

Textual Research and Discussion on the Poetics of JiaoRan

【作者】 甘生统

【导师】 陈允锋;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 对盛、中唐交替之际著名诗僧皎然的诗学研究,虽然成果较多,但整体上还存在着抑扬过度和不够深入之类不足。究其原因,主要是对皎然诗学中一些重要命题之内涵及其复、变、因、革缺乏清晰的认识和把握。要解决这些问题,借鉴考据学“实事求是”、“无证不信”的宗旨和方法,尽可能打破那种面面俱到、泛泛而谈的研究路子,在正确解读皎然诗学文本的基础上,对一些争议较大而研究不够深入的命题加以考辨,最大程度地将它们还原到其生成的时代、文化、思想背景之上,作纵横结合、细致入微的耙梳抉剔,就显得颇有必要且意义重大。全文由绪论和正文两大部分构成。绪论主要对皎然诗学之研究现状进行简要而有针对性的综述,并对本文之研究方法及研究思路作必要说明。正文共五部分,依次对皎然诗道观、自然观、复变观、齐梁文学观及“作用”和“取境”两说之内涵、成因等问题进行研究。皎然诗道观的内涵极其丰富,其中既有诗史观、复变观方面的含义,又有审美观和思维方式方面的意蕴,同时,还与“诗教”和“风雅”等理论有不可分割之联系。皎然诗道观的形成有多种原因,其中,佛教中道观和吴楚文化是两个不可忽略的要素。皎然对诗学中的自然问题,分析较为透辟。他对自然而然和工而自然这两种自然观兼而论之,但对后者更为重视。皎然这种自然观的形成,既是他吸取道家自然思想和他之前重视自然之文学思想的结果,同时也与他所处时代之文风嬗变有必然联系。对诗歌创作中的复、变问题,皎然持复、变兼顾而更重新变之观点。这种观点受中国古代哲学中常、变思想的影响,也与文论尤其是刘勰《文心雕龙》的通变观有一定关系。不过,需要注意的是,皎然的复变观与刘勰的通变观在所面临问题、可资借鉴之资源等方面均存在明显区别。对齐梁文学,皎然一反先贤时彦普遍诟病之做法,极力为其辩护,表现出其诗学中最具创新色彩的一面。他的这种观点,一方面渊源于文坛风气和自己的创作理想,更重要的,与他朝夕俯仰其间的吴楚文化、兴于当时的类书编撰之风及联唱风气之间有着千丝万缕的联系。“作用”说和“取境”说是皎然诗学中两个争议较多的理论。“作用”与“境”虽然都是本土语汇,但被佛典借用之后,便附着了许多佛学语义。皎然将它们引进诗论时,又赋予其以新内涵,因此其意蕴极为丰富。以上述命题为研究对象,主要出于如下考虑:一是因为这些命题在皎然诗学体系中有着盘根错节之势,它们既是皎然诗学理论的重要组成部分,同时又与其它理论命题紧密相关;二是因为这些命题具有较大的普泛性,它们所关涉的问题,是不同时代的文学理论与批评在不同程度上都要面对的问题。通过对上述命题之内涵、外延及成因的细致辨析,通过对相关命题(如联句、游戏诗)之发展、演变历程的清晰梳理,我们既可以准确把握皎然之诗学精髓,了解其内在结构,彰显其独特魅力,在此基础上,还能进一步理清文学思想史的发展脉络,为准确评估皎然诗学在文学思想史上的价值和地位做好基础工作。

【Abstract】 Although there are many results on researching of the poetics of JiaoRan, the famous poet-monk in Mid-Tang Dynasty, the most of them exists some insufficiencies sunch as praising and derogating excessively, stretching the facts insufficiently.To pursue its reason, mainly lies in not understanding the connotation of some important proposition in the poetics of JiaoRan, and lacking clear understanding and grasping in its receiveing, changing and innovation.To Solve these problems, it seems quite necessary and significant to use for reference from textual criticism, to study its aim and method such as "seeking truth from facts", "not believed without licences", to break the research pathway which attends to every details and speaks in generalities, but to study the proposition which researching not so deeply, reduce it to its era, culture, thought background which produce the greatest extent,and relate or analyze it from different angles.The whole paper consists of two parts:introduction and main body.The first part is about the researching status of the poetics of JiaoRan and the resarching ideas,researching methods of the paper.The main body includes five chapters. The first chapter is about JiaoRan PoetryDao. The connotation of JiaoRan PoetryDao is so abundant that it not only has the meaning related to the poem history,aesthetics and the thinking mode,but also has the inseparable contact with "poetic education" theory and "FengYa" theory.The formation of JiaoRan PoetryDao have many reasons,among them,Buddhism Mid-Dao theory and WuChu culture are two elements which should not be neglected. The second part is to discuss JiaoRan’s Poetry nature from different angles. JiaoRan analyse this question thoroughly.He discuss the two views about natural natural and artificially natural in the same way.But in generally,he pays more attention to the latter.There are many reasons that JiaoRan’s Poetry nature can be formed.The first one is that he absorbs natural thoughts from Taoist and earlier literary theory, meanwhile, thanks to the genius of the literary evolution in his age. The third chapter is a discussion of JiaoRan’s Poetry Repristination and Variation.In this issue,JiaoRan holds the viewpoint that pay equal attention to Repristination and Variation,but pays more attention to the latter.This view comes from Chinese ancient philosophy thoughts of permanence and variation,and has relationship with literary theory especially LiuXie Wen-Xin-Diao-Long.JiaoRan’s view and LiuXie’s view have obvious difference in many facts such as the problems facing, available resources,etc.The fouth chapter is a researching of JiaoRan’s view on QiLiang literature.In the issue, JianRan shows different from the sages and contemporary critics’practices,and try to defend for QiLiang literature strongly, showing the most innovative colour side of his poetics.The formation of this view has relationgship with literary ethos, and JiaoRan’s ideal of creating.The more important is that WuChu culture which JiaoRan live in it daily, the ethos compiled general cyclopedia and Jointing reciting also have an affect on it. The last chapter is an analysis of Buddhism background of ZuoYong and Jing, which is the two controversial categories.Although the two words are the native vocabularies, but they produce many new meaning when they are used to Buddhist. While they are introduced to poetics by JiaoRan, many new connotations are formed.Therefore,the implication of the two categories is very abundant.To take the above proposition as the paper research object,mainly due to below consideration:on the one hand,these proposition have extremely important position in JiaoRan poetic system.They are the important parts of JiaoRan poetics,and closely related with other theoretics propositions.On the other hand,these propositions has large universality which means that what they related to is the literary theory and criticism in different times must to be faced in different degrees.Based on the meticulous discrimination of the proposition above mentioned,and the clear comb of the correlative propositions such as Joint Poems and Game Pomes, we can grasp the theory essence of JiaoRan poetics,understand its internal structure, also can find its unique value,reveal its unique charm.On this basis,we can further clear the development of literary history,complete the basic work in order to assess the value and position of JiaoRan poetics accurately.

【关键词】 皎然诗学考论
【Key words】 JiaoRanPoeticsTextual Research and Discussion

