

【作者】 许燕

【导师】 丁宏;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 二战以后,随着欧洲殖民主义体系瓦解,欧洲殖民者多从殖民地作为回迁移民返回宗主国,同时也有许多原殖民移民进入欧洲。由于欧洲在伊斯兰世界拥有大量殖民地,所以这些殖民地移民也以信仰伊斯兰教的穆斯林为主体。穆斯林移民因而成为欧洲最大的少数族群。他们来到欧洲并逐渐对欧洲各国的政治经济社会和文化价值观产生重要影响。穆斯林问题因而成为当代欧洲各国不可回避的问题。由于穆斯林与欧洲主流社会的文化、宗教和价值观念差异差异巨大,所以两大文化之问的摩擦和冲突在所难免。穆斯林人口也成为欧洲各国的国内外政策中的一个重要考量因素:它既事关外来族裔能否融入当地社会,也象征着整个伊斯兰世界与西方的所谓“文明冲突”。在全球反恐、欧洲一体化、社会多元化及种族问题尖锐化的背景下,欧洲穆斯林成为值得中国学界研究的重要议题。英国穆斯林作为世界范围内跨国移民的一部分,是伴随着全球化时代的东西方互动、西方殖民主义的扩张、殖民地独立、欧洲重建等重大历史事件发生和发展起来的。英国是欧洲吸纳移民最多的国家之一。来自各国不同文化背景的穆斯林移民在英国政治、经济、文化等领域扮演着重要角色,因而也与英国的社会文化发展战略休戚相关。英国政府在后殖民时代不得不承认移民的“文化多样性”,并逐渐开始推行文化多元主义模式。这使得英国的主流社会与穆斯林的关系与法、德等其他西欧国家相比,长期相对和睦。但近年来,随着欧洲体化进程遭遇经济挫折,所以英国主流社会与穆斯林的关系也趋于紧张。这种现象反映了国民身份与族裔认同、宗教认同之间的复杂关系。如何在主流社会与穆斯林移民之间,在国民身份与族裔文化认同之间达成包容关系,减少社会文化冲突,不仅对英国至关重要,而且能为全球多民族国家解决民族问题提供重要的借鉴。本文采用民族学和民族学史相结合的研究方法,根据笔者在中国产生的问题意识和在英国收集的实地调查资料,首先从历史发展的脉络中呈现穆斯林移民英国及欧洲的过程,继而对英国穆斯林人口现状做出描述,又从英国的劳工需求和穆斯林追求出国发展的“推拉”作用中分析穆斯林西向移民的动因和分布特点,描述了英国穆斯林整体的社会经济地位,指出其生计文化多样性和边缘化现状;然后对英国穆斯林复杂的教派分支做出梳理,以分析穆斯林教派组织在保持移民自助互助,增强穆斯林认同,表达利益诉求与促进政治和社会参与等方面发挥的功能。基于笔者对穆斯林教育和女性发展的特殊关切,本文特别关注了英国教育体制对穆斯林教育需求的满足程度,并识别出现在问题并对其社会后果做出预测。本文重点揭示了西方主流社会对伊斯兰教和穆斯林女性的东方主义想象下的英国穆斯林女性,在教育、职业、婚姻、社会参与等方面的弱势地位,指出她们在文化冲突中做出的特殊牺牲。基于笔者对文化多元主义政策前景的关切,本文还分析了英国“9·11”和“7·7”伦敦地铁爆炸案对多元文化主义政策的挑战和英国政府与穆斯林之间的政治互动,以此来展现英国社会潜在的伊斯兰教恐惧症表现和英国穆斯林的去污名化抗争。论文最后探讨了全球化对英国穆斯林认同的影响和由此引发的深层文化认同危机,进而得出了英国穆斯林认同与外部伊斯兰教世界密切相关的“流动”即“可变动性”。本文的核心论点是:群体生活理念、认同观念和多元文化追求,昭示出全球化进程中的人类处境。本文用“主体性流动、多重自我和身份复合”的概念来阐释社会结构、文化认同与语境象征之间的关联性,及对化解而不是加深文化认同危机的意义。这种流动性的文化身份概念将使得人们在全球化和文化多元主义的时代,以一种“扎根”和“移动”的方式,在本土与四方、现代与传统、民族性与世界性等之间进行灵活的选择与穿越。

【Abstract】 After World WarⅡwith the collapse of European colonialism system, Most of European colonists have returned to their original countries, meanwhile many immigrants from the European original colony moved into the European. As European has a large number of colonies in the Islamic world, the main body of these colonial immigrants is Muslims who believe in Islam. Thus Muslim immigrants became the largest minority ethnic group in Europe. Gradually they came to Europe and had an important impact on European political, economic, social and cultural values, thus Muslims become unavoidable issues that contemporary European states should face to. As there is huge difference in the aspects of cultural, religious and values between Muslims and the European mainstream society, so the friction and conflicts between the two cultures are inevitable. Muslim population in European countries has also become an important domestic and foreign policy reference index:it is related to whether the foreign ethnic groups can integrate with the local society, but also be as a symbol of so-called "clash of civilizations" between the Islamic world and the West.In the context of the global anti-terrorism, European integration, social diversity and racial issues intensified, European Muslims become worthy studying for the Chinese academy.As a part of worldwide transnational migration, British Muslims happen and develop with the interaction between East and West in the globalization era, the expansion of Western colonialism, colonial independence, the reconstruction of Europe and other major historical events. Britain is one of the largest immigration countries in Europe. Muslim immigrants who have different cultural backgrounds and come from various countries play an important role in British political, economic, cultural and other fields, thus it is closely related with the British social and cultural development strategies. British government had to admit "cultural diversity" of immigrants in the post-colonial era, and gradually began to implement cultural pluralism model. Compared to France, Germany and other Western European countries, Britain has the long-term relative harmony relationship between mainstream society and the Muslim. But in recent years, with the economic setbacks in the European integration process, the relationship between the mainstream society and Muslim has become tenser in Britain. This phenomenon reflects the complex relationships among the national identity, ethnic identity and religious identity. How to reach the inclusive relationship between the mainstream society and Muslim immigrants; between national identity and the ethnic cultural identity, reduce the social and cultural conflict, it is essential not only for Britain, but also to provide important reference to solve the Ethnic Issues for the global multi-ethnic country.In this dissertation, ethnographic and the history of ethnology research methods was combined to be used, according to the author’s issues awareness arising from China and the data being collected in the field survey of UK. This dissertation starts with the presentation of Muslim immigration process in context of the historical development in UK and Europe, then describes the Muslim population actuality in the UK, Under the "push and pull" effect of the UK’s labor demand and the wish of the Muslim’s going abroad for development, analyzes Muslim immigrants’motives to western countries and the distribution of the immigrants, describes the whole socio-economic status of British Muslims, and pointed that the cultural diversity for their livelihoods and marginalization of the status quo; and then Carding the British complex denominational branch of Islam, analyzes the functions of Muslim religious organizations on maintaining immigrant mutual help, strengthening Muslim identity, expressing interest demands and promoting political and social participation, ect. Based on the author’s special concerns on the development of Muslim education and women, this dissertation pays special attention to identify the educational needs of Muslim, tries to find the unmet need problem in the British education system and predicted the social consequences might be caused. This dissertation focuses on revealing British Muslim women who are under the orientalism imagine on Islam and Muslim women from Western mainstream society, their disadvantaged position in education, career, marriage, social participation and other aspects, and points out extraordinary sacrifices they made in the context of cultural conflicts. Based on the author’s concern about the future prospects of cultural pluralism policy, the dissertation also analyzes the challenges of multiculturalism policies and the political interaction between the British government and Muslim after "9·11" and "7·7" London subway bombings in order to show that there exists potential Islamophobia performance in the British society and the British Muslims fight for stigma. Finally, the dissertation discusses the globalization impacts on British Muslim identity and causes to deep cultural identity crisis, then come to conclusion that "mobile" ("Variability") of the British Muslim identity is closely related with the Islamic world outside.The core argument of this dissertation is that the pursuit of group life philosophy, identity concepts and cultural diversity clear out the human situation in the process of globalization. In this dissertation, the author used the concept of "mobile of the subjective, multi-self and identity complex" to interpret the correlation among social structure, cultural identity and context symbol, and it has the significance of resolving rather than deepening of cultural identity crisis. This liquidity cultural identity concept will make people has the flexible choice and pass through local and West, modern and tradition, nationality and globalism, etc. In the manner of "take a root" and "shift" in the era of the globalization and multiculturalism.

【关键词】 英国穆斯林文化多元主义认同
【Key words】 BritainMuslimMulticulturalismIdentity

