

【作者】 梁智勋

【导师】 徐万邦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我的博士学位论文的题目是《中国少数民族工艺美术的实用性及其特点》。论文由九个部分组成,第一部分是绪论,第二部分包括正文的八章。绪论的主要内容是:论文选题的意义、相关研究动态、论文的内容、采用的研究方法。正文的八章可分为两部分:第一章至第六章是论述中国少数民族工艺美术的实用表现;第七章与第八章是分析研究中国少数民族工艺美术的文化特点及主题共性。这一部分是论文的重点和创新点,即进行了前人没有做的综合研究和理论探讨。论文选题的意义有六点:1.有助于中国非物质文化遗产保护;2.有助于博物馆的建设;3.有助于旅游纪念品的开发和生产;4.有助于弘扬民族优秀文化;5.有助于提高和美化群众生活;6.有助于推动工艺美术研究。论文采用的研究方法主要有:民族学实地调查法、跨文化比较研究法、文献研究法和跨学科综合研究法。论文的第一章与第二章论述了工艺美术在少数民族服饰中的具体表现和应用。第一章介绍特殊服装、鞋、服装上的织锦和刺绣、服装面料上的工艺美术。第二章介绍少数民族的首饰与帽子。第三章介绍饮食文化中的工艺美术,主要表现在餐饮具上。第四章介绍世俗建筑中的工艺美术,重点是民居、宫殿、官署、园林和公共建筑。第五章介绍宗教文化中的工艺美术,重点是藏传佛教、南传上座部佛教和伊斯兰教的寺庙、塔建筑,还有伊斯兰教的陵墓和萨满教的服饰。第六章介绍少数民族日常生活中的工艺美术,包括文娱活动中的乐器、家庭日用箱柜、著名的刀具、社会交往中的绣球、出行用的挎包等。第七章综合分析了少数民族工艺美术的特点。这些特点是:1.实用性突出;2.民族特点鲜明;3.制作材料多样;4.传承历史悠久;5.文物价值宝贵。第八章探讨了中华民族工艺美术的主题共性。首先分析汉族传统工艺美术的主题思想,其次分析中国人吉祥文化的具体表现,第三是研究中国普遍存在的“福”文化现象,最后综合得出结论,即中华民族工艺美术的共同主题是追求幸福吉祥的生活。整篇论文所列举的工艺美术品涉及到中国56个民族,基本上包括了少数民族工艺美术的精华。除建筑物之外,所列的各项工艺美术品,都是在现实生活中仍有传承的东西,体现出厚今薄古的原则,以及想为非物质文化遗产的保护和开发利用贡献绵薄之力的愿望。

【Abstract】 My doctoral dissertation, entitled the Practicality and Features of Chinese Ethnic Minorities’Crafts and Arts, is composed of two major sections, one being preface, the other eight chapters of the text.While preface argues the significance in selecting this topic, dynamics of relevant studies, contents of this thesis and research strategies adopted in this paper, the text, constituted by eight chapters can be divided into two components:(1)1st-6th chapters clarify the practicality of Chinese ethnic minorities’crafts and arts and (2)7th-8th chapters analyze the characteristics and commonness of themes conceived in these works of arts and handicrafts. The latter part functions as the key and innovation of this dissertation on which existing studies failed to cover.The significance in selecting this theme is that it might be conducive to intangible cultural heritages protection in China, museum building, souvenir development and production, propagating ethnic cultures, improving and beautifying people’s daily lives, as well as pushing forward relevant studies.I use four major study approaches:(1) field study commonly adopted in ethnology (2) cross-cultural comparative studies (3) documentary studies and (4)interdiscipline approaches.The 1st chapter introduces crafts and arts adopted in clothes, shoes, brocades embroider and not least in fabric selecting. The 2nd briefs on the ornaments and hats of minority groups while the 3rd gives light to culinary arts and tableware, the 4th techniques and designs used in architects like folk houses, palaces, gardens and public buildings, the 5th artistry and workmanship in religious culture such as temples, monasteries and pagodas in Tibetan Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism, Islamic mausoleums and Shaman clothes, the 6th chapter arts demonstrated in everyday life of ethnic minorities in China, for example, instruments cupboards renowned knives embroidered ball and bags,. The 7th gives account of features of such works and pieces in a comprehensive manner, namely, practical use, distinctive ethnic elements, diversity in material using, preciousness and its long history. The 8th probes the commonness of themes in the works of arts and handicrafts of the Chinese nation. By applying analysis of Han traditional themes, auspicious symbols and the "Bliss" culture,I come to the conclusion that the pursuit of a happy and good living is the unifying subject demonstrated in all the art forms of the Chinese nation.This paper covers arts and handiworks from fifty-six ethnic groups in China and even their respective core elements. Articles and pieces elaborated on are selected under the guidance of preference for the new ones instead of the old.

【关键词】 中国少数民族工艺美术特点主题
【Key words】 Ethnic minorities of ChinaArts and CraftsFeaturesThemes
  • 【分类号】J528
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1930

