

A Cognitive and Pragmatic Account of Metalinguistic Negation

【作者】 赵旻燕

【导师】 黄华新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 元语言否定不是一个非常热门的话题,但这并不意味着我们可以忽视它的存在。元语言否定在以往的研究中并没有获得真正独立的学术地位,对它的讨论要么从属于否定研究,要么依附于语义-语用界面问题。本文希望针对元语言否定进行较为完整、系统的研究。本文主要致力于解决元语言否定的性质和元语言否定的解读两个问题。元语言否定的性质牵涉两个方面,一是否定算子的性质,二是否定辖域内容的性质。Horn认为元语言否定中的否定算子不是标准真值函数性质的,是否定的一种歧义,因此在英语以外的某些语言中会存在不同于一般否定形式的元语言否定特有的形式标记。笔者从跨语言的角度,在汉语、韩语、阿拉伯语和希腊语中,对Horn等人所谓的“元语言否定形式标记”进行了考察,证明这些英语之外的语言中存在的所谓元语言否定的特有形式,不过是一般的语用标记。无论是元语言否定还是描述性否定都只有一个真值函数性质的否定算子,两者的区别在于否定辖域内容的性质:描述性否定辖域内容是对世界状态的描述,而元语言否定辖域内容是元表征成分或如Carston所说的回声性内容。Carston的回声观点尽管是元语言否定研究的一个突破,但是她对元语言否定的回声性并没有深入研究,因此需要修正和补充。笔者在Carston的基础上对回声来源、回声的语用及认知特征进行了探讨。笔者认为元语言否定是一种双声语现象,回声来源就是隐在的他人话语,是回声存在的前提;通过回声话语,发话者意图使受话者注意言语表达延迟明示的除正常外延所指之外的内容,元语言否定所针对的也正是这一内容;回声是一种背景前景化机制,能够实现图形/背景关系的扭转,元语言否定是对原有背景内容的否定。元语言否定的解读涉及三个方面的内容:(1)如何判断一句话语是元语言否定;(2)确定发话者所意谓的元语言否定的具体涵义;(3)元语言否定能够达到什么样的效果。元语言否定的解读,以元语言否定的辨识为起点,经过具体涵义的确定,最终达到某种交际效果。元语言否定的辨识很大程度上依赖于语境,因此笔者对影响元语言否定的语境进行分类,并对其影响元语言否定解读的力度进行评估,在此基础上提出一个元语言否定辨识模式。元语言否定不具有概念意义而只有过程意义,元语言否定辨识出来以后,其具体意义,还必须通过和修正句或语境的对比来确定。这一处理过程笔者将在关联理论的框架中进行刻画,并给出一个确定元语言否定具体含义的图式。元语言否定能够达到纠偏、幽默、强调、改变话语权力、团结“圈内人”等效果。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is intended to examine the nature of metalinguistic negation and its interpretation. The former involves two aspects, that is, the nature of negation operator and the nature of material falling in the scope of negation. As far as the nature of negation operator is concerned, contrary to Horn (1985), we agree with Carston (1996) on that the negation operator in cases of metalinguistic negation is exactly the same one as that in cases of descriptive negation:i.e. the standard truth-functional negation. The difference between the two possible interpretations of negative utterances lies with the way in which the material falling in the scope of the negation operator is being used:either it is descriptively used to represent states on the world or echoically used in the sense of Sperber and Wilson (1986/1995).We have investigated four languages which are claimed to have exclusive operators of metalinguistic negation, and found them nothing but markers of ordinary pragmatic functions, such as focus markers, metarepresentation markers, contrastive markers, etc., which means there is no metalinguistic negation operator at all, and the negation operator in metalinguistic negation is no other than the standard truth-functional operator of negation.Although Carston’s implicit echoic analysis shed much light on the nature of metalinguistic negation, the notion of echo needs to be elaborated. In view of this, we have discussed the origin of echo, the pragmatic nature of metalinguistic negation and its cognitive nature as well. We consider metalinguistic negation as a kind of "double-voiced discourse", and thereby, the origin of echo, as an implicit other’s voice, is the prerequisite of echo. By using an echoic expression, the addresser intends the addressee to select from its multiple ostensions something other than the customary referent (either instead of it or in addition to it), which is also the object of negation. As a foregrounding mechanism, the echoic expression can reverse figure/ground segregation, and therefore, it is the ground that is the object of metalinguistic negation.We should bear it in mind that when we consider the interpretation of metalinguistic negation as an integrated process, it involves three aspects:(1) the identification of a discourse as metalinguistic negation (the process of recognizing metalinguistic negation as a type), (2) the determination of its intended meaning (the interpretation of its value), and (3) the effects achieved by metalinguistic negation (its pragmatic functions).The identification of metalinguistic negation relies heavily on context, which requires classification of the contextual information and assessment of the influence of the context concerned. Metalinguistic negation doesn’t have a conceptual meaning but rather only a procedural one, so we describe the successive cognitive states of an addressee when a metalinguistic negation utterance is processed to catch the procedural meaning of it. A comparison of the negated clause with the correcting clause leads to the determination of what is exactly negated. By metalinguistic negation, we achieve the pragmatic effects of correcting, humor, emphasizing, transiting of discoursive power, and establishing solidarity, etc..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

