

【作者】 陈丽明

【导师】 金炳镐;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与政策, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义关于民族发展趋势的两个预言:民族自决和民族联合,第一个已被历史上的民族独立解放运动中所证实,另一个也伴随着愈来愈紧密的一体化趋势逐渐变成现实。两个似乎相反方向的运动实际反映的是民族发展阶段的不同需求,民族自决反映的是历史未能解决的问题,而民族联合则是全球化蓝图的诉求。在民族发展的过程中,两个趋势又是不能截然分开的,在民族自决后往往有民族联合的诉求和趋向,在民族联合过程中又贯穿了民族自决的原则。民族的发展实质上就是矛盾统一体的运动,欧洲民族国家的发展过程就是一个很典型的例子。本文从阐释马克思主义民族发展趋势理论的内涵入手,通过考察欧洲民族国家的发展过程,深入分析欧洲民族自决而不分离,逐步走向联合的因素,从全新角度谋求欧洲一体化困难的破解之道。此外,由于民族在整个世界的发展并非是均衡发展的态势,如果说欧洲民族走的是一条典型的民族联合道路的话,那么多民族国家的民族联合则走的是另外一条道路。因此,论文还梳理了苏联和中国两个多民族国家民族联合的历史过程,希望通过对不同类型国家的民族发展道路进行比较分析,构建不同途径的之间有机联系。论文从历史的纵向和横向,对马克思主义民族发展趋势理论,尤其是民族联合途径进行深入的理论探索和实证的研究:第一章,马克思主义民族发展趋势理论的内涵和价值,主要介绍了马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林以及中国共产党对民族自决、民族联合和民族融合的阐述,分析马克思发展趋势理论的历史价值和局限性;第二章,欧洲民族国家的民族自决和民族联合,从民族自决和民族联合的角度考量欧洲民族国家的独立运动、国家建设、民族政策以及外交;论证欧洲民族国家过程中的民族自决和民族联合的辩证关系;第三章,欧洲民族国家联合的机理分析,主要是着眼于欧洲一体化的现实,分析欧洲民族国家联合的因素,联合的模式,针对欧盟东扩后出现的问题提出相应的对策,对欧洲一体化前景进行了展望;第四章,苏联和中国的民族联合实践,从失败和成功正反两个方面的例子探讨了多民族国家民族联合途径的选择问题,与欧洲民族联合过程形成对照。

【Abstract】 Marxist two predictions of the trend of national development are national self-determination and national unity. The first one is proved by the national independence and liberation movement in history, the other one which is closely associated with the integration trend will become reality gradually. Two movements having seemingly opposite directions reflect the different needs of national development. The national self-determination reflects problems which were not solved in history while the national unity is the need of globalization. In this process, the two trends can’t be separated completely:aspirations and trends of national unity appeared after the national self-determination movement and the principle of national self-determination ran through the process of national unity. The essence of national development is a contradictory unity movement, taking the process of the development of European nation-states as a typical example.This paper illustrates the contents of Marxist theory of the trend of national development by examining the process of the development of European nation-states and closely analyses the factors leading European national self-determination moving toward unity rather than isolation. This paper tries to seek a new way to solve the problems of the difficulty of European integration from a new perspective.In addition, it is because of the fact that the development of nationality in the world is not a balanced situation, if the European nation is taking a typical path of national unity, then another road is chosen by the multinational countries. Therefore, the paper also reviews the historical process of national unity of two multinational countries:the Soviet Union and China. The paper tries to make integral links of ways in nation building taken by different types of countries.This paper does depth theoretical exploration and empirical research on Marxist theory of the trend of national development, especially the theory of national unity from vertical and horizontal lines in history.The first chapter:the contents and the values of Marxist theory of the trend of national development. This chapter mainly introduces Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and the Communist Party of China’s illustrations of national self-determination, national unity and national integration and analyses the historical value and limitations of Marxist theory of the trend of national development.The second chapter:the European nation-state’s national self-determination and national unity. This chapter considers the European nation-state’s independence, construction, national policies and diplomacy from the perspectives of national self-determination and national unity and also demonstrates the dialectical relations between national self-determination and national unity in the process of European nation-state.The third chapter:the mechanism analysis of the unity of European nation-states. This chapter is mainly focused on the reality of European integration and analyses the factors and models of the unity of European nation-states. It offers countermeasures in accordance with the issues brought by the EU enlargement to the East and looks into the future of the European integration.The forth chapter:the national joint practice of the Soviet Union and China discusses issues on selecting ways of unity of multinational countries from the failures and successes of both positive and negative examples, contrasting to the European process of national unity.


