

On Qing Poetry Collection (A General Discussion)

【作者】 夏勇

【导师】 朱则杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文所谓清诗总集,指一切含有清人诗歌之总集。清初以来,清诗总集的编纂活动绵延不绝,高潮迭起,总数估计至少在二千种以上,给后人留下了一笔极其丰厚的文学文化遗产;同时其自身也堪称清代历史上的一个引人瞩目的文学文化现象,为我们考察编者的学术思想、美学观念,乃至相关时代的社会环境、文化风气、文人群体、文学潮流等,提供了丰富的文献资料与多样的学术视角。虽然清诗总集有着很高的认识、研究价值,但现有研究成果的整体数量与质量,均与之非常不匹配,尤其缺乏从宏观的层次出发,综合多个考察视角,对其进行全面系统、总揽全局的概括性研究。本文即着眼于此,采取以面带点、点面结合的办法,尝试对清诗总集研究的几大主要议题作一通览性论述。全文分绪论、正论与余论三个部分。绪论首先界定清诗总集的概念与范畴,其次简单回顾迄今为止的研究成果,接着主要从宏观上阐述清诗总集对于清诗研究的意义,最后说明本文的研究思路。正论凡六章。第一章首先从数量之大、类型之多与编者之众三个方面出发,着重对清代本朝出现的清诗总集编纂繁荣景象的具体表现进行概述;然后在清代初期、清代中期、清代末期、清代之后的框架下,对清诗总集编纂的流变过程作一鸟瞰式的勾勒。第二章将清诗总集扼要地分为全国、地方、宗族、唱和、题咏、课艺、歌谣、闺秀、方外、域外凡十个大类,主要从内部形态的角度出发,对各大类型的基本面貌、特色与成就等进行初步勾勒。第三章则以清诗总集的编纂体例为研究对象,主要从取舍标准、编排形式以及其他附件三个方面展开论述,力图揭示其中带有规律性的现象与显著特征。以上三章均属本体论的范畴。接下来的三章均为功能论,依次探讨清诗总集的文献价值、文学意义与文化内涵。鉴于清诗总集从本质上来说,乃是一种文献载体,因而本文首先论述其文献价值。同时,又由于文献资料只是一种客观存在,任何学术领域的研究者都可以从中各取所需,所以本文主要立足于清诗研究,对清诗总集在清诗作品保存、作家资料两方面的文献价值进行初步论列,另外也涉及清代诗话、词曲、文赋乃至某些其他议题。再从文学研究的角度来看,清诗总集同样具有多方面的意义。本文主要着眼于专题研究,撷取诗学思想、诗人集会、诗歌流派三个议题展开论述,其中前二者采取概论与个案研究结合的方式予以探讨。至于清诗总集在文化研究方面的价值,更是包罗万象。本文仅择取偏于形而上的学术思想、偏于形而下的社会风情,以及相对处于中间层面的政治历史变迁为研究对象,作一示例性的初步论述,其他暂姑置不论。余论则尝试前瞻清诗总集研究的未来发展方向与若干较值得深入探研的议题。附录两种,分别对现有书目著录清诗总集与别集的混淆错乱情形,以及著录清诗总集编者信息不确切的问题,进行举例辨正。

【Abstract】 Qing poetry collection or poetry collection in Qing Dynasty in this thesis refers to all the collections that contain poetry written by persons in Qing Dynasty. From the early beginning of Qing Dynasty, people often compiled Qing poetry collection. Thousands of such collections left the fruitful legacy in literature and culture to us. Qing poetry collection was an outstanding cultural and literary appearance in Qing Dynasty; it supplied us many data about Qing times, social surroundings, cultural atmosphere, literary tide, and it also refer to us a new study compiler’ thoughts or angle. Qing poetry collection was very valuable in study but it is very pity that nowadays few people pay much attention to it. Not only quality but also quantity, it needs more research. We seldom study systematically Qing poetry collection in macro. In this thesis, I try to discuss totally about the Qing poetry collection. Now, there are some questions of interactive points and aspects about the study of it:This thesis covers preface, body and conclusion. Preface defined the conception and category of Qing poetry collection, simply reviewed past research and show the write methods and meaning in study.Body covers seven chapters. Chapter one and two study Qing poetry collection itself and discuss compilations blooming, which is general remarks. Others chapters are respective remarks. Chapter three and four belong to ontology and study it is more deeply compared with chapter one and two. Chapter three divides Qing poetry collection into ten sorts, including countrywide, locality, patriarchal clan, writing poems and replying, inscribing and chanting, examining and testing, folk song, the female sex, Buddhist monk and Taoist priest, forein lands. Then studies of inner side from the aspect of every sort, such as appearance, feature and accomplishment. Chapter four studies compilation style of the collection, it discusses in choice standard, compilation form and annex. The study tries to discover regularly phenomenon and outstanding feature.Other three chapters belong to function category and it aims to discuss documental value, literary meaning and cultural content. This thesis firstly discusses documental value of the collection. As a kind of documental vector in nature, any researcher can take what he needs from it. So, this thesis mainly studies Qing poetry. In this thesisⅠdiscuss documental value of the collection in Qing poetry preservation and materials of the writers. And then, I pay my attention to poetry, lyrics, Wen Fu, and so on. The collection is very meaningful in many sides from the point of literary study. This thesis mainly disserts three sides--- poetry thoughts, poets’collection and poetry schools. When disserting poetry thoughts and poets’collection, I take the method of connection the general discussion to the case. The value of the collection in cultural research is very all-inclusive. This thesis chooses upper academic thought, lower social phenomenon and middle political and historical changes as the study appoints, the other questions the thesis doesn’t refers.In the conclusion, I try to prospect future development of the study and give some thoughts about the Qing poetry collections more deeply.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

