

【作者】 宋鑫华

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 当今世界,绝大多数(95%以上)的国家是多民族国家,如何正确更好地处理国家与民族(主要与少数民族)的关系,如何解决一个国家中的各民族对国家的认同问题,以及如何协调各民族之间的关系问题,是许多民族国家必须要面对和解决的现实问题。我国是统一的多民族国家,这一国情决定了民族关系始终是一种至关紧要的社会关系。中国是由56个民族共同缔造的具有5000年历史的文明国家,在长期的历史发展中,各民族不断融合,形成了中华民族多元一体格局。对于一个统一的多民族国家来说,该国家内部民族地区政治稳定与否,直接关系到这个国家政治整合的程度。如果国内各民族的矛盾和冲突得到协调,国家就可以通过内部的积极健康的政治整合增强民族凝聚力和向心力,实现从民族认同到国家认同,促进国家一体化。反之,若国内民族矛盾或冲突激化,就会演化为公开的政治冲突和分裂运动。因此维护民族地区政治稳定,既是我们党对新时期我国民族关系及其发展趋势的新概括,也是我们做好民族工作、处理民族关系的准则和基本目标。本文从发展政治学的角度,结合民族学、政治学、社会学等的相关理论和方法,在充分吸收和借鉴国内外学者已有研究成果的基础上,以西部民族地区的民族关系为研究对象,从理论到实践,从历史到现实,从宏观到微观,对转型期影响我国民族关系协调发展的因素以及民族关系与民族地区社会政治稳定的互动关系等相关因素进行系统的分析和研究,并在此基础上对维护民族社会政治稳定与协调民族关系的理路与策略进行了深入的探讨,以期为我国多民族国家的社会稳定、民族和谐提供一些借鉴意义。本论文分导论、正文和余论三部分。导论主要介绍了论文选题的缘起及研究意义;国内外研究现状及述评;文章的主要内容及结构;文章采用的主要研究方法及创新和难点问题。正文由四章构成。第一章简要梳理了民族、民族发展、民族关系等概念以及民族关系协调发展的内涵与特性,在此基础上进一步分析民族冲突与民族社会政治稳定的互动关系。本章首先将其相关概念进行简要梳理分析和介绍。同时,在民族学者和政治学者相关研究成果的基础上,根据当代世界和我国的有关实际,对民族冲突与民族社会政治稳定的内在关系作初步的探讨,旨在尝试建立民族冲突分析的一般理论模式,为后面正文的展开打下伏笔。第二章对当今世界典型多民族国家协调民族关系的理念及其实践进行考察,以期对当代我国多民族关系协调与发展提供一定的借鉴和启示。笔者首先对西方国家协调民族关系的理念和实践进行考察,目前有代表性的模式主要有:(1)美国的民族歧视-民族同化模式;(2)加拿大、澳大利亚多元民族文化自治;(3)西班牙的区域自治政策;(4)墨西哥的一体化政策;其次,简要对前苏联、东欧的民族关系协调的历史回顾及其历史教训;最后,对我国历史上协调民族关系的实践进行详细梳理。只有对中国历史上的民族关系进行全面的分析和梳理才可能认识到这一关系的真实图景。第三章分析了社会转型期影响我国民族关系协调发展的制约因素。该部分主要从宏观系统因素、微观系统因素、跨境政治因素以及地理环境、大众传等其他因素来分析社会转型期影响我国民族关系协调发展的因素。第四章重点探讨了社会转型期维护政治稳定与协调民族关系的理路与策略。提出我们应该从中国的具体国情出发,在民族关系的协调与发展上坚持多元一体的理念,实现途径的多样化。积极加快民族地区经济发展,缩小东西部差距,协调民族利益、化解利益纠纷,推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设。同时要加强制度建设,拓宽民族政治参与的渠道,推进多元一体的新型民族文化建设,加强民族教育,建构多样化的政治社会化途径,培养民族干部,发挥民族政治精英的作用。另外,还要严厉打击各种民族分裂势力,参与国际合作,营造有利的外部政治环境。最后余论中指出,在民族国家时代,世界上所有的民族,都被组织到民族国家的政治框架之下,整合到国家的领土疆域之中。民族与国家的密切联系以及现代国家多样性的民族构成,决定了民族关系对多民族国家政治秩序运行与维持的影响。因此,在新世纪新阶段,如何不断协调民族关系,充分调动各族人民群众的积极性,使全国人民齐心协力共同发展和谐的民族关系,使整个中华民族的凝聚力、向心力进一步加强,使民族地区各项文明高度发展,不断促进和谐民族关系的全面发展。这正是当下我国民族关系协调发展的最大挑战,也是一个在和谐社会目标指向下再也无法回避的重大课题。

【Abstract】 National problem is largely ethnic relationship issues. In today’s world, most (95%) country is a multi-ethnic country, how to correctly better handle the country and national (mainly the relationship with minority), how to solve all ethnic groups in one country to national identity, and how to coordinate the relationship between different nationalities, is many national countries must be to face and solve practical problem.Our country is unified multinational country, this reality determines national relationship is always a crucial social relations, China is created jointly by 56 ethnic groups with a history of 5000 years civilization countries, in China’s long history of development, ethnic constantly fusion, formed of the pattern of diversity in unity of the Chinese nation. For a united multi-ethnic country speaking, this country internal ethnic regions political stability or not, relates directly to the country the degree of political integration. If the domestic various ethnic contradictions and conflicts coordinated, the state can through the internal political integration of positive health enhance national cohesion and ethnic identity and realize from the national identity, promote national integration. Conversely, if domestic ethnic tensions or conflict sharpened, he will evolve into an open political conflicts and separatist movement. So to safeguard national regions political stability, is our party’s national relations in China in the new period and its developing trend is also summarized, we prepare for new national work, deal with the ethnic relations norms and basic goals.This paper, from the Angle of developing politics with ethnology, politics, sociology, etc, the related theories and methods in fully absorbing & referring to scholars both at home and abroad on the basis of existing research results in western minority areas, ethnic relations as the research object, from theory to practice, and from history to reality, from macroscopical to microcosmic, ethnic relations of transition influence factors of coordinated development in national regions and ethnic relations and social and political stability factors related to the interactive relationship between systems analysis and research, and on this basis to safeguard national social political stability and coordination of the national relationship with strategy connection, so as to effectively discuss our national social stability and national harmonious provide some reference. This thesis points of introduction, more than text and three parts.Introduction mainly introduced the article expatiates the origin and research significance; The domestic and foreign research present situation and redux; The main content and structure; This paper adopts the main research method and innovation and difficult problem.Text consists of four chapters. The first chapter briefly combed the ethnic and national development, ethnic relations and national relationship concepts such as the connotation and characteristics of coordinated development, on the basis of further analysis national conflicts and ethnic social interaction of political stability. This chapter will first briefly methodizing and its related concept analysis and introduction.In the second chapter, Based on western nations coordinated the concept and practice of ethnic relations are examined and currently have representative pattern mainly has:(1) the United States national discrimination-national assimilation mode; (2) Canada, Australia multiethnic cultural autonomy; (3) Spanish ethnic regional autonomy policy; (4) the integration of Mexico policy; Secondly, briefly on the former Soviet union and eastern Europe ethnic relations coordination and reviewing the history of historical lessons; Finally, to our country history coordinated national relations practices to detailed comb.Chapter three analyzes ethnic social transition influence factors restricting the development of relationship coordination. This part of the main from macroscopic system factors, microscopic system factors, cross-border political factors and geographical environment, the mass media and other factors affecting our country social transition to analysis the coordinated development of national relations negative factors.The fourth chapter discusses social transition maintaining political stability and coordination with the concept of ethnic relations strategies. Its specific paths have:to accelerate the economic development in national regions; Promote the pluralism new-type national culture construction; Crack down on all ethical division force; Strengthening the system construction, broaden the national political participation channels; Fostering national cadre, play national political elite effect, etc. At the same time, also need to dissolve the national social contradictions and improve the safeguard mechanism of national social environment, namely, coordinating national interests, dissolve the interest conflicts; Cultivate the national social self adjusting mechanism; Push to improve the livelihood of the people for key social construction; Strengthen national education, construct diversification of political socialization ways and participate in international cooperation, create a favorable external political environment.Finally, more than that in theory of national era, all nations of the world, have been organization to national political framework, integrated into the country’s territory in. Ethnic and national close contact and modern country diversity of ethnic groups, and decided on the national relationship multi-ethnic country political order operation and maintain influence.


