

The Research of Emotion on Highland Li Ethnic Group in Maogan Hainan

【作者】 李利

【导师】 沈关宝;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 人类学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文力图在情感人类学的理论框架下展开对海南毛感高地黎族情感生活的描述,以达成以下两个目的:第一、以情感分析为工具,认为情感不能被“身心”两分,它既不完全是自由发生的生物现象也不完全是对社会结构被动反映的结果,而是一个交互过程,是一个社会实践的过程。第二、描述我对海南毛感高地黎族文化的理解,他们用一种反映他们的价值、他们的奋斗和适应他们高山生态环境的方式来表达他们的情感,并在此过程中实现情感的社会功能。在摩尔根自然主义和博厄斯相对主义这两大传统范式中产生了情感人类学田野工作的两种类型:其一为建构论者,其二为移情论者;前者追求好的翻译,后者追求好的共鸣。本文则试图按照实践逻辑来组织情感分析,即在具体的民族志情境中展示当地的情感生活,认为只有在共同体和实践的意义上,情感的理解才成为可能。本文将情感作为社会与文化的范畴而非自然的生理心理范畴的理论视角,要求本文将情感置于总体性社会事实的背景下来看毛感黎族的人生经历和社会生活,既包括当地人怎样感受其高山环境及其与他人的关系,也包括具体情感。论文通过毛感黎族社区中具体的“Lao”情感和“Das”情感的描述来展开情感分析的探索。通过在三年中不同时段的观察,笔者发现可通过“Lao”这一黎语表达来概括当地黎族日常生活中的主要情感。“Lao”直译为“吃”,在黎族村落中应用甚为广泛,同一个词表达出我们语言中完全不同的情感:激情、爱和悲伤。这主要是由毛感高地人们通过在不同的场景中共享食物(尤其是喝酒)——如在日常生活、结婚、死亡、出生、春节等场合喜与哀的分享——而产生出不同的情感。因此,“Lao”译成汉语可表达多种情感:由分享而产生的富有激情的集体欢腾情感;以婚礼为代表的快乐分享中“爱”的表达;以丧礼为代表的痛苦分担中“悲伤”的表达。当地社区通过“Lao”情感的分享达成多种社会关系的缔结,成为当地的社会“粘合剂”,“Lao”也成为黎族文化的突出特点。“Das”是害怕、恐惧的意思。在南好村,“Das”情感在展演过程中实现了当地的社会控制,具体表现为人们对恐惧的感受及怎样把人们从这种恐惧之中解救出来。恐惧的根源来自对村落共同体的威胁,村民通过“Das”的感受对这些恐惧进行分类并分别予以化解,而其化解主要是设置了一种社会规范。通过“Das”情感的表达,人们进一步维持和再构了村民理想的共同体社区。本文通过展示海南毛感黎族的情感生活,认为“Lao”情感通过实现当地多种社会关系的缔结达到社会整合,而“Das”情感则为当地社会控制的重要途径,从而展示了作为文化的情感,认为只有将情感放置在当地社区共同体的意义上才是可理解的;也展示了作为实践的情感,认为情感的形成和转换,总是在具体情境中的操演,体现的是一种实践逻辑,并在实践过程中实现其社会功能。

【Abstract】 This thesis tries to use the theories of emotional anthropology as a instrument to depict the culture of Li ethnic group which live in the Maogan highland of Hainan Province. There are two goals. The first is to demonstrate emotion as an interactive process and a social process. The second is to describe my understandings of the everyday life of Maogan’Li, who express emotions in ways that reflect their values,their struggles,and their unique high mountain environment,and thereby realize social functions.Morgan’s naturalism and Boas’s relativism, The two paradigms of traditional anthropology, resulted in two types of fieldworks on emotional anthropology, the constructionist and the empathizer. The former pursuing good translations, while the latter good vibrations. This thesis attempts to organize the emotional analysis through practical logic.The thesis considers emotion as social and cultural categories instead of natural physiological and psychological categories. Thus, the thesis is required to put emotion under total social facts and observe Li’s life and social experiences. This thesis explores“Lao”and“Das”emotions of Maogan Li ethic community as the basis for emotional analysis.In field work, I had observed their everyday life or rituals in the village, and found that“Lao”, a Li word, could generalize their main social emotions.“Lao”is literally translated as“eat”or“take food”.It is used very often in Li villages. It could be extended into the meaning of sharing and cooperation through enjoying food together, sharing happiness and sadness.“Lao”can be used to convey and express multiple emotions. Villagers express their happiness through collectively rendered emotions,express their love through happiness sharing events such as weddings. They also express their sadness through pain sharing rituals such as funerals. The community form a variety of social relations through“Lao”emotion sharing. Thus, "Lao" has become the outstanding characteristic of Li culture."Das" means fear. In Nanhao Village,“Das”has the function of social control. It is the act of how the villagers feel about fear and how to get them out of the fear. The fear comes from threats to their community, villagers often classify“Das”feelings and resolve them accordingly. The resolutions have set up social norms. Through“Das”, Villagers further sustain their ideal community.In a word, Li’s“Lao”emotion is a social integration, while“Das”is a social control. Emotional formation and transformation always happen in specific situations, while realize their social functions.

【关键词】 情感总体性社会事实黎族LaoDas
【Key words】 Emotiontotal social factsLi Ethlic GroupLaoDas
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期

