

【作者】 孙晓天

【导师】 祁庆富;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 妈祖是我国著名的海神。作为人化神,妈祖从一个叫林默娘的海边女子成为受到历朝皇帝褒封的海神,封号由“夫人”、“妃”、“天妃”、“天后”、“天上圣母”直至无以复加,其过程堪称传奇。虽然妈祖信仰在我国分布地域十分广泛,但有关妈祖的科学文化研究却出现了“南热北冷”的现象,即对闽粤台港澳等地区的妈祖信仰研究格外重视,对广大北方的妈祖信仰研究相对较少,而对我国最北海疆——辽宁省的妈祖研究则基本处于空白状态。这不能不说是一个学术遗憾。事实上,早在元代,妈祖文化就通过海上丝绸之路,从福建的湄州、泉州传播到辽宁地区。到了清代,妈祖信仰在辽宁沿海地区已经相当盛行。数世纪以来,广泛流传于辽宁民间、有着深厚文化底蕴的妈祖文化,经过一代又一代人的弘扬和传承,已经成为该地区优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。因此,对我国东北地区、尤其是辽宁地区的妈祖信仰给予足够的学术重视和相应的学术研究,是十分必要的。本研究依据历史典籍的记载、当下历史遗存的考察和田野调查的资料,再加上学者们对妈祖的既有研究,以祖国海疆最北端——辽宁省孤山镇的妈祖信俗文化的保护和传承为切入点,尝试对辽宁地区历史上的妈祖文化进行一次初步的梳理。其意义有两方面:一是一定程度的填补辽宁地区妈祖文化研究的空白,拓展了妈祖文化研究的领域,为当下中国的妈祖信俗文化遗产保护研究提供一个鲜活的文本;二是尝试打开一扇窥探我国基层社会保护和传承民族文化遗产的窗户,探讨民族文化遗产保护与传承在基层社会的运行逻辑和机制,思考我国文化遗产保护和传承工作的有效途径。本文的理论分析路径为:在非物质文化遗产保护研究的框架下,借用“神的标准化”理论,分析妈祖信仰在具体的历史和地理情境中的发展演变历程;强调文化的整体观,从历史变迁以及文化空间的视野探析妈祖信俗所栖居的文化生态;进而探讨以妈祖信仰为代表的民间文化整体性保护和活态传承问题。全文包括绪论和六个章节。导论部分对研究缘由、意义、思路,以及采用的理论和方法进行了阐述,对相关概念进行了界定,并对既有研究做了有重点的梳理。第一章介绍了本文的研究历程和田野点概况。第二章较为细致的梳理了妈祖信仰在辽宁地区传播的历史和现状。第三章对田野调查点——孤山镇的人文生态(也即当地妈祖信仰栖居的文化空间)分三部分进行叙述和阐释。第四章详细描述了孤山镇妈祖信仰的地方化特色。第五章对孤山镇妈祖信仰的祭祀仪式和崇拜活动予以归纳。第六章是本文的理论核心部分,针对前五章所反映出的以妈祖信仰为代表的民间文化在保护和传承过程中的问题进行反思和理论总结,提出“民间文化的标准化与再标准化”的理论框架,并指出:“整体性保护”和“活态传承”是避免民间文化被标准化的唯一出路。

【Abstract】 Matsu is a famous Chinese Poseidon. As a people of God, Matsu was canonized by the emperors in many dynasties from an ordinary woman who named Lin Moniang. According to the legend, she was also called "Lady", "Princess", "Goddess","Queen of Heaven"and "Empress dowager of Heaven",etc.Although the Matsu belief is widely distributed in China, the scientific and cultural research related to Matsu seems "hot in the South but cold in the North", which means, researchers from southern China,such as Fujian, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, has been focusing on it, while those from northern china,especially in the region of Liaoning Province seldom pay any attentionActually, Matsu belief firstly spread to the Liaoning region in Yuan Dynasty though the "Maritime Silk Road" from Fujian. In Qing Dynasty, the Matsu belief has been quite popular in the coastal areas of Liaoning. For centuries, Matsu culture has become an important part of local traditional culture in Liaoning region. Hence, it is of great significance to study and protect the Matsu culture in this area.In this study, based on historical data, remains, present study and field survey data, beginning with Matsu belief in Gushan town, the author tries to summary the context of Matsu belief in Liaoning Province. There are two purposes:Firstly, fill the blanks of study of Matsu belief in Liaoning Province; Secondly, try to the logic of folk culture’s protection in Chinese grass-roots society from a new perspective.The theoretical analysis path of this paper is:introducing "the standardization of God" theory, analyze the Matsu belief’s development process in concrete historical and geography situation; and then discuss the questions of integrity protection and inheritance in folk culture area. All these work has been in the framework of intangible cultural heritage protection study,This dissertation is divided into seven parts as follows. In the introduction, the author describes the reason and significance of this study, and review of preceding literature. In Chapter 1,the author reviews the study history and the overview of the field work point.In Chapter 2, the author analyzes the history and status of Matsu belief in Liaoning region.In Chapter 3, the author describes the human ecology of field work location----Gushan town.In Chapter 4,the author introduce the local features of Matsu belief in Gushan town.In Chapter 5, the author describes the worship rituals of Matsu belief in Gushan town.In Chapter 6, the author reflects the dilemma of Chinese folk culture’s protection and inheritance.


