

Research on Harmony Stability

【作者】 周小毛

【导师】 周作翰; 吴家庆;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 稳定关乎国计民生与社稷安危。一部人类社会文明进程史,也就是一部稳定与不稳定复线交叉并进的历史。因此,作为人类社会的永恒追求,作为党和政府的治理目标,稳定历来受到学界、政界和社会各界的广泛关注。从现实中来看,稳定需要一系列的制度安排和机制设计来维护,从学理上而言,稳定有其实现的特有理念和基本进路。因此,本文搭建了“和谐稳定”的理论平台,对和谐稳定的内涵、特征、结构进行新的解读,试图实现稳定从计划经济体制下的维稳理念向市场经济体制下的维稳理念转变、从刚性维稳向柔性维稳转变、从线性维稳向立体维稳转变、从单纯稳定向和谐稳定转变。本文认为,作为一种新的稳定理念和稳定形式,“和谐稳定”具有自身质和量的规定性,其根本要义就是要达到“稳而不死、活而不乱、活而有序”的稳定状态。因此,本文在搭建“和谐稳定”的理论平台,界定“和谐稳定”内涵、特征、结构的基础上,对古今中外的稳定理念与实践进行历史考察,对稳定的国外经验进行借鉴参考,对转型期社会稳定失控的原因进行深入解读,对新型政府在“和谐稳定”中的职责担当进行科学分析,进而提出实现“和谐稳定”的制度机制设计和实践路径选择。从“和谐稳定”的视角对转型期的社会稳定问题进行研究,将在这一领域形成破题之作,拓展学术界在稳定问题上的研究思路和学术视野,具有明显的前瞻性和超前性,具有一定的理论创新价值;结合国情和实际,尝试设计“和谐稳定”的九大制度机制,提出实现“和谐稳定”的六大路径选择等一系列新思路和“硬措施”,无疑有助于增强研究的实用性,具有一定的实践创新价值。本论文由导论、正文和结语三部分组成,共分六章。第一章是导论。提出本文所要回应和解决的基础问题,阐述本研究的缘起、理论意义和实践意义之所在,重点回答和谐稳定的内涵和特点,指出和谐稳定具有动态性、相对性、开放性、主动性、时代性、可控性、规范性、整体性、可持续性和非强制性等特征。同时,对本研究的理论资源进行梳理,就本文的研究方法、研究思路与基本框架等相关问题做出交代。第二章对古今中外的稳定问题进行历史考察。重点介绍古希腊雅典城邦稳定、中国封建社会的超稳定、近现代西方国家的动态稳定、社会主义国家的控制型稳定。第三章对稳定失控的原因进行深层剖析。稳定之所以失控,主要是因为利益调整的影响、贫富悬殊的隐患、心理失衡的制约、吏治腐败的破坏、群体事件的冲击、国际势力的渗透。第四章对和谐稳定尝试制度机制的科学设计。主要包括利益诉求机制、社会保障机制、调控约束机制、协调妥协机制、舆论导向机制、公众参与机制、公平分配机制、社会预警机制、疏导缓冲机制。第五章对新型政府在和谐稳定中的职责担当进行分析。新型政府在维护和谐稳定中的主要职责是科学发展实现民愿意、民主决策集中明智、依法行政顺应民意、积极作为赢得民心、优化服务谋求名利、弘扬公正化解民怨、以人为本融洽民情。第六章对和谐稳定目标追求的路径选择进行探讨。主要路径是民主政治的稳步推进、和谐文化的全面建设、公共资源的合理分配、社会事务的协调管理、物质基础的不断夯实、社会矛盾的及时化解、国际局势的积极应对。结束语:对和谐稳定论做出最终的概括与阐释。

【Abstract】 Stability is crucial to people’s livehood and national security. The history of human civilization is a record which to a certain extent reflects the everchanging of stability and instability. As the eternal pursuit of human society and governance goal of our party and government, stability has always received extensive attention by political and academic circles. From a practical point of view, maintenance of stability requires a series of system construction. From the theoretical point of view, stability has its particular meaning and basic approach. Therefore, this dissertation disscuss the concept of harmonious stability and interprets its meaning and characteristic from a new angle, indicates four kinds of transformation in the concept of stability, that is, transformation from planned economic to market economic; transfomation from rigid stability to flexible stability; transfomation from linear stability to three-dimensional stability; transfomation from unicity stability to harmonious stability.The paper argues that, as a new idea, harmonious stability has its unique feature and the core point is to achive the balance between order and development. Based on the interpretation of harmonious stability, the dissertation systematically investigates the theory and practice of stability in history, learn from foreign experience for reference, analyzes the underlying reson of social disorganization in transition period, illustrates the responsibility of new government in stability maintenance, and finally indicates the methods of system construction for the realization of harmonious stability. We believe that it will be innovation in this field to study problems of social stability in transition period from perspective of harmonious stability. The study will provide inspirations for acdemic circle with its future-oriented vision and obviously has theoretical value. In addition, the study also propose a series of new idea and hard measures on the basis of careful consideration of actual situation, which includes design of nine institutional mechanisms and choice of six path, it undoubtly enhance the study’s practical meaning and value.This dissertation consists of six chapters, including introduction, main text and conclusion.Chapter one is introduction. This chapter raise basic questions, illustrates the research origin, theoretical value and practical meaning of this study, underline the characteristic of harmonious stability and points out its traits which including dynamic; relativity; openness; initiative; temporality; controllability; normalization; entirety; sustainability and noncompulsory. Meanwhile, related problems such as method, approach and framework of this reasearch, are detailed explained in this chapter by consulting theory resourses.Chapter two describes historical phenomenons about stability either in China or other countries. In this chapter, four types of stability were stressed, that is, democratic stability of ancient Greek city-state; super-stable structure of China’s feudal society; dynamic stability of modern western countries; controlled stability of socialist countries.Chapter three analyzes underlying causes of social disorganization and argues that the reason why social condition out of control mainly due to problems such as adjustment of interest, wealth gap, psychological imbalance, corruption,community events and international enviroment.Chapter four attempt to propose the idea of scientific system construction which aim to achive harmonious stability. Details of system construction mainly includes the establishment of lawsuit mechanism of interest; socical security mechanism; constraint mechanism; compromise mechanism; mechanism of supervision by public; mechanism of public participation; mechanism of equitable distribution; mechanism of social early-warning and mechanism of conflict resolving.Chapter five analyzes the role of new government. To achive the goal of harmonious stability, new government’s responsibilities includes scientific development; democratic decision-making; administration according to law; positive administration; optimization of services; equity-orientaton and people-orientation.Chapter six explores the road leading to harmonious stability that including steady promotion of democratic governance; comprehensive creation of harmonious culture; rational allocation of public resourses; coordinate management of social affairs; timely resolving of social conflicts and actively responding to international situation.Conclusion:This chapter summarizes the concept of harmonious stability.

【关键词】 和谐稳定论转型期社会稳定
【Key words】 Harmonious stabilityTransition periodSocial order

