

On Contemporary Political Identity

【作者】 张国平

【导师】 彭定光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “认同危机”是一个现代性问题。西方学界对当代政治认同有着不同的理解,这些理论要么是立足于抽象人性论,要么是基于共同体的脉脉温情,始终难以科学地阐释当代政治认同的内涵,其片而性的基点在于对人本质的误释。本文认为,只有立足于历史唯物主义才能科学地阐释政治认同的本源,只有从国家与公民之间的双向互动关系出发,才能合理地阐释当代政治认同的形成、发展,才能构建一种在理论上得住、在实践中行得通的当代政治认同的理论体系。在当代民主社会,政治认同是指一个国家的公民从自身的政治主体地位出发,以自我的价值观为评价标准,通过内在的衡量、评判,对国家、政治制度的认可与支持,主要通过公民对政治义务的自觉承担得以表现,它是个体行为从私域转向公域时在“我——他”之间形成的一种共识,是人们在公共生活中的一种行为选择。首先,公民是当代政治认同的主体,公民不是一种抽象的先验存在,其本质是各种政治关系的总和,在公民意识中,既有个体经历和集体回忆所留下的“痕迹”,也有着民主政治关系的“烙印”。其次,民族国家和民主制度是当代政治认同的客体,民族国家认同的可能性在于:民族、民族国家并非是不可认识物,它们是建立在经济基础上的共同体形式,具有可建构性;而民主制度认同的可能性在于:公民主体性意识的“社会性”与形式法治的必要性,使得政治制度认同成为可能。在当代民主社会,公民之于政治共同体的身份决定了,政治认同是主客之间是一种双向互动的关系,客体源于主体政治意识的投射,同时客体又会反作用于主体。因此,当代政治认同的形成包括两个方而,一是公民自我政治认同的形成,即个体拥有了健全的政治人格与稳定的政治价值观,它是政治评价的标准,也是当代政治认同的起点;二是当代政治认同客体的形成,它既是人们对政治传统的继承,也是公民政治理想的投射,还是对人性的一种超越。在当代民主社会,政治认同的形成是主客体之间在政治实践中相互作用所达到的一种平衡;当然,它的形成也离不开生产力、生产关系对它的校正。就当代政治认同的发展而言,其发展将朝着有利于人的解放与生产力的解放的方向前进;不断发展的生产方式与相对稳定政治认同关系之间的矛盾、当代政治认同主体与客体之间的矛盾构成它发展的动力;其发展的规律体现为:社会的生产方式决定当代政治认同的内涵,当代政治认同的主体对客体具有决定作用。最后,在当代民主社会,政治认同的建构并不是要建立一种对政治的盲从,而是要建立一种基于主体性之上的政治共识。因此,当代政治认同的建构分为两个部分:其一,培养健全的公民意识是其出发点;其二,实现社会的价值整合是其归宿。就建构的路径而言,既有公民之间对今时、今事的共识,也有公民对历史的传承与集体的回忆,还有公民之间对政治理想的追求。三者之间相辅相成,过去共享的荣耀、现在和衷共济以及对美好未来的憧憬,都是政治共同体实现社会整合不可或缺的资源,其根源在于对共有价值目标的追求。同时,当代政治认同的构建还需要有物质、制度、文化上的保障,以及个体对自我的信心、对政治的信任以及对社会的责任来作为实现的条件。

【Abstract】 "Identity" is a modern problem. Western scholars have a different understanding to contemporary political identity. These theories are based on the abstract theory of human nature or based on the community of tenderness. It is difficult to scientifically explain the meaning of contemporary political identity, and its one-sidedness of the point is that misunderstand human nature. This paper argues that only historical materialism can explain modern political identity’s formation, development and construction,In contemporary democratic society, political identity is a citizen values the state and political system from the self-evaluation criteria, making a sense of support it, it is a consensus between peoples, and it is a choice of people in public life. First, the citizen is the subject of contemporary political identity, citizens is not an abstract subjects, its essence is the sum of all social relations that come from both individual and collective memories of the experience and democratic political relations. Second, the nation-state and democratic institutions is the object of modern political identity. The possibility of national identity is that nation-state is not the object is not recognized, it’s based on the economic foundation; and the possibility of democratic system identity is the social consciousness of people and the necessity of the rule of law,In contemporary democratic society, the relationship of citizens and the states is a two-way interaction, the object are come from the projection of the main political consciousness, while the object will react on the subject. Therefore, the formation of modern political identity include two aspects:firstly, formation of the self-identity, meaning that the individual has a sound political personality and a stable political values, it is the standards of the political evaluation, but also the starting point of modern political identity. Secondly, the formation of the object, it is the succession of political history, and the project of political ideals of the citizens, and the transcendence of human nature. Contemporary political identity is a balance between the citizens and the states in political life. Of course, it is also corrected by productive forces. To the development of modern political identity, its development will be in favor of human emancipation and liberation of productive in the direction. The contradiction between the subject and object is the productive forces. Its development law:the development of social production of contemporary meaning of political identity, the citizens has a decisive role in contemporary political identity.Finally, in contemporary democratic society, the construction of political identity is not to create a kind of political obedience, but to create a political consensus. Therefore, the construction of modern political identity is divided into two parts:first, a healthy civic culture is the starting point; second, to achieve social integration is the result. The path of construct mingles with the consensus, collective memory and political ideals. All of the three are essential to achieve social integration for country, its roots in the common pursuit of people for basic value. Construction of modern political identity need material, institutional, and cultural security, and need the individual’s self-confidence, political trust and social responsibility.

【关键词】 现代性政治认同公民民族国家政治制度
【Key words】 modernitypolitical identitycitizennationalpolitical system

