

【作者】 胡英姿

【导师】 任国英;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 2008年汶川地震、2009年台湾莫拉克风灾、2010年青海玉树地震、甘肃舟曲泥石流冲毁县城、2011年日本地震海啸加核电站灾难……东亚的生态灾难近年越来越多越来越快。经济增长与生态保护和社区发展的共赢成为当前中国、东亚和世界越来越大的命题。中国的生态环境保护意识在1998年大洪灾后急剧提高。国家采用现代发展模式,通过自上而下的手段,只用了很短时间就在全国各地,特别是在贫困山区、农村牧区和少数民族地区建立起很多自然保护区。建立自然保护区功在当代利在千秋,当然是今日中国的人心所向。但它对当地人使用资源的限制却与周边社区的居民生计、发展需求和民族文化传承构成了很现实的矛盾。很多人把矛盾归因于周边社区居民及其传统生计,认为他们目光短浅不顾大局因循守旧不求进取,因而主张加强管制和教育。但从更大的时空视野和更深的结构根源上看,这些矛盾对立的根源既不是保护区本身也不是当地居民的生计和文化,而是由国家、城市、官员和专家们自上而下地设计出来的单一理念和模式不能因地制宜地适应各地各民族的文化多样性,从而使保护区周边的居民成为旧的发展观和发展方式的牺牲者。同类问题也不限于自然保护区,中国当前从城市化建设到水电资源开发的发展方式,处处都在制造同样的问题,处处都在积累着矛盾冲突。在此背景下,中国领导层近年反复强调和谐社会理念、科学发展观和转变发展方式。这三个命题构成了一处共同的要求,那就是中国社会需要一场矫正当前现代发展观弊端的后现代转型,并且在转型的基础上形成新的发展观和发展方式。用后现代转型之后的新发展观观察包括自然保护区在内的当今中国发展,自然保护区周边的社区居民及其传统生计和文化知识就都不仅不是“问题”,而且是国家保护生态环境和追求可持续发展的资源、动力和主体。本文拟用环境公正概念,将以世界自然基金会(WWF)与当地社区居民、地方政府和自然保护区共同创建和参与管理的秦岭项目来阐明这一道理。笔者认为秦岭项目所体现的自然生态保护与社区居民生计共进、现代生态理念与居民传统文化知识共荣的理念、措施和经验,对于全国的自然保护区乃至全社会的“转变发展方式”都有参考借鉴价值。秦岭项目的全称为“秦岭保护与发展共进项目”。它于2002年创建,旨在保护大熊猫及其栖息地的同时,协助和促进周边社区居民的经济社会和文化发展,形成了自然生态保护与社会经济共赢的可持续发展模式。本文有鉴于这种共进模式具有丰富科学发展观、转变发展方式、促进社会和谐的价值,所以运用民族社会学方法对其理念、机制和成果做出描述和阐释,旨在揭示秦岭项目所创造生态保护与社区发展共赢的经验或模式对于中国社会文化创新的启示。全文共分五章,前有导论和后为结论,第三、四、五章为论文主体。导论部分交待选题缘由和意义,阐述环境公正概念、综述相关研究成果,并交待本文的研究方法和调查过程。第一章“大熊猫与秦岭保护”简述秦岭生态和居民生计,介绍大熊猫身世,包括当地居民对其的认知以及西方人对其价值的发现,回顾中国保护大熊猫经历,以此展现国家、地方政府、社区居民和科学家群体围绕自然生态保护和社区居民发展的多元博弈。第二章“世界自然基金会身世”讲述WWF的理念原则及其进入中国的策略,包括其基于国际经验适应中国国情确立秦岭项目的经过。第三章“互动互惠:秦岭保护”阐述秦岭项目与政府和保护区的合作,包括保护区扩展和能力建设及森林可持续经营理念的推广。第四章“睦邻共赢:生态旅游”概述秦岭项目引导黑河森林公园走生态旅游之路并建立用旅游收入回馈保护区的经验模式。第五章“培元固本:社区发展”叙述秦岭项目在保护区走廊带及核心区周边实施社区发展项目的过程和成果,从中体现自然生态保护与社区发展共赢的可行路径及其支撑体系。本文的结论基于民族社会学观点,指出秦岭项目的核心经验:为了保护自然生态环境,就必须贯彻环境公正理念,尊重当地居民权益、当地社区主体性和发展需求。本文认为这是秦岭项目的最大亮点。它不仅是秦岭项目成功的关键因素,也是整个中国在当前形势下学习实践科学发展观、转变发展方式、通过制度创新来构建和谐社会的核心内容。笔者认为,旧发展观支配下的现代发展方式对中国的推动力已是强弩之末,中国包括淡水在内的自然生态资源也将油尽灯枯。今后中国的发展必须依靠包括发展的理念、方式和机制在内的社会文化创新。简言之,就是采取后现代的发展观和发展方式,更加重视生态环境和社会公平,更加尊重文化多样性和底边弱势群体权益,把自上而下的发展决策机制转变为自下而上的决策参与,把为求强求富不计人文社会代价的自强不息转变成以人为本兼顾文化生态平衡的厚德载物。这样的新发展观和发展方式即使不能防止自然灾害,也能在互惠与共享和风险共担的基础上接近人与自然和谐的可持续发展目标。

【Abstract】 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Taiwan Morak typhoon in 2009, Yushu Qinghai earthquake in 2010, Zhouqu Gansu debris flow in 2010, and Japan earthquake, tsunami, nuclear leak in 2011,... ecological disaster in East Asia is growing faster in recent years. Economic growth, ecological protection, and community development become increasingly urgent proposition for China, East Asia, and the world.Awareness of ecological protection rises sharply in China after the great flood in 1998. By applying the top-down modern development model, the government established many Nature Reserves throughout the country quickly, especially in the poor mountainous, rural and pastoral areas, and ethnic minority areas. Establishment of Nature Reserves is undoubtedly the desire of the people in China today. However, it constituted a conflict and confrontation between the limited use of resources and the livelihood, development need, inheritance of ethnic culture of the surrounding communities.Viewed from a larger vision and a deeper structure, the cause of the conflict and confrontation is neither Nature Reserves themselves, nor the livelihood and culture of the local residents, but the single top-down concept and model designed by the nation, city, and the scientists, which can’t adapt to the cultural diversity of various regions and different ethnic groups, and thus makes the local residents victims. Such problems are not limited to the Nature Reserves. In the current development of China, from urbanization to hydropower exploitation, the same problem is revealed everywhere and the same conflict is accumulated everywhere.In recent years, the Chinese government has repeatedly emphasized the concept of harmonious society, scientific development, and transition of development model. These three concepts constitute a common requirement, which is, the Chinese society needs a post-modern transition to correct the drawbacks of the old development model and build a new one based on the correction.From the perspective of the new development concept, we will recognize that, the communities’ residents, their traditional livelihood and culture are not problems of the Nature Reserves any more. The local residents are the main body for the national ecological protection and sustainable development. The traditional culture and knowledge of farmers is also a dynamic resource of ecological and environmental protection. This is the fundamental reason and intent of introducing a new concept of environmental justice in the thesis.Under this intent, I saw the Qinling Project, which is innovated together by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), surrounding communities’ residents, local government, and national Nature Reserves. It effectively achieved the concept and model of co-development of natural conservation and local livelihood and culture, which has a positive reference value to not only the ecological reserves, but also the society transition of development.WWF, as the global largest and the first international non-governmental organization of environmental protection invited to China, launched a project in China 2002, which is the "Protection and Development Together in Qinling Project" (referred to as Qinling Project). The purpose of this project is to protect the Giant Panda and its habitat, and at the same time, promote the economic, social, and cultural development of surrounding communities, form a sustainable win-win model for the ecological protection and the socio-economic development. In my opinion, this model has great reference value to different fields and various regions of China. So, I try to use the methods of ethnic sociology to describe and interpret the concepts, mechanisms, and outcomes of this model. This dissertation focuses on how the Qinling Project cooperated with the local government, guided the participation of surrounding communities, and ultimately achieved the win-win goal of ecological conservation and community development. The thesis is composed of five chapters, with front introduction and final conclusion. The third, fourth, and fifth chapters are the main body.The introduction part explains the reason and significance of the topic, elaborates the concept of environmental justice and related research, and describes research methods and research process. Chapter I:"Giant Panda and Qinling Protection", outlines the ecology of Qinling and the livelihood of surrounding communities, including the value awareness of Giant Panda of the local residents and the westerners, and reviews the history of Giant Panda protection in China, in order to show the multiple game on ecological conservation and community development among the nation, local government, surrounding residents, and scientists.Chapter II:"The History of the World Wide Fund for Nature", narrates the principles of the organization and its strategy of entering China, including its establishment and adaptation of the Qinling Project based on its international experience and China’s national conditions.Chapter III:"Interaction and Reciprocity:Qinling Protection", describes the cooperation of the organization, local government, and Nature Reserves, including the expansion of conservation area, capacity building, and promotion of the concept on sustainable forest management.Chapter IV:"Good-neighborliness and Win-win:Ecotourism", depicts how the organization guided the Heihe Forest Park to set foot on ecotourism, raise incomes, change concepts, establish tourism revenue feedback mechanism, and seek the sustainable development of ecological reserves.ChapterⅤ:"Consolidating of Foundation:Community Development", respectively depicts the developing process and current assessment of the communities around the core conservation areas and corridors in the Qinling Project, in order to show how it achieved the win-win goal of ecological protection and communities development, in addition, how it introduced other mechanism to support the building of conservation area.Based on the model analysis and assessment of the Qinling Project, by applying the view of ethnic sociology, the conclusion of the thesis is that, the biggest highlight of the project is its respect to the rights of local residents and the main body of local communities. This factor is essential not only in the success of the Qinling Project, but also in the study and practice of China’s scientific development, transition, and building harmonious society. I believe that the current modernization method, which is dominated by the old development model, has declined in promoting social and cultural innovations. However, China’s future development must rely on these innovations. In short, we have to adopt the post-modern developmental concepts and models, pay more attentions to the ecological environment and social justice, give greater respect to the culture diversity and the rights of vulnerable groups at the bottom, shift the decision-making mechanism from top-down to bottom-up, shift the development goal from short-sighted profit pursuing to long-term benefit gaining for both human and nature.

【关键词】 发展公正保护后现代
【Key words】 developmentjusticeprotectionpost-modern
  • 【分类号】X321;D669.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】849
  • 攻读期成果

