

【作者】 朴锦海

【导师】 太平武;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文对汉韩频率副词的语义特征、构词特征、句法特征、语用篇章特征进行描写的基础上,揭示了汉韩频率副词在这些方面的共性和个性。本文的研究意义在于:其一、汉韩频率副词的对比分析对比对第二语言教学(外语教学、非本族语教学)、汉韩翻译的教学与实践起到一定的借鉴作用。其二、汉韩频率副词的对比分析汉韩双语词典编撰具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。其三、汉韩频率副词的对比分析可以深化汉韩副词的本体研究,有助于进一步揭示汉韩两种语言在类型上的特点。全文共分七章。第一章绪论部分简要阐述了论文的研究目的和意义、汉韩频率副词各自的研究状况以及汉韩频率副词对比研究状况,指出了韩国语频率副词单独立类的必要性,说明了论文的理论基础、研究方法、研究内容、研究范围以及语料来源。第二章对汉韩频率副词的语义特征进行了分析,并对汉语和韩国语个别频率副词的语义进行了简单说明。分析汉韩频率副词的构成特征之后,总结了汉韩频率副词在构词法上的异同。第三章从句法位置和句法功能两方面分对汉韩频率副词的句法特征进行了分析,归纳了汉韩频率副词在句法位置和句法功能上的异同。在句法位置方面,从句子中、句首、句末三个位置,对汉韩频率副词进行了对比分析。在句法功能方面,从充当状语、充当定语、独用功能、主语或主题的生命度等方面,对汉韩频率副词进行了对比分析。第四章、第五章本文的重点。从谓词的选择、对体词的修饰、与否定成分共现、与其他副词的连用及位序、与数量成分的共现、与时间成分的共现、与时体的共现等多方面对汉韩频率副词的句法组合详细地描写,归纳了汉韩频率副词在句法组合上的异同。第六章从非现实句中的分布、充当焦点敏感算子、间接表达否定的主观感情、凸显作用、衔接作用、弱完句作用等方面对汉韩频率副词的语用篇章特征进行了分析,总结了汉韩频率副词在语用篇章上的异同。第七章结论部分总结了全文,并指出了论文的创获、存在的问题以及需要进一步解决的问题。正文后附有参考文献。本文的研究方法有:宏观研究与微观研究相结合;描写与解释相结合,分析与综合相结合;共性研究与个性研究相结合。

【Abstract】 This essay reveals the commonness and individuality of Chin ese-Korean frequency adverbs in the field of adverbs semantic cha racteristics, word-building characteristics, syntactic characteristics, pragmatic on the basis of characteristics description of the Chine se-korean frequency adverbs.This research significance lies in:Firstly, the comparative analysis of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs plays a certain reference to the second language teaching (foreign language teaching, the native language teaching), Chines e-Korean translation teaching and practice. Secondly, the comparative analysis of Chinese-Korean freque ncy adverbs has certain theoretical significance and practical value of bilingual dictionary compilation.Thirdly, the comparative analysis of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs can deepen the research of ontology of it and also helps to further reveal characteristics on the type of the twolanguages.The article is divided into eight chapters. Chapter One the introduction section briefly explains the pur p ose and significance of research papers and also explains the rese arch status of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs and its contrastr esearch status. It points out the necessity in the independence of one kind of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs and explains the papers on the basic theory, research methods and research conte nts, the research scope and source of corpus.Chapter Two After defines frequency adverbs, distinguished Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs from Chinese-Korea time adv erb and Chinese-Korean repeated adverbs. After that explain the supervisory concepts of frequency adverbs -the frequency quantit y.Chapter Three analyzed the semantic characteristics of Chine se-Korean frequency adverbs and simply instructed some individua l. Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs. After the Analysis of the comp osition characteristics of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs, sum marized the differences on word-formation of Chinese-Korean fre quency adverbs. Chapter Four analyzed two aspects of syntactic position and syntactic functions to the syntactic characteristics of Chinese-Kore an frequency adverbs and summarizes the similarities and differen ces of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs in syntactic position and syntactic functions. On the aspects of syntactic positions, analyze d Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs comparison of three position from the beginning, middle and the end of sentences. On the aspe ct of syntax functions, analyzed Chinese-Korean frequencyad verb s comparison from being as adverbials, the attributive, alon e-used function, subject or topic lives.Chapter 5,6 The key part of the article. On the choice from predicate, modifications of nominal, concurrence of negative com position, collocation and sequence with other adverbs, co-occurre nce of laparoscope quantity, co-occurrence of time components and co-occurrence of entity, detailed describes syntactic combinati on of Chinese-Korean frequency adverbs and summarizes similariti es and differences between the syntactic combination of Chinese-K orean frequency adverbs. Chapter 7 from the distribution of unreality sentences, acting as focus sensitive operator, indirectly expression of negation subje ctive feelings, prominent roles, cohesion function, weak roles to fin ish sentences, analyzed pragmatic discourse characteristics of Chi nese-Korean frequency adverbs and summarizes the similarities and differences in pragmatic chapter.Chapter 8 The conclusion part summarizes the whole article and points out the creative gain, existing problems and the problem s need further being solved.Attached references are at the end of the essay.The methods of this research are:macroscopic research combi ned with microscopic research, description combined with expla na tion, analysis combined with synthesis, common combined with pe rsonality research.


