

Survey and Critique: The Society of the Early ROC in the Morning Bell Daily’s View

【作者】 李晓兰

【导师】 汪朝光;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《晨钟报》,1916年8月创刊于北京,先后为进步党、宪法研究会机关报,以“商榷时政得失,宣究民群疾苦”为立言标旨,以批判的眼光、反抗权势的勇气和普遍关怀的情结,审视和关注国计民生,试图自觉扮演政局稳定建言人、经济问题监督者、国家利益维护者、民生疾苦查究者的角色。对于《晨钟报》的研究,学术界鲜有涉及。从稳定政局出发,《晨钟报》对政治家形象、政治之正轨进行了有益的探讨,指出政治家应以道德为体,才智为用,以为民谋福利为己任;欲达政治之正轨,应以稳定为基础,调和为手段,平息党争,固本治标为当前之要务。“固本之案,则制定宪法是;治标之案,则整理财政是。”制宪过程中出现的议员能否兼任国务员之争,具有鲜明的时代特色,成为关注的重点;《晨钟报》高调报道涉及财政总长陈锦涛在内的财政部贿赂案,在其中扮演了案情揭发者、推动者直至促使立案审查的角色,鞭挞政府官员涉嫌贿赂之丑闻,高扬正义之利剑。竭蹶不振的财政困境,开源节流乏术的现状,使北京政府不得不以经常性的对外借款勉强维系。《晨钟报》强调涉外借款乃饮鸩止渴之举,然基于中国的现状,又认为此乃不得以而为之,默认了借款事实的存在;并对政府的借款行为提出三点原则性建议:防止日本包办借款,以维护国家利权为前提,严格限制地方借债行为。对于关涉财政金融命脉的币制改革问题,在报道日人的中国币制观时,重点推出了张仲琅的《中国币制改革论》,抨击现有混乱币制,赞同在中国实行金本位。《晨钟报》是典型的国家利益至上论鼓吹者,倡言息内讧,御外侮,同心协力,捍卫主权,呼吁国民外交。在郑家屯交涉中,追踪报道中日双方为争取各自利益最大化展开的博弈,亦将民众维护国权的舆情及时刊登报端,通过舆论导向的力量,试图在政府处理外交事务中扮演监督与建言角色。主张参加一战是《晨钟报》的基本立场,以德美断交为转折点,从断交前后的迟疑审慎到统一步调、力主参战,报方旗帜鲜明地表达了借参战之契机改变中国孤立的外交地位,走上自主外交道路的愿望。关注民生是《晨钟报》的办刊宗旨之一。大到1917年夏秋之交爆发的天津大水灾,在对官方、民间、灾区自身展开的耗时长久、工程浩大的灾后赈济如实报道的同时,也披露了赈济过程中存在的诸多问题;小到常年生活在北京城乡、收入微薄、生活贫困的下层民众,亦给予较多的同情和关注。《晨钟报》还编排了颇能体现刊物主题的特色专栏——“警语”和“大鸣小鸣”。“警语”,以短小精悍、颇富寓意的文字诉求方式,以儒家的礼义廉耻为处世的基本准则,以西学作为救国之良策,青年作为挽救国家危亡的主力军,倡导通过思想层面上的道德重建、制度层面上向西方寻求良药双轨并行的方式挽救民族危亡。“大鸣小鸣”,以格言体的方式、短小精悍的篇幅、工整对仗的格式、幽默辛辣的语句,有针对性地发表对时人时局的牢骚话、个人点评,尤其集中于对政局、政治家、政治事件等的关注,体现了鲜明的政治关怀情结、是非好恶观和济世关怀意识。作为进步党中汤化龙派及研究系的机关报,《晨钟报》较为忠实地执行了进步党、研究系的政治理念,对执掌政权的段祺瑞政府一度保持合作姿态。《晨钟报》也是进步党、研究系知识学人民主理念的宣传主阵地,主张渐进的共和,即赞成共和,反对帝制和君主立宪;倡导中心人物领导下实践共和,主张在中国实施贤人政治;以调和新旧势力之间的矛盾冲突为突破口,通过温和非暴力的渐进方式逐步向民主社会过渡。他们抨击对手,宣扬政见,对政府的诸多政治行为发表评论,进行商榷;他们渴望政局稳定,上下齐心,共建共和,但这些商榷、呼吁和监督,都只是在一个缺乏足够权威的政府有限度的、暂时容忍的范围之内进行,一旦触及到专制的武人政权的核心利益时,也就意味着这一局面的终结。只能说,《晨钟报》扮演了一个弱势监督者的角色。

【Abstract】 The Morning Bell Daily, published in August 1916 in Beijing, had successively become the official newspaper of the Progress Party and the Constitutional Research Organ, to discussing gain and loss of politics and investigating people suffering as the purpose. The Morning Bell Daily editors surveyed and showed solicitude for national affairs and people’s livelihood with critical eyes, against bigwigs courage and universal caring idea, and tried to consciously play the roles of political stability advisers, economic problems supervisor, national interests defenders and people suffering investigators, which has rarely researched in the academic circle.From the point of stabilizing the political situation, The Morning Bell Daily organized useful discussions about politicians image and the right track of politics, then pointed out that politicians should be moral as the basic principle, intelligence as the means, serving the people as their responsibility, to reach the right track of politics, stability should have deemed to be the foundation, reconciliation as the means, calming the party struggle, consolidating the foundation and taking temporary solution as the current priorities.“The case of consolidating the foundation, drawing up a constitution was, the case of taking temporary solution, reorganizing finance was.”The debate that parliamentarians could hold a concurrent post the State Ministers or not in the constitutional process had the distinctive time character, which became the focus of editors attention. The Morning Bell Daily strikingly reported the bribery case involved in the Financial Minister Chen Jintao, played the roles of discloser and promoters of the case till filed review, and rebuked bribery scandal involved in government officials and lifted high the sword of justice.Because of financial doldrums dilemma and no good methods to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the Beijing government had to rely on regularly external borrowing to support reluctantly. The Morning Bell Daily emphasized that external borrowing was harm to China, yet considering the weak situation in China, thought also that it had to do so, and tolerated this deed. The Morning Bell Daily put forward three principles to the borrowing behavior of the government: preventing Japan of monopolizing everything, safeguarding national patent rights as a precondition, strictly restricting local borrowing behavior. To the Monetary Reform involved in fiscal and financial lifeblood, editors specially introduced Zhang Zhong-lang’s“China’s Monetary Reform”when reported the Japanese view of China’s currency, criticized the confusion currency, and agreed to implement the gold standard in China.The Morning Bell Daily was a typical advocator of national interests supremacy principle, proposed to appease internal strife, to resist foreign aggression, to work together to defend the sovereignty, and called for civil diplomacy. In the Zhengjiatun incident, The Morning Bell Daily continuously reported Sino-Japanese negotiation for the maximization of their own interests, also published public opinion that appealed to maintain the right in the newspapers in time, through the power of public opinion, tried to play the roles of supervisor and suggestion people in process of the government dealing with foreign affairs. Advocating participating in the world war I was The Morning Bell Daily’s basic position. German-US diplomatic relations broken as a turning point, from the hesitate and prudent to the uniform pace, vehemently advocating participating in the war, The Morning Bell Daily unequivocally expressed the desire that China should make the opportunity to change the status of diplomatic isolation and reach independent diplomacy.Concerning people’s livelihood was one of the purposes of running newspaper. One of the important things the newspaper concerned, for example, was the outbreak of a serious flood in Tianjin at the turn of summer in 1917. The newspaper also disclosed many problems in the relief process when accurately reported the time-consuming and laborious relief from official, nongovernmental and disaster area its own. The common people who lived in Beijing urban and rural long time, low income, living in poverty also were concerned by the newspaper.Some featured columns that could show the theme----“Aphorism”and“Published Opinion freely”were also designed.“Aphorism”, taking refined and diversified expressions, to etiquette, justice, sense of honor and shame of Confucian as the basic guidelines, western theories as a good policy of saving the country, young people as the main force, advocated taking two-track parallel way through the moral reconstruction in the thought level and learning from the west in the institution level to save the country from peril.“Published Opinion freely”, taking proverbs way, dapper length, neat antithesis format, humorous and pungent statement, rightly published complains to the current situation and personal comments, particularly focused on the political situation, politicians, political events, which reflected distinctive political concern, sense of right and wrong, likes and dislikes, consciousness of saving the world.As the official newspaper of Tang Hua-long Group in the Progress Party and Constitutional Studies, The Morning Bell Daily faithfully implemented political idea of the Progress Party and Constitutional Studies, and maintained cooperative attitude with the Duan government. The Morning Bell Daily was also the main propaganda position of democratic idea of the Progress Party and Constitutional Studies’intellectuals, advocated progressive Republic, that is, in favor of the Republic, against the monarchy and constitutional monarchy, advocated Republic under the leadership of the central figures, and put into practice politics of the elite in China, to reconcile the conflict between the forces of old and new as a breakthrough, through moderate non-violent progressive transition to democracy step by step. They denounced opponents, publicized political views, came to comments and discussions to many political acts of the government. They desired political stability, all strength groups could build the Republic together. But these discussions, requests and supervision were just within the limited and temporary tolerated scope where the government was lack of sufficient authority, once the core benefit of military men despotism was imperiled, it meant that this situation was ended. It can only say that The Morning Bell Daily played the role of a weak supervisor.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

