

Study on the Compensation for Ecological Forest by the Contingent Valuation Method

【作者】 张眉

【导师】 刘伟平;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 林业分工论将森林分为商品林和公益林两种类型,在中国森林经营管理实践中,已将林地面积的52.41%区划为公益林。由于森林生产经营行为具有外部性特征,且公益林禁伐产生了机会成本,所以我国从1998年开始颁布、执行公益林生态效益补偿制度。到2010年我国公益林面积达到23.85亿亩,其中国家级重点公益林15.78亿亩,地方级公益林8.07亿亩;累计补偿资金454.3亿元,其中中央财政资金296亿元,地方财政资金158.3亿元。补偿金额的多少取决于补偿标准的制定,2010年国家级公益林补偿标准为国有林每年每亩5元,集体和个人所有林每年每亩10元;省市级公益林的补偿标准因地方财政实力不同而存在差异,如北京市补偿标准为每年每亩40元,而青海、新疆等省还未安排财政资金补偿。因此,森林生态效益补偿标准这个科学问题受到广泛的关注。现有文献分析发现,学者们主要从生产成本、机会成本、生态价值等方面对补偿标准进行了研究,为此本文从另外一个视角,即消费者需求角度,运用条件价值评估法(CVM)对补偿标准进行探讨,以达到丰富、创新森林生态效益补偿标准研究的目标。总括的看,论文通过CVM对广州、福州、昆明三个城市居民的公益林生态效益支付意愿进行了调查,分析、比较了居民支付意愿及其影响因素;根据居民支付意愿的研究结果,评估了城市公益林的生态效益价值;最后,在计量分析和理论探讨的基础上,为公益林补偿制度的研究构建一个全新的超边际经济学分析框架,为制定公益林的补偿标准提供了科学理论和方法。根据经济学基本原理,意愿支付额与效用水平是直接相关的,研究居民公益林生态效益支付意愿就必须考虑森林生态效用的大小,所以本文从两方面对影响森林生态效用的条件进行了探讨,即CVM中的条件设计。一方面是森林生态效用的描述。现有的研究对森林生态功能的描述都从自然科学的角度进行,比如涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、固碳释氧等,缺乏从消费者需求角度进行的阐述。故此本文从衣、食、住、行四个方面描述森林的生态功能,使得城市居民对森林生态效用有直接和客观的认识。另一方面,通过对广东、福建、云南三省森林生态效益补偿制度的调查,概括出生态公益林的供给模式,采用支付方式的选择、支付金额的使用以及支付意愿可能产生的效果三个逻辑来形成CVM中的条件。城市居民公益林生态效益支付意愿的调查工作主要围绕四个方面来进行:第一,调查地点的选择。根据全国主要城市居民人均可支配收入,将城市分为三类,每一类型分别选择一个城市进行调查。随机选择的结果为广州市(2010年居民人均可支配收入为30658.49元)、福州市(23245.98元)、昆明市(18875.65元)。第二,样本量的确定。在三城市共选择1539户家庭进行了访谈调查(其中广州489户、福州535户、昆明506户)。第三,调查方法的采用。按三城市各区常住人口数量的权重确定访谈对象的分布,采用随机原则对城市居民进行访谈。第四,调查步骤的安排。调查、研究工作经过了设计调查问卷、预调查、修改问卷和正式调查等四个步骤,最终完成了1469户家庭的正式调查(其中广州480户、福州506户、昆明483户)。研究结果表明:广州、福州、昆明三城市居民公益林生态效益支付意愿平均值分别为每年每户238.38元、107.73元和102.18元。通过支付意愿平均值计算得到三城市公益林生态效益的年经济价值,其中广州为5.79亿元,福州为2.1亿元,昆明为1.92亿元。在以上总体分析基础上,论文按照性别、年龄、收入、户籍、职业、受教育程度、住房性质、环境关注度、环境满意度、公益林了解程度等10个特征对访谈户进行分类,并分别研究了不同特征下城市居民公益林生态效益支付意愿的分布,为支付意愿影响因素的研究奠定了基础。论文采用Logistic模型对支付意愿影响因素进行了深入研究。结果显示:收入、受教育程度、户外锻炼时间、环境关注度、公益林了解程度是影响三城市居民支付意愿的共同因素,并且都与支付意愿呈现正相关关系,即收入越高、受教育程度越高、户外锻炼时间越长、环境关注度越高、公益林了解程度越深的被调查者支付意愿越强。经济学解释如下:①收入水平越高,消费其它商品数量越多,这些商品的边际效用递减,所以愿意支付价格获得森林生态效益的边际效用;并且,收入水平越高,户外锻炼时间越长,森林生态效用水平认同感越强烈,从而导致支付意愿就越多;②受教育程度、环境关注程度和公益林了解程度越高,就可以获得更多的关于森林生态效益、环境保护等信息,充分的信息对城市居民的支付配置产生了重要影响,信息越充分,对公益林生态效益的支付愿意就越高。公益林生态效益支付意愿的评估,形成了公益林补偿标准的预算约束条件。接着通过分工角度,运用超边际经济学分析框架,指出公益林的补偿标准应介于生产者成本支出额和消费者对公益林生态效益支付意愿额之间,政府应在此范围内根据具体财力情况制定补偿标准进行补偿。在分析公益林生态效益支付意愿影响因素的作用机理的基础上,论文提出了四点建议:第一,提高居民收入水平,调动居民参与公益林建设的积极性;第二,提高居民受教育程度、加大环保宣传力度;第三,加大以森林为主体的公共设施建设;第四,增强环境管理部门补偿资金管理能力,增加资金使用透明度。

【Abstract】 According to the classified forestry theory, forest are divided into commercial forest and ecological forest. In China forest manangement practice,52.41% of the forest has been divided into ecological forest. Based on the externality of forest and opportunity cost of ecological forest, China implemented the compensation system of ecological forest since 1998. At the end of 2010, ecological forest has reached 159 million hm2, in which 105.2 million hm2 are state-level ecological forest, the rest are provincial-level ecological forest. The total funds of compensation reached 45430 million yuan until 2010, of which 29600 million yuan are central government funds, 15830 million yuan are the local’s. The compensation standard of state-level ecological forest is 75 yuan per hm2 per year for state-owned, the collective and individual owned forest is 150 yuan. The compensation standard of provincial and municipal ecological forests are different with the local government financial strength. For example, its compensation has reached 600 yuan per hm2 per year in Beijing, but Qinghai, Xinjiang and so on have not arrangeded financial compensation for their. Therefor,compensation standard become the focus of scholars. they mainly studied it from the production cost, opportunity cost and forest ecological value. This reaseach adopted contingent valuation method(CVM) to analysis the compensation standard based on the consumer demand, a perspective which is different with the existing literature, The arcitle made an investigation on urban residents’s willingness to pay for ecological forest in Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Kunming, assessed the value of ecological benefits of its, analyzed and compared the residents’s willingness to pay and the factors which affected it.On the basis of investigation,the article structure an informarginal economics frame for compensation of ecological forest which provide a scientific theory and method for the development of compensation standards.According to the basic principles of economics, the amount of willingness to pay is directly related to the utility of people.So study willingness to pay of residents for ecological benefit must consider the effectiveness of the forest ecosystem. The article discussed the conditions that affecting the effectiveness of the forest in two ways,whitch was named conditions of designing in using CVM. On the one hand is the description of the effectiveness of forest ecosystems. Existing research on the ecological functions of forests are described from the perspective of natural science, such as water conservation, water and soil protection, wind-averting,sand-fixing, fixing carbon and releasing oxygen, lacking of the elaboration of viewing angle from consumer’s demand. Therefore, this article described the ecological functions of forests from clothing, food, housing and acting,making the residents have a direct effect on forest ecology and objective understanding. On the other hand, through studying the institutions of ecological forest compensation in Guangdong, Fujian, Kunming provinces, summarized the supply model of the ecological forest, and then selected the three logic which was method of payment, using of payment and effect of payment to format the conditions of CVM.The investigation of willingness to pay for benefits of ecological forests in urban residents carried out around four main aspects.First is to select the location of investigation. According to the National Main disposable income of urban residents, the city is divided into three categories, each type of city was selected for investigation. The result of random selection are Guangzhou City (2009 per capita disposable income of 30,658.49 yuan), Fuzhou City(23,245.98 yuan), Kunming City (18,875.65 yuan). Second, the sample size determined. Three cities were selected the 1539 household to conduct interviews (489 in Guangzhou,535 in Fuzhou,506 in Kunming).The third, maked the survey methods sure. To determine the distribution of interviewees by the weight of the resident population in districts, using randomly assigned to interview the residents of the district. The last, the arrangements of the investigation. The research designed through questionnaires, pre-survey,improved questionnaire and a formal investigation, finally completed the 1469 formal investigation (480 in Guangzhou,506 in Fuzhou,483 in Kunming).The results show that:the average willingness to pay for ecological forests benefits of urban residents in Guangzhou is 238.38 yuan per household and per year, Fuzhou and Kunming city are 107.73 yuan and 102.18 yuan respectively. Calculated by the average willingness to pay, the city economic value of ecological forest benefits per year is 579 million in Guangzhou city,210 million in Fuzhou city and 192 million in Kunming city. Based on the overall analysis of the above, the paper classified interviewees by gender, age, income, residence, occupation, education, housing properties, degree of environmental concern, environmental satisfaction and the level of understanding ecological forests,then compared the distribution of willingness to pay of urban residents with three cities under the different characteristics,whitch established basis of analysing the impact factors of willingness to pay.The paper studied the factors affecting willingness to pay by logistic model in depth. The results showed that:income, education, outdoor exercise time, degree of environmental concern and the level of understanding ecological forests are the key factors affecting the willingness to pay of urban residents in three cities,and whitch is the positive correlation between willingness to pay, just that the higher income and level of education, the longer of outdoor exercise time, the higher degree of environmental concerns, the deeper level of understanding the ecological forests, the stronger of willingness to pay. Specific mechanisms are:①If you have the higher income, the more consumption of other goods,then the number of marginal utility of these commodities diminished gradually, so you are willing to pay for obtaining the marginal utility of ecological forest;at the same time,the higher income levels, the outdoor exercise time is longer, the stronger sense of ecological forest benefits, which leads to the more willingness to pay;②If you have the higher level of education and degree of environmental concerns, the deeper level of understanding the ecological forests,you will get more information about forest ecology and environmental protection.the full Information will affect the payment configuration of urban residents significantly. the information is more fully, the higher willingness to pay.Based on the assessment of willingness to pay,the article based on the angle of division the work, structured an informarginal economics frame for compensation of ecological forest which provided the compensation budget constraints:the compensation standard should be between producer costs and the consumer willingness to pay for the ecological forest. The government can adjust the compensation standards between them by public finance conditions.On the mechanism of affecting factors of willingness to pay, the paper put forward four proposals:first is to increase people’s income level and mobilize residents to participate the ecological forests; second, to improve the residents’s educational level, increase environmental protection propaganda; the third, to increase the public facilities whitch centers on forest;the fourth, to strengthen the management capacity of forest management and increase the power of transparency.

  • 【分类号】F326.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】795
  • 攻读期成果

