-drawing which pays special attention on two different methods for recording the distance in the local Gazetteers. That different is caused by the using of two different methods of "distant by walk" and "distant by bird fly". Then, through the contrast studies of maps in Xiangshan local Gazetteers with Macau maps from Chinese and Westerners, the author finds out that there is either connection or difference in the method, content and ideology of east and west in map-drawing. There is also reflection of the difference between mainland civilization and river-civilization in those local Gazetteers. The author still believes that the general principle of name noting in maps should be "name following the owner".Chapter six summarized the inspiration from the compiling of Xiangshan local Gazetteers as well as the researching thought. In historical research, the local Gazetteers become more and more important. As history and Gazetteers come from the same source, all the history of district or county should be found in local Gazetteers which help historians to clean the clue of historical development, discover the cause and result of it as well as favor to the historical writing and political of today. Through the Ming and Qing local Gazetteers, we can see the organization, choosing of writers, style, etc. which help us in deeper discovering for theory of local Gazetteer. To combine the local Gazetteers with other historical materials is useful in long-term history and natural developing observing as well as regular pattern conclusion. The traditional local Gazetteers have important reference value for Gazetteer writing, political development and national defense of today which reflected particularly in Macau history of Xiangshan local Gazetteers. They are also positively in the cultural exchange and policy of "one country, two systems". In a word, local Gazetteers not only reflect the Confucianism, condense the national spirit, promote the patriotism and love of their own hometown but also fill with the thought of "Putting what is learned into practice" and "Opening eyes to the world".

【关键词】 方志历史地理澳门地图八景
【Key words】 local Gazetteershistorical geographyMacaugeographical mapeight views
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

