The Generation and Development of the Wen-Ti Concept before the Tang Dynasty
【作者】 吕红光;
【导师】 林家骊;
【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士
【摘要】 本论文的研究对象为唐前文体观。二十世纪末以来,在中国古代文体学兴起的背景下,一些学者指出尽管中国古代“体”的含义有多种,但是中国古代“文体”的最为普遍、最为核心的意义乃是指“文章整体”之意,本论文建立在学术界对“文体”含义的还原性理解的基础之上、试图考察先秦两汉魏晋南北朝时期中国古代文体观念从孕育、生成到繁盛的历史过程。本论文主体内容分为四章,主要内容如下:第一章是文体观念在先秦的孕育。本章从中国古代整体思维方式出发,论述文类之源在人们的观念里被包容在社会行为整体中,言辞在行为整体中逐渐具有凸显意义。同时,各类言辞在不同历史时期社会功能的变化中使其朝向类型化发展,以雅言为基础的“辞”在春秋战国的发展促进了人们对言辞的审美观念的增强。整体思维方式、言辞的类型化发展、人们对言辞技巧的自觉追求、言辞逐渐文本化成为中国古代文体观念重要的孕育条件。第二章是文体观念在汉末魏晋的生成与初步发展。本章重要之处在于,细化两汉文体观念渐次生成的过程,将汉末以前的文章繁盛而又文体观念未明晰的阶段定为文体观念的“模糊阶段”:在此阶段文章审美观念有所增长却又受到经学的制约、宗经致用观念下文章类型化观念难以自觉明晰、文章本体范畴观念难以形成、“述而不作”的观念从根本上制约着人们的创作观念是文体观念难以清晰化的困境;汉魏体用思想的明晰、经学松动、文体体现才情的人才观念的出现,是中国古代文体观念从模糊走向清晰化乃至生成的重要原因。第三章是文体观念在南北朝的繁盛。本章主要包括三个方面的内容:文体观念在人们生活中的深入与繁盛;出现了文体学巨著《文心雕龙》;时代文体观念的日益繁盛,三者是南北朝文体观繁盛的重要表现。第四章主要包括两方面的内容:一是考察了中国古代文体观念范畴从人文行为整体到文学整体到文章整体的渐次形成过程;二是结合中国古代思维方式考察唐前形成的普遍的文体观念:文体来源于五经的观念、文体的雅俗观念、文体审美的骈俪观念、文体分类的文笔观念、文章类属的多视域观念、文体技巧的非界限性观念。在余论中,本论文考察了中国古代文体观念在近现代以来在人们观念中逐步淡退的历程,并对这一现象进行了现实性思考。
【Abstract】 The study object of this paper is the concept of style before the Tang Dynasty. Since the modern times,when the Chinese ancient stylistics rises Since the late twentieth century, some scholars pointed out that although the word "body" has many meanings in the ancient China, but the most common, the most central of the meaning of the word "style" in ancient China is "the whole article ", this paper was built on the meaning of the academic word" style " and return to the background of the ancient China,try to examine the generation and developmen of the style concept of the ancient China before the Tang Dynasty.The main content of this paper will be divided into four parts:Pre-Qin Dynasty, when the pioneers in the production of the actual needs of life produced a lot of actual things such acts,but in their concept that the words or text as an integral part of conduct which points to the conduct meaning and not independent. But with the development of the text of a large number of actual things,with the development of the "speech" in the Spring and Autumn’s, as well as the Chinese nation has been formed from the original early stage of the overall way of thinking, the concept of ancient Chinese style laid the bud and the foundation.Although the literati who lived in Han Dynasty had a certain degree of creativity and aesthetic sense for practical writing, the concept of concept had not formed before the end of Han Dynasty, the literati lacked of the concept of the scope of the different article kinds, and constrained by the idea of respecting for the classic, which was ’transmitting without Making-up’, the style concept was not formalized, at least it was very vague and unclear. After the end of Han Dynasty, the thought of noumenon and function in philosophy was increasing clarity, under the conditions of official ideology was loosing, and by the stimulating of new talent ideas which were showing the talent by articles, the style concept of syncretism of noumenon and function was formalized.In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, because the link of style and the talent and future of literati was more closely, the summaries of genre style were more detailed and comprehensive; and pay the unprecedented attention to the individual style; Appearing the "Wen Xin Diao Long", which was the masterpiece stylistics, it showed the concept of style of the Southern Dynasty. Moreover, the literati of the Northern and Southern Dynasties demonstrated their rich stylistic concept of the historical periords by the theoretical summary. Therefore, the Chinese ancient style concept of the Northern and Southern Dynasties ushered the era of prosperity before the Tang Dynasty.The general remarks expounded the following characteristics of the Chinese ancient style concept:because of the concept of the supremacy for ancestor scripture, all kinds of genre and style are attributed to the Five Classics. Thinking by intuitive analogy, people always take the human body than the Style; Thinking by noumenon and function, people always take the Chinese ancient style concept as shown by the spherical body structure; The sense of hierarchy make the Chinese ancient style concept to refinement and the earthliness; In the stylistic aesthetic, art of parallelism become the generally tend to pursue for literati. In the stylistic classification, there is macro summary of the classification of "Wen" and "Bi"; Under the guidance of practical spiritual idea, text-types were different with the different perspectives. A variety of stylistic techniques can be used in different types of articles, and there are not clear boundaries.In ancient China, under the unique way of thinking, the Chinese ancient style concept was generated. However, because of intervention of the Western ideas in modern, the Chinese ancient style concept disappeared gradually. At the end of this paper, I explored the history of this lost, and make the realistic thinking.
【Key words】 The Dynasty before Tang; The Concept of Style; Overall Way of Thinking; The Whole Article; Produce; Generation; Developement;