

The Study of ShangShu of the Late Tang Dynasty

【作者】 王孙盈政

【导师】 卢向前;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 唐代初期,三省六部制最终确立并臻于完备。尚书省处于国家政务裁决的核心地位。作为国家最高行政机构,尚书省通过奏抄文书裁处国家日常庶务,颁布政令,指挥与之相对应的寺监机构和地方州府。但是,自高宗、武则天时代,宰相开始呈现出政务官化的倾向,使职、差遣逐渐发展。尚书省在国家行政运行过程中的作用有所减弱。开元十一年(723),张说将政事堂改为中书门下,固定的合署办公的宰相机构成立。唐代行政运行体制三省制结束,所谓“中书门下体制”初步确立。肃宗朝以来,中书门下宰相机构进一步政务官化,力图取代尚书省成为国家最高行政机构,直接与尚书省展开地位和权力之争。至宪宗一朝,中书门下最终成为国家日常庶务的主要承担者,而尚书省在公文上下行过程中依然保有一定的裁决政务的权力和发出政令的权力,同时六部诸曹的主要职掌尚存,故在名义上保留了“天下政本”的地位。在行政运行体制转型的过程中,中央诸机构的职能趋于模糊。御史台、使职差遣和内诸司在不同程度上拥有政令权力和事务权力,都对尚书省的权力形成冲击。由于各种政治势力的影响,尚书省在中书门下体制下,也呈现出新的特色。机构设置,公务处理,行政运行模式及都省对省内的管理,都呈现新旧两种体制并行的特征。唐代后期,统治者根据自身的需要,不断地调整对尚书省——寺监体系的政策,尚书省自觉、不自觉地对此作出回应。一方面,其力图维护在三省制下拥有的地位、职权;另一方面又开始转型以适应新的行政体制和复杂的政治环境。态度从被迫消极到积极主动。因此在不同的历史阶段显露出不同的特点。本文旨在论述自肃宗朝至唐末始终处于变化中的尚书省,进而揭示开启五代、宋以降唐代后期中央官制演进进程。

【Abstract】 In the beginning period of Tang Dynasty, the Three Provinces and Six Ministries System was established finally and reached perfection. Shangshu was located in the center of the system that handled the state affairs. As the supreme administration structure, Shangshu handled the state affairs by Zouchao and issued administrative decrees to command Qing Jian which matched along with Shangshu and local authorities.However,from the era of Gaozong and Wuzetian (650-704A.D.), prime ministers began presenting the tendency of being administrative officials.The emissary system and the dispatched officials began developing gradually.The effect of Shangshu in the moving process of the state administration weakened.In Kaiyuan eleven (723 A.D.) Zhangyue changed Zhengshitang to Zhongshumenxia,the permanent preme ministers’s organization that prime ministers worked together was established.The administrative moving system, the Sansheng System, was over,and the Zhongshumenxia System was established tentativly.From the reign of Suzong(743-761 A.D.),the prime minister organization Zhongshumenxia developed to be a administrative organization,strived to be the place of Shangshu as the supreme administration structure and fought for the status and powers with Shangshu.In the reign of Xianzong(805-814 A.D.),Zhongshumenxia turned the main body of handling the state affairs final ly,but Shangshu retained the certain powers that dealt the state affairs and issued administrative orders. At the same time, Six Ministries’main powers of office were retained.So Shangshu was still the base that handled the state administrative affairs in name.In the process of the administrative moving system that had been changing,the functions of the central organizations turned to be blurring.Yushitai the emissary system (including the dispatched officials) and the emissary system of eunuchs had powers of administrative decrees and dealing with affairs. These organizations caused effects to Shangshu. In Zhongshumenxia System, Shangshu also presented the new characteristics because of these effects.The setting of the organization the handling of state affairs the moving of the administrative affairs and the administration of Dusheng all presented characteristics that the new system and the old system were moving at the same time.In the late of Tang Dynasty,governers adjusted the policies to the system of Shangshu and Qingjian according to the needs of themselves,Shangshu made reaction voluntarily or unvoluntarily.Shangshu made its efforts to restore the status and authority of the early stage. Meanwhile it also attempted to develop by changing itself to adapt the new administrative system and the complicated political environment.In the process,Shangshu turned from passively to positively.So in the different state,it presented different characteristics. The thesis is aimed at discussing Shangshu which had been changing all the time from the reign of Suzong to the end of Tang Dynasty and revealed the moving process of the central official regulation that began the regulation of the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

