

【作者】 李钟铉

【导师】 徐万邦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 该篇博士学位论文由六部分组成。第一部分是绪论,主要说明选题的目的意义、目前相关研究动态和本人的评述、笔者采用的研究方法。论文的正文共有五章,每一章论证少数民族饮食文化的一个特点。“少数民族”的概念是与汉族相比较而界定的;少数民族饮食文化的特点,也应该从与汉族饮食文化的比较中总结归纳出来。第一个特点是少数民族对茶文化贡献大。主要表现在三个方面:云南少数民族地区是茶的原产地,有些少数民族是世界上最早的茶农;少数民族饮茶吃茶的方式丰富多彩;少数民族用茶的礼仪活动多。第二个特点是少数民族对酒文化贡献大。主要表现在四个方面:历史贡献是少数民族最早创造了酒的酿造方法;少数民族有许多特色酒;少数民族用酒的场合多;少数民族有许多艺术性很强的酒歌。第三个特点是信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族有独特的清真饮食文化。主要表现在三个方面:伊斯兰教经典对穆斯林饮食有严格详尽的规范;中国清真饮食有传统的界定和管理制度;清真饮食系统中有丰富的菜肴和特色食品。第四个特点是少数民族民间聚餐多。主要表现在民间聚餐的场合和形式多样,而且有的聚餐规模很大。民间聚餐有重要的文化意义。第五个特点是少数民族饮食文化变化巨大。发生变化的时段主要是最近30年。变化主要表现在传统饮食结构和餐饮具及炊具方面。其次,少数民族餐饮业和民族地区特产食品进入了全国城镇市场。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is composed of six parts. Before the subsequent text consisting of five chapters, the first section——introduction briefs on the significance and objectives of choosing this subject, latest research in this field, study approaches adopted by the author as well as author’s comments on this research.The body of this paper can be divided into five chapters each of which specifies one certain characteristic of the food or drink of ethnic minorities in China. Since "ethnic minority" is conceptualized by comparing with Han, traits of catering culture of the former is therefore summarized in comparison with that of latter.Feature 1. Ethnic minorities have contributed a lot to tea culture. Three aspects give testimony to this argument:Yunnan is the source place of tea where certain groups of people are among the first to cultivate tea plant; there exists a variety of fashions of drinking and eating tea leaves, also several sets of etiquettes and ceremonies related to tea using are popular within this area.Feature 2. Ethic minorities have great share in wine culture. To illustrate this trait four sub-arguments are given. Historically, the forebears of ethnic minorities brewed the first cup of wine. They now boast a cluster of specialties of alcohol and toasting songs. In addition, wine is commonly used in their daily life and important ceremonies.Feature 3. Ethnic minorities practicing Islam bring about unique Muslim foods in China. Moslem bible clarifies a rigid system of rules on Muslim food complemented by traditional Chinese understanding and management system of them. What’s more, several cuisine and specialties add extra radiance to Muslim food in China.Feature 4. People from ethnic minorities dine together frequently. Civil luncheon among ethnic minorities are held on various occasions in diversified forms most of which signify great cultural significanceFeature 5. Great changes that are worth studying have taken place in the catering culture of ethnic minorities in China. On one hand changes in dietary structure cooking utensils and tableware have been most obvious in the past 30 years or so. On the other, catering industry featuring staffs and specialties of ethnic minorities is booming in Chinese urban areas.

【关键词】 少数民族饮食文化特点
【Key words】 ethnic minoritycatering culturetraits
  • 【分类号】K892.25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2068

