

A Textual Research about Xunzi Disseminating Confucius Jing

【作者】 张小苹

【导师】 崔富章;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 荀子是战国晚期的大儒,生前非常重视各种儒家经典的学习与应用,他不仅极大地推动了战国晚期儒家经典的传播与研究,对汉代经学的形成与发展也存在一定影响。历代学者比较重视荀子传经问题的研究,相关成果也较为丰富。以汪中、刘师培为代表的传统派学者广泛搜罗典籍记载中与荀子相关的传经源流、《荀子》与群经重复的内容,以此论证汉代经学多源出荀子;以吕思勉、钱穆为代表的疑古辨伪派学者则认为群经早期传授源流多不可信,荀子传经不过是汉代经师借以自重的把戏而已。现当代学者一般都倾向于认可传统学派的考证,对疑古辨伪派的论证则较为漠视。本文在前贤时彦的研究基础上,首次全面而系统地梳理了与荀子相关的各种传经源流的真伪情况、《荀子》与群经重复文献间的复杂关系,从而来具体探讨荀子传经问题。本文共分六章。第一章主要回顾了历代学者对荀子传经问题的研究状况,并作了简要评论。以下五章则根据荀子对各种经典的重视程度为序,分别讨论了荀子与《礼》、《诗》、《书》、《春秋》、《易》等经典的传授情况。第二章通过考察《荀子》书中的礼论文字,认为荀子对《士丧礼》、《既夕礼》、《士虞礼》、《丧服》、《少牢馈食礼》、《有司彻》、《乡饮酒礼》以及其他天子、诸侯礼都进行过相关的学习、研究与传授:汉代的礼学传授虽然与荀子没有师承上的直接关系,但汉代礼家大多都曾私淑荀子礼学,荀子的礼学知识在西汉学术界仍然被不断地传承、发展。第三章讨论了传《鲁诗》的申公是荀子的再传弟子:传《韩诗》的韩婴曾私淑荀子之学,并在编撰《韩诗外传》时大量采用了《荀子》文献;《毛诗》的早期传授源流虽然并不可信,毛亨为荀子弟子之说也不能成立,但毛苌在撰写《毛诗故训传》时也曾较多地征引了《荀子》。第四章比较简略地论述了荀子生前曾传授《康诰》、《吕刑》、《洪范》、《泰誓》、《仲虺》等《书》篇,与汉代的《书》学传授则没有什么联系。第五章着重分析了《荀子》与《公羊传》的重复文献多出现在《大略篇》中,这些文献应该是荀子后学杂录所致:传《榖梁传》的瑕丘江公是荀子的三传弟子,《榖梁传》与《荀子·礼论篇》相重复的一段文字是《榖梁传》征引了《荀子》;《荀子·致士篇》中虽然也有一条文献与《左传》相重复,但这条文献与上下文不相蒙,应该也是后学所杂录:荀子是否曾传授《春秋》三《传》,还有待考证。第六章通过考察“子弓”乃“馯臂子弓”说存在较大疑点、荀子生前并不重视《易》学、《易》学思想体系与荀子存在较大差别等三个方面,分析了荀子与战国晚期《易》学、南方《易》学的传授没有太大关系。文章的最后是结语部分,总结了荀子对战国晚期儒家典籍的传播作出了重大贡献;汉代的群经传授虽然并非全部源出荀子,但荀子对汉代经学的形成与发展也起了极大的推动作用:荀子对中国传统学术文化的传承与发扬功莫大焉。

【Abstract】 Xunzi was a great scholar of Confucianism in the late Warring States period, and paid much attention to learning and applying of a series of Confucius Jing. He not only promoted the research and dissemination of Confucius Jing in the late Warring States period, but also produced an effect on the formation and development of Jingxue in Han Dynasty. Many researchers emphasized on the subject on Xunzi disseminating Confucius Jing, and obtained much achievements about it. Traditional researchers such as Wang Zhong and Liu Shipei thought that JIngxue in Han Dynasty derived from Xunzi mostly, by generally collecting the materials that certificated Xunzi disseminating Confucius Jing and the overlapping content of Xunzi and Confucius Jing. However, those researchers of Yigu-Bianwei group such as Lv Simian and Qian Mu thought the material of the early dissemination of Confucius Jing was not convincing, and the idea of Xunzi disseminating Confucius Jing was only the trick of the Jingshi in Han dynasty that was used to promote them. Most modern researchers agree with the idea of traditional researchers, and suppressed the argument of Yigu-Bianwei group. This dissertation mainly discusses the subject on Xunzi disseminating Confucius Jing, by analyzing the research achievements of the other researchers, distinguishing a series of materials of Xunzi disseminating Confucius Jing between truth and falsehood, and studying the complicated relationship between Xunzi and Confucius Jing due to their overlapping content.This dissertation consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter summarizes and comments the research achievements on Xunzi disseminating Confucius Jing. And the following five chapters respectively discuss the details of Xunzi disseminating Li, Shi, Shu, Chunqiu and Yi, as the order of importance that Xunzi thought of Confucius Jing.The second chapter thinks that Xunzi learned, studied and disseminated the literature including Shisangli, Jixili, Shiyuli, Sangfu, Shaolaokuishili, Yousiche and Xiangyinjiuli and other Li of Tianzi and Zhuhou. Although the dissemination of Li in Han dynasty had not direct teaching relationship with Xunzi, most researchers of Li in Han dynasty learned Li of Xunzi personally, so that the knowledge of Li of Xunzi was still disseminated in Western Han dynasty.The third chapter discusses that Shengong who disseminated Lushi was a step-apprentice of Xunzi; Hanying who disseminated Hanshi learned literature of Xunzi personally, and utilized much literature of Xunzi during composing Hanshi Waizhuan; early dissemination of Maoshi wasn’t very convincing, and the idea that Maoheng was an apprentice of Xunzi wasn’t certificated either, however, Maochang cited much literature of Xunzi when he composed Guxunzhuan of Maoshi.The fourth chapter introduced the history that Xunzi disseminated many chapters of Shu, including Kanggao, Lvxing, Hongfan, Taishi, Zhonghui, etc., while, there is little relationship between dissemination of Shu in Han dynasty and Xunzi.The fifth chapter analyzes that the overlapping content of Xunzi and Gongyangzhuan of Chunqiu mainly lied in Charpter Dalue, since these materials was probably written by the students of Xunzi;Xiaqiujianggong who disseminated Guliangzhuan of Chunqiu was the third-step-apprentice of Xunzi, however, the overlapping content of Guliangzhuan of Chunqiu and Chapter Lilun of Xunzi is because the former cited the latter; the dissemination history of Zuozhuan of Chunqiu in pre-qin period was fabricated in fact, and although some material in Chapter Zhishi of Xunzi was overlapped by Zuozhuan of Chunqiu, this material was not really suitable to its context, probably written by the students of Xunzi. So that Xunzi probably didn’t disseminated the triple Zhuan of Chunqiu.The sixth chapter thinks that there is little relationship between Xunzi and the dissemination of Yi in late Warring States period or in southern part, by analyzing the doubtful point of the thought of Zigong equal to Hanbizigong, the fact that Xunzi didn’t attach importance to Yi in his lifetime, and the great difference between the thought of Yi and Xunzi.The final epilogue of this dissertation concludes that not all the dissemination of Confucius Jing in Han dynasty derived from Xunzi, however, Xunzi contributed much to the dissemination of Confucius Jing in late Warring States period, the formation and development of Jingxue in Han dynasty. Xunzi contributed greatly to the continuing and promoting of Chinese traditional research and culture.

【关键词】 荀子传授群经传统派疑古辨伪派
【Key words】 XunzidisseminationConfucius Jingtraditional groupYigu-Bianwei group
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

