

【作者】 唐卫青

【导师】 白振声;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 台湾是我国不可分割的一部分,由于其地理位置的特殊性以及当地少数民族文化的独特性,更是吸引着许多学者的关注。台湾日月潭边的邵族是继我国传统“高山九族”之后的又一单一民族。邵族由于日月潭的关系,其文化尤其是其宗教信仰备受人们的关注。这种关注的重要原因是它的“独树一帜”性——整个台湾地区甚至全中国都没有与其相同的宗教信仰模式。该研究对于丰富我国民族志资料,对台湾地区当地民族的现代社会的研究,具有较强的学术价值;这项研究为海峡两岸的民族发展、社会和谐提供了真实、客观的研究材料。根据历史文献和实地调查,笔者首先对台湾邵族宗教信仰进行了民族志资料的收集,其次是运用宗教学、民族学、人类学、社会学等相关理论,对其宗教信仰文化特点进行了解读,对其宗教信仰未来的发展趋势进行了分析。本文共分七个章节:首先为“序言”。该章阐述了本文研究的意义,邵族宗教信仰研究的综述以及本文研究的主要内容与方法。第一章为“邵族的历史概况”。本章是对邵族居住地的地理环境、历史概况、人口状况、经济生活以及主要的文化事项等方的概述。第二章为“邵族宗教信仰的当代展示”。本章主要调查了邵族传统信仰——狩猎祭、拜鳗祭的过程及仪式。狩猎祭、拜鳗祭于每年的农历七月初一、初三由先生妈主持,分别在两个头目家同时举行。经过调查,笔者发现,这两个仪式仅仅只是传统信仰在当代的一种展示,不再具有传统社会的意义——邵族的经济生活方式中已经不再具有狩猎、捕捞鳗鱼的生产方式。第三章为“邵族社会中的现代宗教”。本章对邵族社会中的现代宗教进行了概述。在调查期间,邵族人的现代宗教主要在两个仪式与活动中体现出来。首先是农历七月的祭拜,最为隆重的是“中元普渡”,这个宗教活动由邵族人与汉族人或者说台湾人在“明德宫”于农历的七月十五共同举行宗教仪式;其次是每周的教会活动,参加教会的人不仅仅是汉族人或台湾人,还包括邵族人,甚至是邵族的祭司先生妈也参与其中。第四章为“邵族的狂欢节——祖灵祭”。本章主要对邵族的重要而且盛大的祭祀活动——祖灵祭的整个过程及其仪式进行了调查。祖灵祭是邵族人在农历八月举行的全月的活动。农历的七月三十晚上的杵音敲响了邵族祖灵祭前奏。农历八月初一清早的祭拜,八月初二的除秽与祭拜、八月初三的试猎与祭拜、八月初四的搭建祖灵屋及会饮的开始,一直持续到八月十五的半程祭、八月三十的最后祭拜,整个八月充满了神秘与狂欢。邵族人仿照汉族人称他们的祖灵祭为“过年”。第五章为“‘灵’与‘人’”的解读。邵族的宗教信仰体系可以总结为“灵”与“人”两个方面,“灵”既是邵族人的最高祖灵观念,也是邵族各姓氏祖灵的观念,更是邵族人的世俗生活与神圣世界的核心所在。“人”是邵族祖灵的依托,先生妈、炉主、唱歌的、除秽的等等,都是具体地落实在“人”。没有“人”的存在,邵族祖灵也就没有存在的意义了。为此,必须解读邵族的“灵”与“人”及其关系。第六章为“邵族宗教信仰的特征与功能、发展与趋势”。本章首先对邵族宗教信仰的特征与功能进行了分析;其次分析了邵族宗教信仰对邵族社会的影响——价值观、经济生活、文化模式等。最后分析了宗教信仰在未来的发展趋势:一是分析了邵族宗教信仰变迁的原因主要是社会环境变迁、与汉族接触涵化所致以及邵族内部的社会结构的改变。二是分析了邵族宗教信仰的发展趋势:程式化与世俗化趋势;多重性与整合性趋势。

【Abstract】 As an inseparable part of China, Taiwan has captured many scholars’ attention and numerous researches have been conducted due to its particular geographic locations and unique cultures. Living by the Sun-moon Lake, the Thaw people is a new single nationality, which was added to the traditional "Nine Ethnic Groups of Gaoshan Mountains".As a result of its close proximity to the Sun-moon Lake, the Thaw’s culture, particularly its religious belief, has attracted people’s attentions profoundly. Moreover, the "independent style" of the Thaw ethnicity adds more to its popularity among the scholars in that no similar religious belief can be found in Taiwan area or in the Mainland of China. The research conducted in this paper plays a significant role in enriching the ethnographic documents of nationalities in China, thus carrying important academic value in the field of contemporary study into the local ethnic groups. Apart from this, it offers authentic and objective materials to promote the ethnic development and social harmony across the Straits.In view of the historical documentary and field work, at first, the author collects the ethnic materials relating to the religious beliefs of the Thaw. Then, its culture of religious beliefs and prospects are interpreted and analyzed by employing relevant theories in the field of ethnology, anthropology and sociology.This paper is divided into 7 chapters.What comes first is the prologue, which explains the significance of this research, reviews the literatures on the religious belief of the Thaw nationality, and introduces the main content and research methods of this paper.The first chapter "A General Introduction to the Thaw Nationality" outlines the geographic environment, history, demographic condition, livelihood and the major cultural forms.The second chapter "Contemporary Displays of Religious Beliefs of the Thaw Nationality" looks into their traditional beliefs-----the procedures and rites of the Worship of Hunting and the Worship of Eel which are held on the 1st and 3rd day of July in Chinese lunar calendar by XianShengMa at the same time in different headmen’s families. Through investigation, the author discovers that the two rituals are merely artificial exhibition of their conventional beliefs in modern times. No longer do they possess the original connotations-----The Thaw do not have the modes of production such as hunting animals and catching the Eels.The third chapter "The Modern Religion of the Thaw Society" tells that the modern religion of the Thaw nationality is embodied in two rites and activities. The first is the worshipping in July (Chinese lunar calendar), with "Purdue of the zhongyuan Festival" being the most stately one which is held commonly by the Thaw people and the Han people in the Mingde Temple on the 15th of July (Chinese lunar calendar). The second one is the weekly-held preaching. The participants include not only the Han people but also the Thaw people. Even the Priest XianShengMa of the Thaw nationality attends the preaching.In the fourth chapter "Carnival of the Thaw Nationality—Ancestor Worship" the author studies intensively the procedures and rituals of the sacrificing for the ancestry. It is an activity lasting the whole month in August. The sound created by Chu is the prelude to this activity. The August is permeated with mysticism and spree:early morning’s worshipping on the first day of August; the removal of contamination and worship on the second day of August; Trial hunting ritual and the worship on the third day of August; the construction of ZuLingWu and the beginning of HuiYin on the fourth day of August; the mid-way worship which lasts to the 15th day of August, and the last worshipping on the 30th day of August. The Thaw people imitate Han nationality to name the ZuLing worship as Guonian______spending the Chinese New Year.In the fifth chapter "The interpretation of ’Spirituality’ and’Humanity’", the religious system of Thaw ethnic group is categorized as ’Spirituality’and ’Humanity’. Spirituality is not only the top concern of the ancestor worship of the Thaw nationality, but also the concept of different family groups, it is even more the core issue of their earthly life and holy world. The ancestral spirit of the Thaw depends on humanity. XianShengMa、LuZh、Singers and the people of removing contamination all are human. Had humanity not existed, the emergence of the ancestral spirit would have lost its meaning. Therefore, ’Spirituality’ and’Humanity’, as well as their inherent relationship, have been interpreted in this chapter.The sixth chapter "The Characteristics, Functions, Development and Tendencies of the Thaw’s Religion" first analyses the characteristics and functions of the Thaw’s religion. Then it explains the religious impact on the social values, economic lives and cultural models. The change of the Thaw’s religion and its prospect are also delved into in this chapter. Regarding the change and the prospect, the author points out that the change of social environment, the acculturation incurred by the contact with Han people and the change of internal social structure of the Thaw are the main reasons why the change of the religious belief has occurred among the Thaw. Besides, the author touches on the tendencies of the Thaw’s religion. Programmability, secularity, multiplicity and integrity have been identified as four main tendencies.


