

【作者】 张猷猷

【导师】 王建民;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以四川省北部的大木偶戏(以下简称“川北大木偶”或“李木脑壳”)为研究对象,以神话与历史、生计方式、政治历史过程、木偶在民间信仰体系中的地位为研究线索,利用人类学理论对以上四个维度中的,神话与历史的关系、生计方式的选择、政治历史过程的变迁以及中国汉人神灵信仰模式结构与行为的“二元论”与“关系论”展开思考和研究,在“纵式”与“横式”的研究框架中来阐释各种关系对于木偶戏、木偶艺人的生活与内心世界演化之过程与影响。本文是以在人类学和社会理论中有关社会文化变迁的理路中做理论思考的,特以涂尔干一脉的理论线索为主。在如此庞杂的理论范式中,本文不仅仅是对这些范式的梳理和反思,更多的借鉴和吸收,思考如何把这些理论进行综合与应用。在神话与历史的维度中,本文借助人类学与神话学之理论对当地人的神话思维与历史文献中对木偶的记载分析认为,木偶的神圣性、宗教性、亲缘性的来源存在于两个方面,即存在于它们的关系之中,木偶作为中国古代社会丧葬礼仪的重要组成部分是其神圣性的社会文化意义诠释;在戏班子关于木偶的神话传说中,这些性质被偷换或替代使其更加符合地方性特征,从而在仪式场景和过程中,较为被地方人们所接受,成为游走演出模式的一个文化基础。在生计方式上,“李木脑壳”以木偶演出等多种传统技艺为其生存本领,是以李家为中心辅以外姓人(主要是同乡)所构成的民间艺术戏班之社会结构特征。李家四代人主要以父子、师徒关系传承和发展川北大木偶艺术,而外姓人中则存在着川北民间木偶艺人和少许川剧艺人。他们构成了一对社会结构中的“内外关系”,本文则以此社会结构内部的“和”与“分”,“斗争”与“团结”展开线索分析,认为:第一,川北木偶艺术主要是以中国传统宗族主义之思想观念和行动方式为基础的;第二,即使是在传统社会的家族内部也存在着斗争与不合,这些不和因素,成为本文审视民间艺人与家族内部人际关系与人性内心世界的一条重要线索;第三,客观的演出现实需要李家班吸收外姓族人加入到木偶演出,但其社会组织方式和传艺规则依旧是按照宗族主义的观念形式,在当下,这种观念虽有所松动,但李家人在戏班子的地位依旧如故,他们是艺术表演水准的一杆秤。所以,虽中国传统社会文化遭到了破坏,但宗族主义依旧具有延续性,从而构成了一种“类家族主义”的社会组织模式。从政治与艺术之间的关系来看木偶艺人的生活、木偶的制作工艺和木偶戏的演剧内容,出现了一个在传统与现代之间摇摆的现实,本文称之为“交替模式”。生活、工艺和演剧的摇摆和交替不仅和国家政治生活有关(特别是上世纪60-70年代),而且也与木偶戏班对地方文人与知识分子的吸纳有关。在上世纪50年代,由于木偶戏本身的“结构性“束缚,他们延续了”帝王将相“的传统演剧内容,而在“戏曲转弯”之前,他们已经开始了执行部分地“戏改”内容,但当木偶被“红卫兵”烧毁、绝大多数人被下放到农村劳动之后,他们又借助传统的地方知识用“神木”来制作木偶,80年代初又复演传统戏。因此,在生活、制作和演出的维度中,出现了一个反复的交替过程,所以我们把视角从“类家族主义”的内外关系延伸到一个更大的内外联系来看木偶戏班的各种演化过程,在各种关系之间做一个变通性的、关联性的和辩证性的解释。传统木偶发展于川北地区(还涵盖:陕南和甘南)出现在不同的传统节庆与仪式场景中,包括:驱鬼治病、求雨驱虫、许愿还愿、建桥修路、丧葬礼仪等等,木偶作为地方信仰的神祗被人们喜爱和膜拜。为什么木偶能在不同的场景中胜任不同的角色?我们通过对中国汉人神灵信仰模式的研究发现,外国学者把它分为:官僚模式、个人模式和异端模式,而在木偶所操演的各种仪式中均发现了这三种模式之现象,所以,木偶与神灵信仰模式分享的是同一个文化价值体系,作为一个动态、游走的神灵,它弥补了外国学者对这三种神灵模式的结构性或固态化的分析,从而充分展示了汉人社会神灵信仰模式的结构与行为之两面,使其成为一个有血有肉的、活态文化系统。从以上四个维度展开的“关系论”、“二元论”本文最后总结为:第一,木偶作为一个“通达之物”,其上通下达的特性贯穿了以上各个维度以及对立、转化的一面向,因此,在进行整体性的研究时,我们的分析必须要克服对象行为与观念之间的区分、矛盾,来思考所有的经验。它之所以能兼有丰富的多面性经验,形成一个以木偶为中心的研究客体,正是因为其涵盖力广与内在价值的多样性所决定的,而无疑这一多样性和关系性又是人所赋予它的,所以文化与人性之多样性存在于“二元论”和“关系论”之中,又存在于我们每个人的内部,社会文化之所以会发生演化与人的内部多样性和内外的总体关系密切相关,地方即世界、个人即社会。社会处于演化状态之中,究其原委乃之不充分扮演着中间转化的事项。第二,本文对于社会文化变迁的看法无疑和纵横式研究结构以及它们的关系有关,所以正如列维-斯特劳斯所言,我们要研究关系的关系,“通达之物”之概念不仅是存在人类学理论意义上的,同时也是本文的方法论基础。类似结构主义对于事物的变化和关系的看法,我们在中国传统思想中亦不难寻觅,通过对地方社会的田野考察发现有关风水、阴阳五行、地形学、艺术法律、事物的分类、等地方性知识给我的行文与理论阐发深受启发,因此,“关系论”可以上升到中国传统哲学的宇宙论当中,从而为在人类学理论中挖掘中国传统文化之价值尽一点绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Approached from the perspective of "Puppet Drama in North Sichuan Province", this dissertation depends on the relationships between myth and history, the process of historical politics, the puppet in the Chinese religion system. We discover that the four relationships present or absent are a more important hint in anthropological methodology. So I finaliy find the theory of contradiction and the theory of relationship to elucidate what is puppet? What is puppet drama? And what is the meaning of variation in players’lives and hearts?The meaning of some myths are partly the sense that I intend it to convey, and the sense intended by each of its recounters. I will use the theory of contradiction and the theory of relationship to convey that what is different between these myths which the players told me in my fieldwork and the historical documents about puppet in China. We find that the characteristics of sanctity, religion, and intimacy in puppet drama are come from both sides, on the other hand, it also exist the relation on both sides. Some antiquarians detected that people put puppets on their graves when people were dead in traditional Chinese society. As a kind of offering them were sacrificed to ancestors and gods. But there is not incidentally, players told me that puppet was derive from someone were substitute who were a tactician in Han dynasty, or who were a leader of Daoism in Sichuan province in later Han dynasty, and so forth. Why there is a replacement? Why the players played the drama with puppets? Why the puppets played a key role in all kinds of ritual? None has succeeded in revealing them.In the second place, livelihood, the players had so many skills in the tradition, they could support their necessitous livelihood. Besides that, the people who Family Li or not were constitute of puppet troupe. But my emphasis on if the players is not Family Li, were also tried their best to play puppet drama no matter past or present, there is more important that youth players is changing attitude about puppets now. Why their comportment is transforming? From the end of 19 century to now, Family Li hold onto the puppets in spite of plight on four generations. Lile’s great-grand father brought the puppets from landlord, the relationship between father and sons is biological, of course, and for the sons their father also their overman, in other words, the relation is apprenticeship in Family Li. Inside and outside of the family and troupe, different people had different skills, authority, power, social positions. Form the perspective of this dissertation describe that people’friendly and unfriendly, contradiction and solidarity and consider that:in the first part of study what the traditional organization is "quasi-family"; Secondly, there is contradiction and conflict inside of the family; Thirdly, although Family Li need the good player whom came from outsiders, the traditional organization is not changed so much, the person who is outsiders consider Family Li’s skill to be so high, nobody could transcend them at present. So we think the organization is "quasi-family".In the third place, in the process of historical and political lives in making puppets and contents, what is shows shifting, it is called "mode of shifting" by us. It has a relation with nation-society, but also has relation with the organization of puppet troupe, which absorbs the outsiders. The players continue to play traditional contents, although Chinese government imposed on modern plays in the middle of 20 century. They have transformed plays about content and factures before the "transformation plays" was actualized by communist government. When the puppets were fried by Red Arms Guard ("hong wei bing"), and then players were be sent to countryside, they used "god of trees" to make puppets by local-knowledge, and the contents became past one in 1980s. So we discover that there is a shifting, the study of scale gets bigger from the perspective of "quasi-family".The puppet drama that exists in northern Sichuan province, also included southern Shanxi province and Gansu province, people needed them in all kinds of festivals and rituals. In this region, puppets were considered gods, people adored them. Why this happened? Some foreign scholars thought there are three modes in the mode of Chinese gods, for instance:official-gods; individual-gods and alien-gods, there is more important that we find the puppet combine with three modes of Chinese gods, this is why the player and puppet drama were popular in the region, and the reason is that they were shared with a whole culture. As a mode of moving gods, I want to emphasis on the other side of the mode of Chinese gods is action and moving, it is a complement about the mode of Chinese gods. As a result, the mode of Chinese gods become living and floridness.The conclusion of my dissertation is which depends on the theory of relationship and the theory of contradiction that the puppets is a "Circulating Medium", it is not the final conclusion but also is anthropological methodology. "Circulating Medium" shows the puppet were transfix in all of the dimensions, I claim the real meaning of such complex and rich thing. The puppet could well be interpreted as playing on the paradox of culture, the meaning about puppet were endowed by people. So the personality, diversity and the theory of relationship exist inside of us, the location is a world (special in mind), person is a society. Secondly my dissertation depends on the theory of relationships about four dimensions, as Levi-Strauss said that we must study the relations of relation, anthropological methodology looks like the relation of Chinese cosmology and person, though my fieldwork I convey that local people believe feng-shui and yin-yang wu-xing that inspired me, the theory of relationship can ascend to Chinese cosmology between cosmology, physiognomy, buildings, arts, law, individual and so forth.


