

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 李克强;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,新疆的经济建设取得了巨大的成就,人民的生活水平也得到稳步提高。居民收入分配差距也在经济发展的过程逐步扩大,并开始影响到社会稳定。近几年发生的一些影响社会稳定的事件,归根结底都存在收入分配差距的因素,因此,有必要对收入分配差距进行研究。本文以新疆改革开放以来的统计数据为基础通过实证研究的方法对新疆收入分配差距问题进行了系统的研究。本文主要是从新疆总体收入分配差距,城乡居民收入分配差距,不同民族、不同地区的居民收入分配差距三个方面,使用基尼系数、城乡收入比、城镇居民可支配收入以及农村人均纯收入等指标对新疆收入分配差距进行横向和纵向的研究,并对不同方面的收入分配产生原因进行了适当的剖析,最后对收入分配差距与社会稳定的相互作用机制进行了论证。本文研究的基本结论:新疆的居民收入分配差距产生的原因是多方面的,主要包括:地理区位,自然资源和产业分布,文化,二元经济结构,历史因素以及正式制度与非正式制度因素等,其中,地理区位,文化因素和非正式制度因素是引起不同地区和不同民族间收入分配差距产生的主要原因,自然状况、二元经济结构和产业分布是引起城乡收入分配差距变动的主要原因。新疆收入分配差距从经济、政治和社会三个方面对新疆的稳定造成了一定的影响,南北疆居民收入分配差距拉大是导致南疆地区维稳压力大于北疆的主要原因。本论文提出的建议:新疆经济发展的过程中,效率和公平应该放在同等重要的地位,并适时调整效率和公平的平衡点,从而达到收入分配差距与社会稳定的共存;均衡收入分配差距的措施主要包括:建立稳定的扶贫资金投入机制,加大教育投入和人才队伍建设,完善落后地区的社会保障制度,着力的培养新的经济增长点。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang has made great achievements in economic development since the reform and opening up. And the people’s living standard has improved steadily. But, the income distribution gap is also gradually expanding along with the economic development. And the income distribution begins to affect social stability. In recent years, there were some events which affect social stability. When we research those events deeply, we find they are related to the income distribution gap. So, it’s necessary to do further study of the income distribution gap.In this paper, the empirical research on Xinjiang income distribution gap is based on data which began from the reform and opening up. It divided Xinjiang income distribution gap into three aspects, the overall income distribution gap, urban-rural income distribution gap and the income distribution gap with different ethnics and areas. This paper uses the Gini coefficient, urban-rural income ratio, annual per capita disposable income of urban households and annual per capital net income of rural households, engel’s coefficient and so on to make a research of Xinjiang income distribution gap from horizontal and vertical views. And it analyzes the reasons which cause the income distribution gap in different aspects. Finally, it demonstrates the mechanism between the income distribution gap and and social stability.The basic conclusions of the thesis:there are lots of factors that cause the income distribution gap of Xinjiang. The factors include geographical location, natural resources and industrial distribution, culture, dual economic structure, historical factors, the formal institutional and the informal institutional factors. And the income distribution gap of different ethnics and areas is caused by the factors of geographical location, culture and the informal institutional. The natural conditions, dual economic structure and industrial distribution are the main reasons of the urban-rural income gap. Xinjiang’s income distribution gap affects the social stability from three aspects, economic, political and social. And the income distribution gap between southern and northern Xinjiang is the main reason that enlarges the pressure of social stability of Xinjiang.The recommendations of this paper:In the process of economic development in Xinjiang, fairness and efficiency have equally important position. And it’s necessary to adjust the balance between efficiency and fairness to achieve coexistence of income distribution gap and social stability. The approaches of balancing the income distribution gap includes establishing a stable funding mechanism for poverty alleviation, increasing investment in education, improving the social security system in backward areas and actively cultivating new points of economic growth.


