

Study on the Liabilities to Breach of Contract for International Sale of Goods

【作者】 宋云博

【导师】 李双元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在国际货物销售合同关系中,除了获取合同预期利益之外,违约责任判定与承担应是当事人双方最为关切的问题。但目前学界对该问题缺乏较为全面系统的比较研究,因此加强对其违约责任的深入研究无疑十分重要和必要。在第一章“引论”部分,为给后文的展开做好铺垫,简要介绍了选题的缘起、目的与意义、研究的主要范围及规范对象、研究的方法等内容,并指出拟创新之处。第二章“国际货物销售合同违约责任的概念界定”:在分析了“国际货物销售合同”及其“违约责任”的概念、特征或基本构成等。同时,从罗马法、大陆法、英美判例法等和《公约》等国际法律规范出发,梳理了其理论嬗变的进程。第三章“国际货物销售合同违约责任的判定依据”:从违约行为、损害事实、因果关系与主观过错等方面论述了“违约”的内涵、特征及其基本构成。还就其违约判定的事实前提、法律依据、判定违约之法律冲突及其协调方法以及判定违约的规则等,展开了论述。第四章“国际货物销售合同违约的形态”:鉴于以合同义务来源为标准划分违约形态更契合各国法律现状与合同义务发展趋势,在探讨国际货物销售合同违约的形态时,论述了违反约定义务、违反法定义务和违反附随义务等三种违约形态。第五章“国际货物销售合同违约的责任与救济”:从违约责任和救济的理论出发,并区分不同的违约情形论述了相应的救济形式,以及在何种情形下可以免责的事由。第六章“国际货物销售合同违约的解释及法律适用规则”:要探讨判定国际货物销售合同违约的解释规则,则应先由解读国际货物销售合同解释规则的入手。本章涵盖了违约解释的理论与实践困境、方法与依据、一般原则和违约法律适用的规则解释等内容。第七章“国际货物销售合同违约责任分配的“平等”取向”:从国际民商法的有关法律规范中,找到“平等公允”的依据,并论证了其作为国际货物销售违约责任分配中的一种价值新趋向。本文在第八章“结论”部分指出了几点心得或者说结论:其一,国际货物销售合同应以“具有跨国因素”为判定标准。这有利于区别于纯国内货物销售合同,更有力地保护当事人权益。其二,国际货物销售合同违约责任的构成应依合同解释客观主义,排除“主观因素”要件,从而强化司法控制,更有力地均衡当事人权益。在违约责任的分配上,亦应注重“平等公允”的价值取向。其三,各国的差异性,导致对《公约》等统一合同法解释与适用的不一致。这必然要求违约解释中坚持国际法律规范体系内解释的方法,并坚持当事人自治原则和诚信原则。其四,合同义务来源的多样化已成现代合同法的一个重要发展趋势,以违反约定义务、法定义务和附随义务等为违约形态加以探讨,不失为一种新的有益尝试。而且,其救济方法亦应多元化,包括债权救济、物权救济和其他救济。

【Abstract】 In the relationship of the contracts for international sale of goods, in addition to get expected benefits, parties undertake the most concern with judging the liabilities of breach of contract. At present, however, a comprehensive and systematic comparative research is on the lack in this field, so as to strengthening in-depth study of its liabilities is very important and necessary undoubtedly.In the first part of introduction, as a prelude, it’s origin, purpose and meaning, main research scope and object of legal norm, and study methods have been introduced briefly, and the content on the novelty and insufficiency of this dissertation has been pointed out.The second chapter is on the fundamental theory of the liabilities of breach of contracts for international sale of goods. After the analysis of the concept, characteristics, or basic components(etc.) of the contracts for international sale of goods and the liabilities of breach of it, rooting from the Roman law, civil law, and Anglo-American case law, and international legal norms such as CISG, PICC, PECL(etc.), and has combed the evolution process of its theory.The third chapter is on the judgement of liabilities for breach of the contracts for international sale of goods. On the basis of damage facts, behaviors of breach, relationships of cause and effect, and faults, this chapter has been discussed the connotation, characteristics and basic constitutes of breach. Then, the chapter has discussed fact premise of judging breach, legal basis, law conflicts of judging breach and its coordination methods and several legal norms of determining breach. The fourth chapter is on the interpretation and application rules of the international sales contract of goods. In order to explore the interpretation rules of judging breach of international sales of goods, the interpretation rules of international sale contract of goods should be explained. This chapter has covered a predicament of theory and practice of contract interpretation, humanistic orientation, legal methods and basis, general principles and interpretation of application rules of contract law, etc.The fifth chapter is on the patterns of liabilities for breach of the international sales contract of goods. For it is more fit into the status of nations’laws with the contract obligation sources as a standard. In this process, this chapter has discussed three patterns:the breach of contract obligations, the breach of legal obligations and the breach of accompanying obligations.The sixth chapter is on remedies and liabilities for breach of the international sales contract of goods. From the general theory of remedies and liabilities, this chapter has distinguished different default cases and discussed the corresponding relief forms, and "iusta causa excusationis" in what circumstances.The seventh chapter is on the value orientation of liabilities for breach of the international sales contract of goods. On the basis of relevant legal norms, "equal fair" basis have been found and been proved as a new value trend of distribution of its liabilities.At the end, this dissertation has pointed out knowledge gained from all above or conclusions:Firstly, "Transnational factors in contract" should be used as the judging criteria on the contracts for international sale of goods. This is helpful to distiguish it from pure domestic sales contract of goods, and to more effectively protect the rights and interests of its parties.Secondly, the responsibility of breach of contract for international sale of goods shall be in accordance with the objectivism in contractual interpretation, eliminating elements of "subjective factors", which can strengthen judicial control, and more powerfully equilibrate the rights and interests of parties. In the distribution of liabilities of breach of contract, lawmakers, judges and arbitrators should pay more attention to "equal and fair" values.Thirdly, the differences among countries have led to the inconsistency in explanation and application of international unity law such as CISG, PICC, PECL(etc.). It is the inevitable requirements of interpretation on breach for judges and arbitrators to persist -the interpretation methods within the system of international legal norms, and to adhere to the autonomy, integrity and principles.Finally, the diversification of contractual obligation sources has become one of the most important tendency of modern contract law. It may be regarded as a new attempt to discuss breach of contractual obligations and legal obligations and accompanying obligations. Moreover, its methods of remedies should also be diversified, including those of debt right’s and real right’s.

  • 【分类号】D997.1;D996.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1354
  • 攻读期成果

