

【作者】 陈劲松

【导师】 翁敏华;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 1688年,洪昇的传奇巨制《长生殿》甫一面世,便引起极大的轰动,直至今日依然盛演不衰。有关《长生殿》的评论与研究,也随着剧作的“诞生”,从未间断。相当长一段时间以来,学界对《长生殿》的研究,多采用文艺学的研究手法,从案头出发,对其主题、人物及艺术特色进行分析。随着时代的发展,《长生殿》学术研究也渐呈百花齐放之态。尤其是上世纪九十年代至今,宗教学、民俗学、人类学等方法纷纷“登场亮相”,拓宽了以往的研究思路与方法。然而,学界至今还没有一部能把这些新的理论与方法糅合起来,进行《长生殿》研究的专著。在廿一世纪的今天,无疑是一件憾事。本人拟在吸收学界最新研究的基础上,以“闹热”的戏剧观作为研究理论与线索,从创作技巧、民俗积淀、域外传播、演出效果等方面,多视角、多层面地对《长生殿》这部作品,进行深入地研究和挖掘。既还原出《长生殿》表面“闹热”的“形”,又抓住清初江南文人处于两难境地,无路可走的“冷清”之“魂”。本文的研究思路分为以下七个部分:绪论:对《长生殿》的研究历史与现状进行综述,并阐明本文的研究思路和创新点。第一章:揭示出“闹热”的戏剧观,与明清易代之际审美趣味的契合,并阐明其在戏剧史上的意义和价值。然后从作者对素材的“轻抹”与“重描”,对大众审美心理的洞察及把握,对戏剧叙述节奏的掌控和调度等三个方面展开详细论述,深入研究探讨洪昇是如何让《长生殿》“闹热”起来的。第二章:从帝王“推崇”与节日狂欢两个角度,对《长生殿》盛演至今的文化机理进行分析探讨。《长生殿》的演出与日后产生的持续效应,凸显了康熙在文艺政策上的政治韬略,缓和了满汉之间的民族矛盾,对清初的政治稳定也起到了一定的作用;《长生殿》中的节日狂欢元素与民间世俗活力的释放,也是《长生殿》热演不衰的重要因素。《长生殿》中的四大节日,以及在节日中的民众狂欢,无疑是《长生殿》的“闹热”在民间生活上的反映,和舞台上《长生殿》的“闹热”之间相映成趣。第三章:摆脱以往较为单一的文艺学研究手法,在分析《长生殿》中李隆基、杨玉环这两个人物形象时,着力将二者的文学形象、民俗形象及舞台形象之间的互动关系阐述清楚。在具体研究过程中,运用道教文化与人类生殖文化的大视野,并结合剧中出现的节俗文化,对二人民间偶像化的成因进行探讨。第四章:以白居易《长恨歌》对佛经文学的借鉴,及其在邻国日、韩的流播为线索,深入探讨李、杨爱情及其民间信仰在文化交流中的传承与嬗变。首先从绘画艺术与舞台表演的关系上,揭示李、杨形象与佛教艺术飞天之间的渊源;接着,阐述两人形象及爱情在日、韩戏剧文化中的嬗变。第五章:以洪昇接受的哲学思想为突破点,从剧中的李、杨之“悔”与洪昇所述的“蘧然梦觉”(《长生殿前言》)两个层面,彰显清初江南文人的两难境地,从而揭示出《长生殿》“闹热”背后的“冷清”。结语:从洪昇的遭遇出发,揭示在所谓康雍乾“盛世”的外衣底下,其愈发严苛的文艺政策,造成了清代士人阶层的集体“失语”,《长生殿》终成绝响。清代中叶,文人创作的缺失,昆曲的衰落,使得戏曲的发展转而向元杂剧“借故”(借用故事),并传承其精神。“花部”“闹热”的背后,掩不住的是文人传奇创作的大“冷清”。

【Abstract】 1688, Hong Sheng’s legendary mastepiece " The Palace of Eternal Youth" As soon as it published, it caused a great sensation, and sometimes reputed in the capital, however, is star-crossed lovers today still fill in time. About“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, the comments and study, also with the "birth" plays, uninterrupted. For a long time circles on“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”research, use more literary studies gimmick, desk, starting from to its theme, characters and artistic characteristics were analyzed. With the development of the times,“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, academic research also gradually a flowering of tai. Especially since the 1990s, religion, folklore and anthropology and methods in succession "appearance" to broaden the previous study of ideas and methods. However, the educational still does not have a can bring these new theories and methods mix rise, undertake“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”study monographs. In this 21st century today, is undoubtedly one regret. I wish to absorb circles in the latest research foundation, takes "incense" drama concept as a research theory and cues from creative skills, folk heritage and foreignfiction dissemination, the performance effect etc, multi-angled, many kinds of“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, this works, carries on the deep research and mining. Both reductive out“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, the "form" surface incense, and caught in a dilemma of Qing Dynasty JiangNan literati, no choice of the "soul" of the cold and cheerless. Can say, this study from drama essence according to analyze“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”.This research topic temporary fitting for the following several parts.The introduction:This paper discusses the topic to choose significance, innovation points, current research status and the main research method. Chapter I: Reveal incense "and aesthetic idea change of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and expound" fits "in the history of incense on the significance and value. Then with "incense" drama polysystem cues from the author of material "heavy wipe" and "light tracing;" On popular aesthetic psychological insights and grasp, The narrate rhythm control and dispatch from three aspects, this paper discusses deeply probed into Hong Sheng is how to make“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, "incense" rise.Chapter II: From imperial esteem and festivals carnival two angle, to study“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”.the culture has filled in the mechanism is discussed.“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, performance and future has been effect, highlighted the KangXi emperor in art policy on political desiring, alleviated the Man and Han ethnic contradictions between the stability of the Qing rule to play a certain role;“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, the festival carnival elements and the release of folk secular vigor, but also,“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”the important factors in long hot.“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, the four major festivals, and in the public holiday revelries, is undoubtedly“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, the "incense in folk life", and reflect on stage“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, the "incense" between sceneries.Chapter III: Get rid formerly is relatively single of literary studies gimmick, on the analysis of the characters of“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, when will LiLongJi, and Yang Yu Huan, focus on both of the literature image, folk image and stage image the interactive relationship between clearly explained. In specific research process, reveal about the Taoism culture festival background, Li, Yang in folk idol of the cultural mechanism, and from human reproduction of culture, to point two images into for discussion.Chapter IV: With Bai JuYi“A Song Of Unending Sorrow”of buddhist art, and the reference in neighbouring Japan, Korea’s both as a clue, thorough introduction Li, Yang love and folk beliefs in cultural exchange of inheritance and mutation. From the first painting and performance stage, reveal the relationship of Li, Yang image and buddhist art flying between origin; Then, the paper expounds two image and love in east Asia dramatic culture of evolution.Chapter V: By Hong Sheng’s philosophy thought as the breakthrough point, from the regret of Lee and Yang , referred to in Hong Sheng’s“suddenly wake up”(the preface of“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”) two facets, reveal Qing literati dilemma JiangNan, reveals“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, "cold and cheerless" behind the“incense”.Summary: Starting from the encounter, revealing Hong Sheng in the so-called KangYongQian time’s beneath his coat, the increasingly harsh literary policy, causing the philistines class collective Qing aphasia.“The Palace Of Eternal Youth”, carved into the final end. The middle Qing dynasty scholar creation, the decline of the lack of KunQu opera, makes the development trend and NuoXi system of combining the pathway, reopened Yuan ZaJu "right" (borrow story), "flower" ministry“inense”, hide behind his drama is whole the great "cold ".

  • 【分类号】I207.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】991

