

【作者】 邓莹

【导师】 黄凤显;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《孔子家语》最早见录于《汉书·艺文志》,是一部早期儒家的重要文献。该书详细记录了孔子与其弟子门生的问对诘答和言谈行事,对孔子以及儒文化的研究有着重要的价值。《孔子家语》的著录随着时代的推移,类属日趋稳定为“子部·儒家类”,内容则愈显丰厚:不仅表现为篇卷册数等信息的完善以及注本的逐渐增多,更主要的是版本信息在著录中分量的增大。《孔子家语》的版本情况相当复杂,但总的来说,可分为两个大的系统:白文本系统和注本系统。在考察《孔子家语》成书情况时,通过借助“三序”,对《孔子家语》的初期成书及王肃本《孔子家语》的成书进行考察。《孔子家语》具有重要的思想价值和文学价值。《孔子家语》中所体现出的孔子的政治思想,宗教思想和伦理思想可与《论语》互为补充。《孔子家语》生动地塑造了孔子及其弟子的形象。在语言上,具有独特的艺术特色,充满文学趣味。

【Abstract】 Kongzi-jiayu first seen recorded in the "Hanshu·yiwenzhi" is an important early Confucian-literature. Book is a detailed record of disciples of Confucius asked his disciples, and the discourse on the act’s long answer, the study of Confucius and the Confucian culture has an important value.Kongzi-jiayu the recording in As time goes by, the class is becoming more stable as the "Zibu·Confucian class", rich content is more crucial: not only is the number of articles and other information on the volume and note the gradual improvement increased more important is the version information in the record increase in weight. Kongzi-jiayu version quite complex, but in general, can be divided into two major systems:the system of white text and note the system. During the inspection, Kongzi-jiayu a book case, by using the "three order", the Kongzi-jiayu a book and the early Wangsu the Kongzi-jiayu and a book for inspection.Kongzi-jiayu has important ideological value and literature value. Kongzi-jiayu Confucius embodied in political thought, religious thought and ethical thought with Lunyu complement each other. Kongzi-jiayu vividly portrays the image of Confucius and his disciples. In language, has a unique artistic style, full of literary fun.

  • 【分类号】G256.22;I206.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】923
  • 攻读期成果

