

【作者】 刘艺兰

【导师】 祁庆富;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 我国民族村落文化景观遗产是各民族与自然地理融合的文化遗存,记录着民族历史文化的信息,保存着传统文化的精髓,体现了各民族所拥有的多样性生存智慧,是当地经济、社会和文化可持续性发展的重要资源。在城市化进程中,民族村落文化景观遗产正面临着前所未有的挑战和冲击。正确理解和保护民族村落文化景观遗产刻不容缓,探寻科学的保护理论与方法迫在眉睫。目前国内村落文化景观遗产,尤其是少数民族村落文化景观遗产保护的研究仍处于起步阶段,尚无系统、全面的研究体系。本课题研究以民族学为主,结合民俗学、地理学、文化遗产学等多学科理论,借助文化景观概念的视野、方法和工具,丰富、完善了民族村落文化景观保护和实践体系,以世界文化遗产备选地之一的宰荡侗寨为例,将村落文化景观遗产保护与民族村寨的研究有机结合,这正是村落文化景观遗产保护和可持续发展研究的重要领域,具有高度的研究价值和现实意义。论文共四章,分三部分。第一部分包括绪论和第一章,就研究背景、概念、研究的内容和意义、方法框架以及国内外相关领域研究现状进行概述。第二部分含第二章、第三章,为文章的主体部分。第二章在查阅文献和田野调查基础上,对宰荡侗寨的文化景观遗产进行概述,包括宰荡侗寨的地理位置与历史沿革、影响宰荡侗寨文化景观的因素、宰荡侗寨文化景观的组成要素等。第三章首先描述了宰荡侗寨物质文化景观和非物质景观的变迁,并结合宰荡侗寨文化景观的保护实际,分别从自然生态景观、物质文化景观、非物质景观三个层面对保护措施进行系统梳理,指出自然生态景观的保护主要是要优化生态,维持人与自然的和谐关系;物质文化景观保护采用“有机更新”理论进行改造,尽量维持原有风貌,同时增加建筑的可识别性;非物质文化景观保护则抓住“人”这个核心,从树立村民对本民族文化的自信心,提升文化自觉的具体策略入手进行动态保护。三者的保护措施互为支撑,从而实现对文化景观的有效保护。第二节里对遗产保护与旅游开发的关系进行了分析,认为村落文化景观因其动态的特点,保护应当与利用、开发有机地结合起来,通过民族生态旅游发展实现文化景观的可持续性保护。第三部分包括第四章和结语。第四章探讨了民族村落文化景观保护的总体策略,认为要树立和谐生态观、有机整体观、积极动态观、以人为本观等保护理念,建立一个政府、专家学者、宗族组织、村民和其他社会力量共同参与的多元合作保护模式。此章还就民族村落文化景观保护实践中存在的问题,认为建立完善的生态环境,并从制定完善政策法规、加大资金投入、普查整理文化景观遗产、制定保护发展规划以及建立活态传承制度等方面,健全民族村落文化景观保护机制,才能充分发掘村落文化景观价值,并实现可持续发展。结语部分对民族村落文化景观保护相关理念和方法进行了总结。

【Abstract】 The national village Cultural landscape in China is the cultural relics integration with local people and natural geography, recording the information of national history and culture, preserving the essence of traditional culture, reflecting the diversity of each nation’s wisdom to survive. It is the Homeland which nationalities lived in thousands of years. It is important resources that local economic, social and cultural sustainable development.During the processing of urbanization, national village cultural landscape heritage is facing unprecedented challenges and impact. Correct understanding and protection of the national heritage village cultural landscape is urgent, explore scientific theories and methods of protection is around the corner.At present, village cultural landscape heritage, especially in the study of minority villages cultural landscape heritage protection is still in its infancy, there is no systematic and comprehensive research system. This study is based on ethnology, combined with folklore, geography, cultural heritage and other multi-disciplinary theory. with the vision, methods and tools of cultural landscape, to enrich and improve the protection of national cultural landscape of the village and practical system to the world One alternative of cultural heritage—Zaidang Dong village for example, not only fill gaps in the ZaiDang Dong village study, but also organic combination the national village cultural landscape heritage protection and national village research. This is protection and sustainable development of the village cultural landscape Sustainable of the important areas, with high research value and practical significance.Paper consists of four chapters, divided into three parts. The first part includes introduction and first chapter, on the research background, concepts, contents and significance of the study, methods, frameworks, and domestic and international overview of current research in related fields. The second part contains chapterⅡand ChapterⅢ.It is the main part of the article. The ChapterⅡbased on the literature review and field research, overview of the ZaiDang Dong village cultural landscape, including the ZaiDang Dong village location and history, ZaiDang Dong village cultural landscape factors, composition of the elements. The third chapter begins by describing the ZaiDang Dong village in the material and cultural landscape and non-material changes, combined with ZaiDang Dong village cultural landscapes actual protection, from Natural ecological landscape, material culture landscape, non-material landscape three aspects of protection measures, Pointed out that the protection of natural landscapes is mainly to optimize the ecological and maintain harmonious relationship between man and nature.Material cultural landscape protection is adopted for "organic update" theory of transformation, so as to maintain the original appearance, while increasing the building identifiable; non-material cultural landscape protection is to seize the "person" is the core, Villagers from the foster self-confidence of the national culture, the specific strategies to enhance cultural awareness to start the dynamic protection. Mutual support among the protective measures in order to achieve effective protection of the cultural landscape. The SectionⅡof the Heritage protection and Tourism Development to analyze the relationship that the village cultural landscape because of its dynamic features, protection cannot just stay in the protection level, but should be with the use, development and organically combine which can be Continuous protection. Cultural landscape in order to promote tourism, tourism development, through the development of national eco-tourism village to protect the Development of nationalities Cultural Landscape is an effective model. ZaiDang Dong village eco-tourism development should be based on self-management, remain cautious and do travel planning. The third section includes chapters IV and conclusion. The fourth chapter discusses the protection of national village cultural landscape overall strategy. We should establish the concept of ecological harmony, organic whole concept, positive dynamic outlook, outlook on people-centered concept of protection, and establish a government, experts and scholars, clan organizations, the villagers and other social forces to joint cooperation in protection mechanisms. This chapter also for the problems of national village cultural landscape protection in practice, Establish and improve the ecological environment, and formulate the development of sound policies and regulations, increase financial input, organize cultural landscape heritage of the census to develop protection and development planning, establish Living Transmission System Depth analysis of such a sound protection of national village cultural landscape in order to fully explore the village cultural landscape value and sustainable development. In the conclusion part, the protection of ideas and methods were summarized.


