

A Study into the Collectively Named Poets Groups in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 陈凯玲

【导师】 朱则杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 诗人并称群体,即两个或两个以上的诗歌作家齐名并称,相提并论,是中国古代文学史上一种普遍而又复杂的现象。有清一代是中国古代诗歌发展的最后一座高峰,其并称群体数量之多、类型之富、关系之繁、传播之盛,与前代相比,显得尤其突出,蕴藏着丰富的文学、文化价值;其研究前景非常广阔,很值得为此构建一个专门的研究体系。本文即拟选取清代诗人并称群体作为研究对象。绪论部分,首先界定“并称”、“并称群体”的概念与范畴,其次介绍与清代诗人并称群体相关的研究成果,接着从宏观上阐述其研究意义,最后说明本文的研究思路。正论凡六章。第一章《清代之前作家并称群体的流变》,简要回顾先秦两汉以迄明代作家并称群体的发展历程,以为研究清代诗人并称群体提供一定的参照。第二章《清代诗人并称群体的繁盛》,论述其具体表现和主要原因。第三章《清代诗人并称群体的命名》,探析其命名的角度、方法,以及有关命名的其他某些复杂现象。第四章《清代诗人并称群体与具体作家》,讨论并称群体内部作家的创作成就与异同表现。第五章《清代诗人并称群体与诗歌流派》,分析并称群体与诗歌流派的联系和区别,与诗派领袖的关系,及其在流派发展中的作用影响等。第六章《清代诗人并称群体与诗坛风会》,以清代初、中、晚三个时期的代表性并称群体为例,揭示其作为诗坛风向标的意义与价值。附录一种,对目前所知见的清代诗人并称群体,予以示例形式介绍。

【Abstract】 The collectively named poets group is made up of two or more limited members, being juxtaposed comment.It is a universal and complicated phenomenon in the ancient Chinese literary history.The Qing Dynasty is the last of height peak of ancient Chinese poetry development.Therefore the collectively named poets in Qing Dynasty were in great number,with copmplex relationships and prevalent spread,which were more significant contrast to the former times,and have certain stydying value and cultural value. The study of the collectively named poets in Qing Dynasty has broad prospects and is worth construct a specific research system. In this thesis, I try to discuss totally about the collectively named poets in Qing Dynasty.This thesis covers preface, body and conclusion. Preface defined the conception and category of the collectively named groups, simply reviewed past research and show the write methods and meaning in study.Body covers six chapters. Chapter one overview the development history of collectively named author groups before Qing Dynasty,which providing us a reference frame. Chapter two discusses the blooming phenomenon of the collectively named poets groups in Qing Dynasty,and discusses its mainly causes. Chapter three researches for the naming of collectively named author groups in Qing Dynasty, to explore the naming angles,methods and some of the complex phenomenon about naming. Chapter four analyses the single author in collectively named poets groups,discuss their achievements and similarities and differences on poetry. Chapter five discusses the relations and differences between the collectively named poets groups and the poetry schools. Chapter six studies the collectively named poets groups in each period of Qing Dynasty which which has the representative,reveling its meaning and value as weather-vane of literary tide.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

