

The Study of Bei Song Xi-Feng Parnassus

【作者】 庄国瑞

【导师】 沈松勤;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 熙宁、元丰时期是北宋诗歌发展最具创造力的时期,宋代诗歌最富代表性作家集中出现于这个时期,整个诗坛产生了数量惊人的作品,并逐渐摆脱唐诗附庸的地位,建立起了自己的独特风格。这个阶段之所以能取得如此成就,首先、诗坛拥有发展所需的雄厚人才基础。北宋统一后逐步改变五代武人治国方略,开始转向文治,通过逐步完善科举考试、重用文臣等一系列改革措施,北宋建立起了自秦朝以来中国最庞大、最成功的文官系统,科举与文治的结果,使众多中下层的十人有机会参与到政治中来,造成中下层十人大量上达的局面,这是北宋中期人才大盛最根本的原因;在统一过程中北宋统治者注重收集整理文化,重建北方文化中心地位,在这个过程中南北文化逐步交融,伴随着南人政治、文化地位的上升,北宋文坛、政坛、士风等多个方面都出现了新气象;北宋加强国家办学与民间办学,学校基本覆盖全国,印刷术广‘泛运用,出版物极大丰富,十人读书机会增多,也是众多人才出现的重要原因。其次、熙丰诗坛发展有很好的政治基础。庆历、熙宁、元丰时期是北宋政治发展最有活力的时期,这个阶段由于国家面临政治、经济、军事等多方面的问题,随着儒学向经世致用的方向发展,士大夫普遍提出变革要求,从庆历新政到熙宁变法,北宋政治发展进入高潮阶段。同时这个时期也是北宋政治最为开明的时期,士大夫踊跃参政议政,实现了中国历史上少有的“与士大夫共治天下”的局面。再次、熙丰诗坛发展有很好的士风基础。一个阶段诗歌的创造活力如何、风格如何,与当时的十风有极大关系。熙丰年间,北宋统一已有一百多年,伴随着振兴古道的古文的发展,不仅改革了文风,也使得儒家的价值观再次回归并发展到更高的层次,十人的精神风貌普遍高扬激昂。以上三方面的因素均极有利于诗歌的创新发展。由于熙宁变法,部分朝中大臣闲退洛阳,再加上洛阳独特的人文地理条件,熙丰中在洛阳形成了一个高层士大夫的唱和群体,他们以邵雍、司马光为核心举行了频繁的雅集聚会。这一群体在政治上趋于保守,诗风上接近“白体”。群体的创作虽然对宋诗整体发展无太大推动作用,但在表现上层十大夫生活形态方面具有典型性。邵雍的创作独具特色,创造了一种贯彻儒家理念而形式自由的诗歌;司马光的创作接近“晚唐体”风格,平淡清丽,自成一家。王安石早期诗歌创作追随欧阳修诗文革新运动风气,诗风直遂畅达,无复含蓄,表现出部分宋调特征。晚年由于政治失意,诗风发生很大变化,表达趋于深隐曲折,吸收了唐诗中的有益因素,宋调特征也表现的更为复杂。王安石创作成果丰富,取得了极大的成就,他是体现宋调风范的第一人。苏轼熙丰时期是创作力与创造力最活跃的时期,创作数量多、质量高、体裁全面,题材广泛,其代表作百分之九十以上都创作于这个时期。苏轼对于宋调发展的意义在于,首先通过“深刻说理”、“容贯才学”等方法解决了欧阳修、梅尧臣、苏舜钦诗风革新后出现的问题;其次使宋诗的抒情心理发生了本质性的变化。宋调的主要特色在苏轼这里得到全面的开拓与表现,他是宋调创作成功的榜样。黄庭坚是与苏轼同时而能自成一种风格体系的作家,至元丰末已完成了自己诗体的构建,他的创作方式比苏轼更为精细,在宋调方面表现出更多变体特色与细节特征。黄庭坚诗学从总体上可以说是一种“陌生化”诗学,他用“陌生化”的方法改造了诗歌从语言、内容到形式的各个层面,完成了从唐诗到宋诗的彻底转变,是宋调最典型的代表。对王、苏、黄三位大家的创作都采取了分体论述,每一种诗体都选取最重要的特征探讨,而不是面面俱到的论述,古诗、律诗、绝句三种诗体的特征综合起来,可以体现一个诗人总体的诗歌艺术特色。在论述三大家的同时也涉及与他们直接相关的文学群体:苏门文人群、新党文人群、江西诗派。除去这些诗坛主流群体,当时全国各地也存在数量众多的其他文人群体,包括宦游唱和群体与地方文人群体,文章主要考察了苏轼杭州诗社、韦骧唱和群体、贺铸彭城诗社、吕南公灌园诗社四个群体。各地文人群体的大量出现是诗坛繁荣的证明,是对主流群体创作的补充,同时活跃了地方文化。自北宋末年以来关于北宋中期诗歌发展高峰的确定,人们一般倾向于“元祐”。“元祐”是个复杂的概念,首先它是个政治阶段的代称,随后被借用到文学中,诗学领域内对“元祐体”的评价与文人政治观念有着紧密关联;第二,因为严羽对“元祐体”概括模糊,引起后人解说“元祐体”出现差异,对“元祐体”的认识存在宽泛化与具体化两种方式。以诗歌史为背景考察,具体化的理解更符合历史实际。要清晰把握宋诗发展态势,应将熙丰、元祐区别对待,它们处于宋诗发展的不同阶段,熙丰时期宋诗已经完成了自己关键的转变。

【Abstract】 XiNing and YuanFeng period is the most creative time in the Bei Song poem development history. Those poets whose works can represent Song Poem emerged in large numbers, and the Parnassus produced amazing works whether its numbers or qualities. Song Poem broke away from the old tradition of Tang Poem, and created its own style. The Xi Feng Parnassus had such achievement because:first, the Parnassus had a galaxy of talent. After unified the county, Bei Song ruling class diverted the military political power to scholar-bureaucrat political power. Bei Song created the largest and most successful civil service system since Qin Dynasty, by reformed the civil service examination and appointment rules. A large number of people in the middle and lower class had their chance to take part in the political power, this is the most important reason of the large number of talent poem emerged during that period. During the process of Bei Song unification, the ruling class cared about gathering and studying the culture books and records, recreated the culture core in north of China. During this process the north culture and the south culture melted gradually. The Parnassus, the political situation, the scholar-bureaucrat culture had a whole new scene. Bei Song set up schools in every county and encouraged open private school, so the schools covered the majority area of the whole country. And the publishing business was very prosperity. This is also a important reason for developing culture and nurturing talent people. Second, the political situation was also beneficial for the Poem Parnassus’s development. Qing Li, XiNing, YuanFeng were the most dynamic period in the Bei Song political history. Most of the scholar-bureaucrat proposed to take a political and economic reform, because the country faced a lot of problems, and the Confucianism development absorbed some pragmatism factor, this new Confucianism also encouraged people to think about reform. The scholar-bureaucrat participated in the political activities enthusiastically. The situation of "govern the country with the scholar-bureaucrat" which seldom achieve really in Chinese history appeared in Qing Li and Xi Feng period. Third, the mental outlook of the scholar-bureaucrat was very well in this period. With the development of "Gu Wen movement" whose aim is to change the literature style and promote the Confucianism moral, the Confucianism values were back again and developed to more higher level. Above all these three factors are good for the creative development of the poem.Some of the high-ranking official retired from the prominent position in central government because they didn’t agree with the Xi Ning reform. Most of them come to Luo Yang where posses abound in gifts of nature in landscape, and its culture environment is also good. So in Xi Feng period those officials and local poets constitute a poetry society. They were conservative in politics, their poem style approximate "Bai Ju-yi Style". Though their poems did not have too much creative, but in reflect the high society life is successful. Shao Yong’s poem has ite own style. He created a kind of poem which is very flexible about the form to express his feelings and Confucianism ideas. Si Ma-guang’s poem is approximate "Wan Tang Style".In the earlier time Wang An-shi followed Ou Yang-xiu literature reform movement style. His poem style was freedom and outright, showed some of the Song Poem Style. In the later period his style changed, his expression was mild, and absorbed some good factors from Tang Poem. Wang An-shi is the first person whose poem show a lot of character of Song Poem.Xi Feng period is the most creative period in Su Shi’s Artistic life,90% of his masterpiece were created in this time. Su Shi’s creation gave impetus to Song Poem’s development. He solved the problems left by Ou Yang-xiu, Mei Yao-chen, Su Shun-qin, promoted the interior qualities of Song Poem, and changed the emotion expression patterns of the Song Poem. His works are the successful models of Song Poem.Huang Ting-jian established his unique style at the end of Yuan Feng period. His way of creation was more elaborate than Su Shi, showed a lot of changeful and subtle characters. The art of Huang Ting-jian’s poem can be called a kind of "Defamiliarization" poem art. He used the way of defamiliarization to change every aspect of poem. From then on Song Poem broke away from the Tang Poem completely. Huang Ting-jian’s poem is the most typical Song Poem style works.To study the poem of Wang An-shi, Su Shi, Huang Ting-jian, I take a way of differentiate style, include "Gu Shi", "Lv Shi", "Jue Ju". To integrate three style’s characters can show the whole art character of one artist.The main poetry group of Xi Feng Parnassus include Su Men poetry group, Xin Dang poetry group and Jiang Xi poetry group.Besides those mainstream literature groups, there are many poetry society and groups established by scholar-bureaucrat who often traveled to different place because of been transferred to another post. Many of them are literature enthusiasts. They organize poem party with their colleagues and local friends. I studied Su Shi Hang Zhou poetry society, Wei Xiang poetry society, He Zhu Peng Cheng poetry society, Lv Nan Gong Guan Yuan poetry society. Local poets also organize poem parties and groups by themselves. Their composition shows a prosperity profile of the Xi Feng Parnassus.When people talk about the poem development climax of North Song Dynasty, most of them are inclined to agree with "Yuan You". "Yuan You" is a complicated concept. First of all it’s a politic phase name, then, was borrowed into literature field. In poem field the discussion about "Yuan You" always contact with literatures own politics issue. Second, "Yuan You Ti" which was raised by Yan Yu is an little ambiguous concept. It leads different explanation. People often discuss it in two ways, generalization and concretion. When we put this issue in the history of Chinese poem, the concretion way is more reasonable. So, if want to learn clearly about the development course of Song Poem, we must distinguish the character between Xi Feng and Yuan You. They are in different phase of development of Song Poem, and in the Xi Feng period Song poem had completed its crucial change.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

