

Task Management in the Monitor System of the Ternary Optical Computer

【作者】 王先超

【导师】 金翊;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 光的天然空间巨并行性使光计算机拥有比电子计算机多很多的数据位,目前已建立起一个近千位并行的三值光学计算机实验系统,将来三值光学计算机系统会有更多的数据位数。如此多的数据位不可能总为一个任务所独享。另一方面,降值设计理论使三值光学计算机具有一个很好的特性:根据用户需要在光学运算器的不同数据位区段上随时重构出各种运算器。这样三值光学运算器可以作为复合运算器供不同用户同时使用。所以,三值光学计算机能够为多个用户的多个运算请求提供并行计算服务。本课题主要研究千位并行硬件可重构三值光学计算机监控系统关于任务管理问题及其理论,设计可行的监控系统结构及其核心功能模块,实现能并行处理多个任务的三值光学计算机监控系统之任务管理雏型。这项研究已经取得的主要成果和创新点有:1)建立了三值光学计算机监控系统关于任务管理问题的第一个雏型结构,详细讨论了其核心模块的功能及其通信协议。2)提出了一种按比例分配三值光学计算机光学处理器资源的算法,实现了相应的管理程序。3)实现了三值光学计算机运算请求的定时调度算法,分析了该调度算法的特点和优缺点。4)在RadASM平台上,使用Win32汇编语言实现了三值光学计算机监控系统关于任务管理问题的第一个雏型,并对其进行了一系列的测试,验证了其健壮性、可靠性和正确性。本文开辟了三值光学计算机监控系统理论的研究,其研究成果将丰富计算机中关于任务调度和资源分配方面的基础理论。为三值光学计算机早日走向实际应用奠定坚实的理论和技术基础。

【Abstract】 The optical computer has much more data bits than the electrical computer because of the natural parallelism of light. Now an experiment system of Ternary Optical Computer (TOC), which has almost one thousand data bits, has been built in Shanghai University. In the future, the TOC will have more and more data bits. It is unreasonable that so many data bits are used by only one task in practice.On the other hand, Decrease-Radix Design Principle (DRDP) ensures that the TOC can reconfigure each operating units at different data bit segments of the optical processor (OP) at runtime, according to the users’requirement. Therefore, the OP can be employed as a complex processor, and the TOC can provide parallel computing for many operation requests of different users.This dissertation studies task management in the monitor system of the TOC which possesses thousand parallel data bits and one reconfigurable OP. A prototype and some kernel function modules of the monitor system are achieved in the thesis.The achievements of this paper can be summarized as follows:1) The architecture of TOC monitor system, including some kernel function modules and the communication protocols among them, is proposed.2) The time scheduling algorithm is implemented in the monitor system. And the fertures of the algorithm are analyzed in the thesis.3) An optical-processor-allocation-in-proportion algorithm is proposed.4) A prototype of task management in the TOC monitor system is implemented in Win32 assembly language. And the robustness, reliability and correctness of the monitor system are verified via a series of experiments.This paper is the first time to study the TOC monitor system. This study can enrich the basic theories on task scheduling and resource allocation. And the work sets up a theoretical foundation which will put the TOC into practical application as soon as possible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期

