

A Study of Police Interrogation

【作者】 叶宁

【导师】 庞继贤;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 话语实质上是在机构、专业或更普遍的社会语境中的语言运用。警察讯问话语是警察在公安机关这一特定机构组织里的言语交际,具有不同于日常言语交际的话语程式、话语角色、话语策略、话语权力或权势关系等。本研究将警察的讯问话语视作语类,以话语研究中的语类理论为支撑,在基于语料库的分析基础上,以文本内和文本外要素相结合的研究模式,解析警察讯问话语的内部结构特征和语言特点,阐释讯问语篇与社会文化语境之间的相互联系,探究警察讯问语类在机构话语机制中身份的建构与权力的支配,阐释机构语境对讯问话语的影响和制约,揭示警察讯问话语作为一种人类社会活动的本质。本研究突破话语分析局限于词汇语法、语篇语义的研究范式,从语类整体的视角研究警察讯问话语。同时,这一研究也是对我国法律语言学发展的一个推动。本文共分为七章。第一章为绪论,从侦查学和语言学的角度简述警察讯问的研究背景,阐述了警察讯问话语研究的目的、意义,描述了研究方法和研究语料,提出研究框架。第二章首先讨论语类的概念和比较分析语类理论研究三大流派。接着,对法律语言学的兴起、发展和研究领域做了梳理,对比分析了国内外法律语言学研究的特点与焦点,着重评析了对警察话语,尤其是警察讯问话语现有的研究和取得的成果。这一章是本研究的理论背景。本文的第三章和第四章针对讯问话语的文本内要素进行分析与论证。首先,选取某一案件警察对犯罪嫌疑人的第一次讯问笔录作为样本,根据讯问话语宏观结构,分析讯问各阶段的话语特征,以及交际双方在固定的语类结构和语言资源选择下的交际模式。接着对语料库中警察使用的问句类型做了统计与说明,详细阐释了提问中的疑问焦点与预设产生的信息交互的过程,并讨论了预设在警察提问中的作用。讨论现实世界中讯问话语的“语篇间性”,从讯问方对语篇资源的选择、分配和移植角度阐释警察讯问话语交际目的的实现途径。第五、六两章揭示了机构语境对讯问话语的影响和制约。第五章探析权力和权威如何通过语言加以实施。由于交际双方迥然不同的社会角色和话语角色,讯问话语呈现出强制性的特点,权力分配极不对称。本章深入分析了机构权力在讯问中如何控制与支配交际双方的语言资源选择。第六章借鉴身份理论,讨论讯问话语双方在交际过程各阶段的话语角色和身份体现。在讯问这一特殊的机构话语中,警察与犯罪嫌疑人谈话的目标或方向在大多数情况下是不一致的。本章详细分析了讯问双方的身份在理想讯问模式的建立或打破这一动态进程中是如何发展与变化的。第七章为结语。该部分总结了全文的研究内容与步骤,分析了本文在警察讯问话语研究方面的创新之处和对讯问实践的指导意义,并指出存在的不足和今后进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Discourse is often described as "language-in-use" or "socially situated text and talk". As an institutional interaction in the police organization, police interrogation embodies discursive features different from ordinary conversation in terms of schema, roles, strategies and power. Taking police interrogation as a genre, supported by genre theories in discourse studies, this study makes a genre analysis of interrogation texts. From a holistic genre perspective, the study first examines the internal structural characteristics and linguistic features of these genre texts. It then probes into the interrelationships between the interrogation discourse and the socio-cultural context in which these genre texts reside. By exploring identity construction and power control in the police interrogation as an institutional discourse, and by highlighting the influence and restriction imposed by such institutional context, the study attempts to reveal the essence of police interrogation as a social action. It is hoped that the present study may serve as a valuable contribution to the development of forensic linguistics in China.The present dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter I is an introduction, presenting the research background of police interrogation from both the science of investigation and linguistics. Research purposes and the methodology together with analytical corpora are discussed and the justification of the study is also examined.Chapter II deals with the theoretical background of this research. It begins with a discussion of the concept of genre and makes a comparative analysis of three main schools of genre theories. Then, a critical review of the previous studies on forensic linguistics both at home and abroad is provided, with a focus on studies relevant to the present study of the police interrogation reported in this dissertation.Chapters III and IV center on an analysis of text-internal factors of police interrogation. Firstly, based on a sample analysis, Chapter III explores discursive features of three stages within the macro structure of interrogation genre texts, and the communicative pattern of the two parties involved in the interrogation. Chapter IV provides a corpus-based account of the questions used by the police, elaborating on information produced by interaction in the interrogation process with various question foci and presuppositions. Functions of presupposition in the interrogation are identified. Issues such as interdiscursivity of the police interrogation in the world of reality, appropriation and embedding of generic resources are also addressed.The following two chapters are concerned with the effects of the institutional context on police interrogation. Chapter V analyzes how the police impose power and authority through language. Owing to the distinctive social and discursive roles of two parties in the communication process, the police interrogation has its characteristic features of coercion and asymmetric power. The chapter explores how the institutional power controls and dominates the selection of language resources by the two parties in the interrogation.Chapter VI discusses the roles of discourse and the manifestation of identities of the two parties in the police interrogation. As conflicts are evident between the communicative purposes of the police and suspects, the chapter examines the evolution of identities of the two parties following a dynamic interrogation mode.Chapter VII sums up the procedures and the major research findings of the study. It then switches attention to the contributions and limitations of the study. Implications and areas for further research are also examined and proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D90-055;D918.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1013
  • 攻读期成果

