

The Crisis of Identity and Its Construction

【作者】 隋红升

【导师】 殷企平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 欧内斯特·盖恩斯(Ernest Gaines,1933-)是继赖特、鲍德温和艾里森之后美国20世纪六十年代以来美国最重要的小说家之一,也是美国南方最负盛名的黑人小说家,但国内对其小说创作的研究还仅仅处于起步阶段,无论是在其小说的思想内涵方面,还是其叙事艺术方面,都缺乏系统、深入的研究。本文以男性气概理论为视角,深入研究盖恩斯小说中黑人男性气概及其男性身份的实践性多元建构策略。首先,盖恩斯在把重压下的勇气作为黑人男性气概的总基调的同时,通过女性叙事赋予了黑人男性气概与白人男权文化语境下的支配性男性气概不同的特质。盖恩斯小说中的黑人男性气概继承了传统男性气概中的合理内核,同时摒弃了其霸道、征服、暴力等消极因素,从而建构起一种新型男性气概模式。其次,盖恩斯的小说把黑人男性气概的建构与黑人男性个人空间中的道德伦理建构结合起来。其中,黑人男性的父性回归就是其中的一项重要建构策略,这种个人空间中道德伦理的建构也是其在公共空间中有所作为的保障。再次,盖恩斯小说中黑人男性气概的建构与“双重身份”的超越结合起来,使黑人男性气概获得了政治身份与文化身份的确证。第四,盖恩斯的小说在黑人男性气概的建构过程中,既没有忽视宗教信仰作为一种不可或缺的救赎力量对黑人男性气概建构的重大意义,又没有忽略黑人理性教育的重要性,而是让两者有机地统一于黑人男性的成长过程中,使之在信仰与理性之间获得平衡。第五,盖恩斯的小说中黑人男性气概的建构还与黑人种族的集体解放和救赎结合起来,强调黑人个体对黑人社区的责任。最后,盖恩斯的小说在黑人男性气概的建构方面还体现了深邃的历史视野,探究了对灭绝人性的奴隶制给黑人留下的历史创伤的正确认识对黑人男性气概建构的重要性,表现出一种辨证的过去观,并且以一种开放的、积极的态度对待黑人现状的变革,使黑人的男性气概与男性身份在变革现状、开拓未来的过程中得到建构与实践。可以说,在黑人男性气概的建构方面,盖恩斯的小说所体现的是一种实践性多元的建构策略,这种建构策略蕴含了强烈的问题意识,是针对黑人男性因历史和现实种种原因所造成的种种缺失和面临的种种危机展开的,有效地平衡和弥合了黑人男性在其成长过程中所经历的诸如个人与集体、信仰与理性、男性与女性、个人空间与公共空间等矛盾和冲突,因而有着更多的可实践性和可操作性,同时也使小说在男性叙事方面充满了张力和效度,更能引发读者的深层思考。总之,盖恩斯的小说把黑人男性气概置放到一个更为丰富、多元、广阔的叙事空间里建构,让黑人男性个体在矛盾与悖论中反思,在挫败中成长;少了不着边际的追问和臆想,多了脚踏实地的努力与奋斗。因此,盖恩斯小说创作中所再现的不再是《土生子》与《隐形人》等小说中所表现出来的那种抽象的、飘忽的男性气概,而是一种更为真实、更有时代气息、更符合人性的男性气概。用男性气概视角研究盖恩斯小说、黑人文学乃至世界文学至少有以下几个方面的意义:首先,研究盖恩斯小说中的男性书写和男性气概的建构有利于促进对美国黑人文学乃至世界文学研究范式的丰富和拓展,有着不可忽略的理论建构意义。当今世界文学中的性别研究其实是女性研究的代名词,男性研究一直处于失语状态。作为男性研究理论体系的核心概念,男性气概的研究必然会大大促进世界文学中的男性研究,这有利于对打破当今文学中性别研究的不平衡状态。其次,有利于黑人男性形象的丰富和深化。黑人男性形象的塑造在黑人文学中一直占据一个重要的位置。无论赖特、鲍德温和艾里森等黑人男性作家还是莫里森和沃克等黑人女性作家,都非常注重黑人男性形象的塑造。盖恩斯的小说中对黑人男性形象的塑造大大丰富和拓展了黑人男性书写传统。再次,对盖恩斯小说或黑人文学中的黑人男性气概的研究对当代黑人男性获得其主体性从而走出身份危机——这也是本文主、副标题的关联所在——有着重要的启示意义。最后,对黑人男性气概的研究对于构建和谐的两性伦理有着不可或缺的重大意义。在21世纪的今天,早已经不合时宜的男权文化依然左右着人们的思想和观念,对和谐的两性关系的构建依然是一个重大障碍。因此对盖恩斯小说中黑人男性气概的研究有利于促进人们对男权文化语境下的支配性男性气概的批判,对构建和谐的两性伦理有着重大意义。

【Abstract】 Ernest Gaines is one of the most important novelists since Richards Wright, James Baldwin, and Ralph Ellison in America. And he is also the most important novelist in South USA. However, the research on his novels has just begun. No systematic and deep-going research has been carried out both on the thoughts and narrative arts in his novels.This dissertation mainly studies the practicable multiple strategies about the construction of black manhood and black male identity in Ernest Gaines’s novels from the perspective of the theory of masculinity studies.Firstly, while making the "courage under pressure" as the overall keynote, Gaines endows black manhood a specialty quite different from the hegemonic manhood defined by the white patriarchal culture with a female narrative. The black manhood in Gaines’s novels inherits some reasonable notion of patriarchal manhood and at the same time abandons such negative and destructive elements as the hegemony, longing to conquer, and violence embodied in patriarchal manhood, thus constructing a new model of black manhood.Secondly, the construction of black manhood in Gaines’s novels is closely connected with the construction of morality of black individuals in their private space. The restoration of black men’s fatherhood is such a strategy. And the construction of morality of black men in their private space guarantees their success in public space.Thirdly, the construction of black manhood in Gaines’s novels is connected with the transcendence of the "double conscious" which endows black manhood with the affirmation of political identity and cultural identity.Fourthly, during the process of black manhood construction, Gaines’s novels neither ignore the significance of religion as an indispensable salvaging power to black manhood, nor give a blind eye to the importance of rational education to black people. Instead, they integrate the two powers into the the growth of black men, thus keeping a balance between the two.Fifthly, Gaines’s novels also combine the construction of black manhood with the collective liberation and salvage of the black people, emphasizing the sense of responsibility of the black individuals to the black community.Finally, Gaines’s novels exhibits insightful historic vision while constructing black manhood, exploring the significance of the right cognition of historic trauma left by dehumanizing slavery upon black men, demonstrating a dialectic notion about the past. At the same time, his novels uphold an open and active attitude towards the change of black people’s status quo and thus make the black manhood constructed and practiced during the very process of changing the black people’s circumstances and creating a new future.Undoubtedly, Gaines’s novels exhibit a practicable multiple strategy in terms of the construction of black manhood. This strategy has a strong sense of problem and it is carried out according to various deficiencies and crisisses obsessing black men both for the historical and realistic reasons. It efficiently balances and bridges the contradictions and conflicts between individual and collective, belief and rationality, male and female, private space and public space, and the two identities during the growth of black males, thus becoming more practicable and operational. At the same time, this strategy is full of tension and power in the male narrative which will provoke more profound thinking about the issue among the readers.In short, the black manhood in Gaines’s novels is constructed in an ample, multiple, and expansive narrative space, making the black male individuals reflect themselves in contradictions and paradoxes and obtain their maturity in frustrations, making them cut down useless metaphysical quest and unreasonable speculation and devote themselves to hardheaded work and struggle. Therefore, what Gaines’s novels construct is no longer the abtract and uncertain manhood represented in such African American novels as Native Son and Invisible Man, but a more truthful and humanistic manhood with great sense of times.There are several benefits as follows to study Gaines’s novels, the African American literature, or even the world literature from the perspective of manhood:Firstly, the study of male writing and the construction of black manhood will help enrich and diversify the paradigms of literary research both for African American literature and the world literature, so it has theoretical significance. The gender studies in literature nowadays almost equate the female studies, and masculinity studies have seriously been ignored. As the core concept in masculinity studies, the study of manhood will promote the masculinity studies and resume the balance of gender studies in literature.Secondly, the study of black manhood will enrich and deepen the image of black males.The representation of the black males has always occupied a crucial position in African American literature. Such male writers as Wright and Baldwin and such female writers as Morrison and Walker have done a lot of work in the representation of black males. The black male portrayed in the novels by Gainies has greatly enriched this tradition of black male writing.Thirdly, the studies of black manhood in Gaines’s novels or black literature are of much illuminating importance for black men to actualize their subjectivity and then to go out of their identity crisisses----this is also the internal relationship between principal title and subtitle.Fourthly, the study of black manhood in Gaines’s novels will be of great significance for the construction of harmonious relationship between the male and female. Today, the obsolete patriarchal culture is still exerting negative influence upon people’s notion about manhood and creating a big obstacle to the constructing of a harmonious gender relationship. In this sense, the study of black manhood in Gaines’s novels will promote people’s critical awareness of hegemonic manhood shaped by the patriarchal culture, and will prove to be of great importance for the construction of a harmonious ethics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

