

【作者】 滕昭君

【导师】 匡爱民;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 民间金融在人类历史中源远流长且具有极强的生命力,在我国也是一个历史悠久的事物。但众所周知,建国以后至今我国民间金融的法律环境并不理想。从本质上讲,金融是一种跨期交换行为,即资金的供给者通过暂时出让资金的使用权来换取一段时间内价值的增值,而资金的需求者则承诺实现这种增值。但这种交换的关键在于交易双方的信用。由于金融交易常常受到各种因素的制约,因此其本质特征就包括金融风险。长时间以来,民间金融在我国基本上被列为地下金融,一味地进行整治,企图用行政手段来解决民间金融问题,实践证明并不成功,出现了“整”而不倒,“治”而不顺的局面。作为一种长期存在并在新时期不断发展的资金融通活动,如何在新时期规范民间金融,促进民间金融健康、规范发展,保证金融安全,促进经济繁荣,维护社会稳定,对于我国这样一个多民族大国来说,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文主要采用历史分析方法、比较分析方法、制度分析方法、理论与实践相结合的方法,共分为五部分,第一部分为绪言,以湘西非法集资引发湘西地区社会震荡为切入点,提起民间金融的法制问题。正是目前民间金融制度建设的落后,使得民间金融活动长期处于一种模糊的状态,无法区分合法与非法,导致投融资双方的权益都无法得到有效保障,对融资风险也只能是“救火式”的被动防范,往往损失惨重。第二部分是正文的第一章,结合我国的具体国情,重点阐述民间金融的概念问题。在此基础上对民间金融的基本特征及其在我国的发展历程进行了阐述。第三部分是正文的第二章,对国内外的民间金融实践进行了阐述和比较,以期从中找出对我国的民间金融进行规范和引导的实践经验。第四部分是正文的第三章,也是本文的重点,在对我国民间金融法制认真思考的基础上对我国的民间金融的法律规制提出了建议和对策。共分四节,第一节分析民间金融的双刃性,包括两方面:一方面,民间金融有其存在的合理性,本文从民间金融与正规金融的关系、制度经济学的角度、从主要融资者一中小企业者的角度、民间金融对我国经济的重要作用四个方面对民间金融的合理性进行阐释;另一方面,我们不能忽视它的风险性,本文详细分析了民间金融的风险性。第二节阐述了我国民间金融法律规制的现状,在叙述基本概况的基础上分析了我国民间金融立法、执法的不足,对我国民间金融的法制进行了基本评价;第三节阐述了规范发展民间金融的基本原则,包括四个原则:一、正确地、辩证地看待民间金融在经济发展中的作用;二、给资金拥有者以运用资金的自由;三、从法制上为民间金融提供其合法的生存空间;四、构建适当的民间金融监管体制;第四节是关于规范发展民间金融的具体对策、建议,包括六点:一、完善相关法律法规建设;二、区别对待、规范管理现有民间金融;三、减少政府的不当干预、建立规范的监管制度;四、建立存款保险制度、保证民间金融的健康发展;五、加强征信制度管理;六、制定严格的市场准入和市场退出制度。第五部分为结语。国内外研究民间金融的专家学者很多,也有各种不同的观点,笔者以为,作为古已有之的民间金融走到现在,随着它的实力和作用及其风险性越来越为人们所重视,我们应该对其进行引导、规范,使之走上健康发展的道路,促进我们这个多种所有制并存的国家的经济繁荣、维护我们这个多民族大国的社会稳定。

【Abstract】 Civil finance is of long standing in the course of human history with great vitality and has a long history in our country as well. It is well-known that until now the legal environment of civil finance in China has been less than satisfactory since the founding of our country. Essentially, finance is a cross-period exchange behavior which fund providers can obtain the value increment over a period of time by temporarily assigning the use right of fund while fund demanders promise to achieve this. However, the credits of both trading parties are the key to such exchange. The essential features of finance include financial risks due to financial transaction constrained by various factors. Civil finance has been basically classified as underground finance in China for a long time? it has practically been proven that the solution to rectify and govern civil finance only by sticking to administrative method is unsuccessful, which the situation of rectification without overwhelming and governance without sequence emerged. As a long-standing and continuously developmental financing activity in the new period, it has theoretical and practical significance for our multinational great country to regulate and promote development of civil finance, guarantee financial security, improve the prosperity of the society and protect social stability.This thesis is divided into five chapters, the first part is preface, which takes the social turbulence in Xiangxi caused by the illegal fund-raising as the cut-in point to raise the issue of legal system of civil finance. The second part is the first chapter of the formal text, which emphatically demonstrates the conception of civil finance based on the current situation of our country, and also demonstrates the basic features of civil finance and its development course in our country on that basis.The third part is the second chapter of the formal text, which analyzes the two edges of civil finance, including two aspects:on the one hand, civil finance has its rationality of existence, this text demonstrates the rationality from four aspects including the relations of civil finance and formal finance, institutional economics, main financiers (enterprises in small and medium size), the importance of civil finance to our economic; on the other hand, we can not ignore its risks, the text has detailedly analyzed the risk of civil finance from three aspects including the problem of civil funding in Xiangxi, the concrete representations of the risk of civil finance and the origination of the risk of civil finance.The fourth part is the third chapter of the formal text, which demonstrates and compares the practice of civil finance home and abroad expecting to find out practical experience to regulate and guide civil finance in our country.The fifth part is the fourth chapter of the formal text and also the main chapter, which gives the suggestions and countermeasures towards the legislation of civil finance in our country on the basis of serious thought of legal system of our civil finance. It is divided into three sections, the first section demonstrates the current status of the legislation of civil finance in our country, analyzes insufficiency in the legislation and enforcement of civil finance in our country based upon the description of the basic situation, and makes the basic appraisement of the civil finance in our country; the second section demonstrates the basic principles for the standardizing development of the civil finance, including four principles:Ⅰ. treat the role of civil finance in the development of the economic in a right and dialectical perspective;Ⅱ. give the owners of fond the freedom to use the fond;Ⅲ. provide legal existing space for civil finance from lawmaking aspect;Ⅳ. construct the proper supervision system for the civil finance; the third section is about the concrete countermeasures and advices for the standardizing development of the civil finance, which includes six points:Ⅰ. improve the relevant system of laws and regulations;Ⅱ. differentiate and regulate the existing civil finance;Ⅲ. reduce the improper government intervention, establish the regular supervision system;Ⅳ. establish the deposit insurance system and ensure a sound development of civil finance;Ⅴ. strengthen the credit inquiry system;Ⅵ. strict the market access and market exit mechanism.The fifth part is the conclusion. There are many international and domestic experts and specialists specialized in this field with various opinions, from my point of view, as an age-old civil finance by now, with drawing more and more attention of its strength, function and risk, we should guide and regulate it so as to make it step onto the path of healthy development to improve the economic prosperity of our country with the public ownership remained dominant with the coexistence of other ownership systems and protect the social stability of this multinational great country.


