

【作者】 张溦

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 政治传播是人类传播行为的一种,是以政治思想、政治价值、政治情感为内容,综合利用政治组织、政治社会化机构(学校系统等)、大众传媒这些渠道,以实现主导政治文化的社会化、制造“同意”和“社会团结”、巩固政治体系合法性的一种特定的传播行为,是传媒时代和信息化背景下国家进行政治统治和管理的重要手段,具有强大的意识形态功能。以政治传播的角度来讨论民族问题的解决在学界并不多见,本文就是以政治传播为视角,讨论在中国特色政治传播体系中,民族理论、民族政策等关于民族问题的国家意志,如何通过政治传播各渠道,传播和渗透到社会基层,以及这些传播行为对中国解决民族问题各自发挥怎样的功能和产生了怎样的效果。全文分为导论和主体两大部分。其中导论包括本文的选题依据和意义的阐述、对政治传播研究和中国民族问题与传播交叉研究的相关概述,提出了本文的研究框架和“议程设置”、“需求与满足”、“沉默螺旋”、“把关人”、“知沟理论”等基本理论工具。论文主体共六章。第一章,从政治传播的功能和媒介出发,讨论了中国政治传播的历史和当代中国特色政治传播的形成与特点,认为以党和政府的组织传播为主体、学校教育传播为基础、大众传媒为媒介的多层次、多流向、多渠道的政治传播体系是中国当代政治传播的特点和运行机制;在此基础上,结合全球化背景下,政治传播与世界民族问题和中国民族问题的交汇,提出了中国解决民族问题的传播行为——民族政治传播的基本框架和行为模式。第二章,主要回顾了中国民族政治传播的历史发展与沿革。分述了在建国前、建国初期,政治传播对于抗战统一战线、新型民族关系形成的作用;民族工作曲折时期,政治传播工具理性的严重越位带来的消极影响。基本结论是民族政治传播是民族工作目标的实际体现,是价值、方法和效果的历史的、具体的辩证统一,在不同的历史阶段对民族问题的解决发挥着不同的作用。第三章,是对中国民族政治传播主体——党和政府组织的传播行为分析。党和政府是民族政治传播的核心主体,同时,具有权威媒介和主导媒介的属性。党和政府主要通过自身的组织系统、会议—文件系统和党报系统来传播国家民族理论政策和民族工作方针。党和政府的组织传播行为确保了国家在民族问题上的主导性和权威性,但是基于组织传播的“有界性”特点,也带来了其传播行为渗透力不足的问题。第四章,是对中国民族政治传播的基础——学校教育的传播行为分析。学校教育在民族政治传播中居于基础性的位置,具有培养公民民族观、形成公民对民族问题基本政治态度和国家民族理论、政策、方针代际传递的作用。学校主要通过课堂教育和校园文化建设两方面来实现民族团结教育的功能,其传播行为产生的影响一是在全民教育中实现了民族团结教育的常规化,二是通过淡化知识沟,为各族学生在未来的社会交往实践中构建一种认知共识,提高中华民族的凝聚力和向心力。第五章,是对中国民族政治传播中大众传媒的传播作用分析。大众传媒是“没有围墙的学校”,是可以综合利用多种表现形式、或直观或潜移默化的传播民族政治观念和情感的有效手段。本章分别论述了:电视在关于民族问题的社会讨论中营造优势意见的能力和塑造少数民族形象时片面性、模式化的不足;电影通过将具体的生活与历史背景、时代精神的结合展示,在人们内心构建一种对我国“多元一体”格局的形成历史和各民族在国家发展过程中的贡献的深刻认识,同时也指出在市场化机制下,由于生产和发行等方面的综合原因,制约了民族题材电影政治传播功能的发挥;少数民族文化艺术,由于其产生于各民族生产生活的悠久历史而具有一种社会意义上的共通的符号,这种共通符号能够在更大程度上与人们的心灵相契合、更容易找到民族间的共鸣点,从而从人类“真、善、美”心灵诉求的高度,加强各民族的了解、信任和友爱;网络媒介方面主要探讨了网络政治参与与民族地区政治稳定的关系,以“七·五”事件为例,阐述要正确引导网络政治参与,发挥其在少数民族群众中的利益表达作用、并要加强网络“把关人”对网络舆情的分析和预见能力,防止负面信息对民族地区的稳定造成影响。第六章是本文主题的一个延伸,讨论在当今世界民族问题的“国际性”趋势下,对外政治传播在中国就民族问题进行国际政治磋商、维护国家权利方面的作用。认为在对外政治传播,尤其是对国际民间社会的信息传播中加强民族历史文化等国家“软实力”的展示,可以争取国际社会对中国在民族问题上的立场和制度安排历史必然性的理解和支持,也能够将维护中华民族的团结友爱,维护中国国家统一上升到珍惜一种独特民族文化和传统哲学智慧的人类历史价值上来。

【Abstract】 Political Communication is a human social communication behaviors, based on political ideology, political values, political passion for the content, utilization of political organizations, political socialization institutions (school system), mass media, these channels to achieve the dominant political culture of the society technology, manufacturing "consent" and "social solidarity", to consolidate the legitimacy of political system, the spread of a particular behavior, the media and information age nation under the political rule and an important means of management, with a strong ideological function. The perspective of political communication to discuss national problems are rare in the academic community, this is the perspective of political communication to discuss the political communication system with Chinese characteristics, the national theory, national policy issues on the national will of the state, how The channels of political communication, dissemination and penetration to the grass roots, and their communication behavior to solve ethnic problems in China how to play from their functions and how the results produced. Introduction and the main text is divided into two parts. Introduction to topics of which include the basis and significance of this exposition of political communication research and dissemination of China’s ethnic problems and an overview of cross-related research, this study proposed framework and the "agenda setting", "needs and satisfaction", "Silence spiral,""gatekeeper","Knowledge Gap Theory" and other basic theoretical tool.Six chapters of the main paper. The first chapter, from the behavior of the function of political communication and media paper discusses the spread of Chinese history and contemporary politics with Chinese characteristics and features of the formation of political communication, that Party and government organizations to spread as the main spread of school education, based on the public media-mediated multi-level, multi-flow, multi-channel system of political communication is the characteristics of contemporary political communication and operation mechanism; On this basis, combined with the context of globalization, political communication and the world of national issues and the intersection of ethnic issues in China proposed to solve the national question in China spread of behavior-the basic framework of national political communication and behavior patterns.The second chapter, the main political communication reviews the history of Chinese National Development and Evolution. Are described in the founding of the former, and the early years of political communication for the war front, the role of the formation of new ethnic relations, and national work tortuous period of serious political communication tool rationality overrun negative impact. Dissemination of basic conclusion is that national political objectives of the nation’s actual embodiment of values, methods and results of the historical, dialectical unity of the concrete, in different historical stages of problem solving the nation to play a different role.The third chapter is the main Chinese national political communication-the Party and government organizations, the propagation analysis. Party and the government are the core of the main national political communication, mainly through the system of party and government organizations, the meeting-the file system and in Party System Theory and Policy to spread the nation and national approach. Party and government organizations to ensure the state for the propagation of the dominant ethnic and authority, but based on organizational communication "bounded" of features, it also brings the propagation of the problem of inadequate penetration.The fourth chapter is the basis of China’s national political communication-the communication behavior of school education. School education living in the national political communication in the basic position, with a civic nation, the formation of citizens basic political attitudes and ethnic nation theory, policy, guidelines, the role of intergenerational transmission. Schools, mainly through classroom education and two aspects of campus culture to achieve national unity and the function of education, the impact of their communication behavior first implemented in the EFA national unity in the routine of education, and second, the knowledge gap by dilution, so that all ethnic groups students to practice social interaction in the future to build a cognitive consensus, and enhance the cohesion and solidarity of the Chinese nation.Chapter V, is a Chinese national political communication media-the role of mass media communication. Mass media is the "school without walls", is comprehensive utilization of a variety of forms, or the spread of visual or subtle feelings of national political ideas and effective means. This chapter discusses the following aspects:TV on the national question in the discussion of the social views of the ability to create a dominant and shaping the image of minorities when the one-sidedness, lack of modeling; film by living with a specific historical background, the combination of spirit of the times show, the people Our hearts build a "pluralistic integration" pattern formation and development of various ethnic groups in the country’s profound understanding of the contribution, but also pointed out that the market mechanism, such as production and distribution aspects of the comprehensive reasons, restricted the national theme Movie play function of political communication; Minority culture and art, produced in the nation because of its long history of production and living with a social sense and common symbols, such a common symbol to a greater extent, dovetails with the people’s hearts, but also easy to find ethnic resonance point, which from the human "truth, goodness and beauty," the height of spiritual aspirations, to strengthen the nation’s understanding, trust and love; network the media, political participation of the major national network of regional political stability, the "Seven·Five "as an example to explain the correct guidance to the network of political participation, minority people to play their role in the expression of interests and to strengthen the network of gatekeeper "of the Internet public opinion analysis and vision, to prevent the negative information for national stability in the region impact.The sixth chapter is an extension of this topic to discuss national issues in today’s world of "international" trend, foreign political communication in China to discuss international politics and national issues, the role of protecting national rights. That the external political communication, especially for the dissemination of information on international civil society to strengthen national history and cultural "soft power" of the show, you can fight the international community on China’s position on national issues and institutional arrangements for the understanding of the historical inevitability and support, the ability to maintain the solidarity of the Chinese nation and safeguarding national unity of China rose to appreciate a unique culture and traditions of the value of philosophical wisdom of human history up.

  • 【分类号】G206;D633
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1151
  • 攻读期成果

