

【作者】 董春林

【导师】 戴建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 宋高宗南渡,驻跸临安,忘靖康之耻、父兄之辱,不惜屈膝与金人缔结和约,收诸大将兵权,形成偏安东南的政治格局。为了达到这一政治目的,高宗政权曾不惜触动社会道德观念,制造诸多冤狱案件。无可否认,南宋初期的冤狱案件,直接关系到宋高宗政权的种种政治举措。本文正是以冤狱事件与政治目的为研究对象,以南宋初期的法治状况,建炎、绍兴年间的冤狱事件与政治诉求及绍兴末年的政治走向,作为考察的框架,从而勾勒出南宋初期政治运作的大致脉络,进而揭示诸如冤狱事件一般的非规则性政治行为的运作路径。南宋初期冤狱事件的规模性与宋高宗的法制建设理念,直接透视出法律解释冤狱事件的悖论,同时也为我们开启了一条探讨政治行为的路径。建炎年间的冤狱个案,主要基于宋高宗南渡之后对围城罪人的处置,其间不同的审判结果及审讯过程,显然成为考察政权肇始之时政治取舍的最佳出路。而南宋初年道学的正统地位的确立,不仅彰显出政治文化的变迁,亦成为考察建炎至绍兴初宋高宗政权政治取舍的全新角度。绍兴和议缔结前后所发生的群体冤狱事件,实在关切着和议国是的促成及收兵权事宜的实施,与之同时,宋高宗针对道德秩序的话语导向及民事举措的推行,实则为执政者政治交换行为完善了条件。最后,绍兴冤狱的平反、反秦桧运动的开展,当是考察高宗朝后期政治意向的出口,而“绍兴更化”时代背景下的制度更革及政权构造,又是考察南宋初期政治走向及偏安东南政治格局形成的基础。大致来说,建炎年间冤狱事件的出现,主要取决于宋高宗稳定南渡政局及重构正统皇权的政治目的,而绍兴年间冤狱事件的爆发,大多是为了宋高宗政权缔结宋金和议及巩固政治基础,两者的政治目的虽异,政治利益的交换路径却相仿。本文即是通过对南宋初期冤狱事件与政治运作关系的探究,初步揭示诸如冤狱事件所折射出的一般的非规则性政治行为在政治运作中的作用,以及这种符合政治常态的政治行为,对政治利益考量的客观意图。此外,为获取即时的政治利益,执政者恰逢时机地行用冤狱手段,来扫平政策推行中的障碍,净化一个期望中的政治环境。继而在实现预期政治利益之中或之后,又不失时机地建构王道理论,来重构道德话语秩序及颁布惠民政策,对社会失衡状况下的民众进行象征性的道德抚慰或利益补偿。这一看似简单实则复杂的政治行为路径告诉我们,在政权主导者的视域中,非规则性政治行为并没有违背政治行为的准则,非对等政治交换也不是一个即时的政治举措,政治语境下的道德关怀,实为谋求政治利益的谋略,绝不是“以人为本”的虚幻面纱。

【Abstract】 During the journey of marching to the south, Song Gaozong temporarily stayed in Lin’an. He forgot the shame in Jingkang and the insult to his father and brother, making peace with Jin and receiving the general’s military power to ultimately form the South East political pattern. In order to achieve this political purpose, Emperor Song ever made a number of miscarriages of justice with the price of being against social and moral values. There is no denying that the miscarriages of justice at the early stage of the Southern Song Dynasty were directly related to the various Song Gaozong regimes’political move. This article studies the miscarriages of justice and the political purposes at the early stage of the Southern Song Dynasty, examines the legal status, the miscarriages of justice and the political appeals in the years of Jianyan and Shaoxing and the political direction in the late years of Shaoxing, which outlines the general context of political operation in the early stage of the Southern Song Dynasty and reveals its irregularity.The scale of the miscarriages of justice in the early stage of the Southern Song Dynasty and Song Gaozong’s legal construction concept shows the paradox in the legal interpretation of the miscarriages of justice and makes a way for our researching the political behavior. The cases in the years of Jianyan were based on the disposal of siege sinners after Song Gaozong’s march to the south and the different trials and the trial processes became the best means of research on political choice. At the early Southern Song Dynasty, Taoism’s "rapid development" not only revealed a political and cultural changes, but also became a new angle of investigating Song Gaozong’s political choice from the years of Jianyan to Shaoxing. The negotiation in the years of Shaoxing concluded a series of miscarriages of justice; actually, it focused on the promotion of the national policy and the implementation of mastering military. Meanwhile, Song Gaozong’s implementation of the reconstruction of moral order and civil initiatives perfected the conditions for political exchange. Finally, the rehabilitation of Shaoxing miscarriage of justice, the development of anti-Qinhui movement should be the way of testing Song Gaozong’s political intentions when he was in power. The update and reform of the policy and the structure of the power were the foundation of the political orientation in the early stage of Southern Song Dynasty and the formation of the political situation.In general, JianYan’s miscarriage of justice were mostly the political purpose of Song Gaozong to stable the political situation and reconstruct the imperial power. However, the outbreak of Shaoxing’s miscarriage of justice was mostly for Shaoxing Agreement and consolidation of the political foundation. Although the political purposes were different, the path of political exchange was similar. Through the study of the relationship between miscarriage of justice and politics, this dissertation initially reveals the irregularity of political behavior in the role of political operation and the political behaviors which are in accordance with political normality and its political intents. In addition, for accessing to the instant political interest, the authority timely made use of the miscarriages of justice to quash the obstacles in the implementation of his policies to obtain an expected and purified political environment. Then, in the realization of the expected political interests in or later, they lost no time to construct kingly way to reconstruct the moral discourse theory and to promulgate social benefiting policy to symbolically comfort or compensate the masses of people in imbalance. This seemingly simple but complex political behavior path tells us that, in the vision of the authority, the irregularity of political action is not against political behavior criterion and the inequivalence of political exchange is not an immediate political move. The moral concern under the political context actually is a strategy of seeking political interests not a "people-oriented" unreal veil.

  • 【分类号】K245
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】521

