

【作者】 李芳兰

【导师】 覃小航;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 语义韵(semantic prosody)是从语料库语言学研究中浮出的概念。Sinclair具有多年语言学研究、语料库研究和词典编撰的经验,他主持建设柯林斯伯明翰大学国际语料库(Cobuild)时首先注意到了语义韵现象,如与set in搭配的主语大都是不受人欢迎或令人不愉快的事情。本文基于国外语义韵研究的范式,试图发掘现代汉语语义韵的特点和规律,并将其用于汉语(普通话)作为第二语言的习得研究。为了讨论方便,本文仅限于现代标准汉语,即普通话的讨论。本文的主要内容是:引论,介绍本文的选题缘由、研究内容和研究方法。第一章,综述国内外相关研究成果。首先就语义韵的界定与分类、语义韵的理论发展轨迹、语义韵的功能及其研究意义、语义韵的应用研究等方面对国外的语义韵研究进行评述。然后对国内的相关研究进行梳理。国内对汉语词汇的褒贬倾向的关注由来已久,但已有研究几乎都是从词汇语义学的角度出发的。基于语料库,从语用的角度,研究动态语境中词及其它语言单位的情感倾向在国内还处于萌芽阶段。第二章,对普通话的语义韵做出界定和分类。普通话的语义韵是指,与一个词、语块等语言单位在多种语境中反复共现的搭配项所共同具有的语用特征,这一特征逐渐感染了这个语言单位,使其呈现某种情感倾向。我们对普通话语义韵的分类仍然依照传统的消极韵、中性韵、积极韵三大类,但对分类依据(即评价的性质)作出更细的分类。我们所指的评价性质与三个方面相关,即:情绪/情感;理性/认知;生理性/社会性需求。第三章,探讨普通话语义韵的特征和功能。普通话语义韵呈现三个基本特性,即:隐匿性、跨越性、强度的连续性与灵活性。普通话的语义韵和语法有一定的关系,因为:(1)同一个词条用于不同词性时的语义韵可能相异;(2)某种句式可能隐含某种语义韵。我们将普通话语义韵的语用功能细化为说服功能、幽默功能、讽刺功能、含蓄的批判功能。普通话语义韵对语篇连贯有促进作用,体现为:(1)选词用语的语义韵与作者情感态度的协调性;(2)语义韵在语篇中流动的方向性。第四章,从多个角度考察、分析汉语(普通话)作为第二语言的语义韵习得。首先,采用问卷调查的方法,证实了留学生和汉语母语人语义韵的语感存在显著差距,即使是高级水平的留学生亦然。然后,基于留学生中介语语料库和汉语母语人语料库,采用中介语对比分析法(CIA),以“特色”为例,分析留学生和汉语母语人词汇使用的差异。其差异包括:搭配词的丰富程度、类链接跨距的宽度、语义偏向、语义韵倾向等。接下来,对HSK动态作文语料库中的80篇留学生作文进行语义韵偏误的归类分析。最后,对留学生语义韵偏误的成因进行分析。第五章,探索普通话语义韵的教学。我们认为语料库用于普通话语义韵的课堂教学很有必要,因为:第一,可以帮助留学生树立普通话语义韵的意识;第二,可以帮助留学生增进普通话语义韵的语感。基于语言意识的理论,我们建构了语料库用于对外汉语语义韵的课堂教学模式,其教学流程包括:激发学习需求、呈现索引行、分析索引行、寻找更多例证、偏误的反馈、拓展与巩固。我们以《新实用汉语课本》第六册第六十一课的阅读材料《洋笑星大山》为例,展示如何将该教学模式应用于语义韵的课堂教学。第六章,对本文的研究目的、意义、特点、创新之处、研究结论、不足之处等进行总结。本文对普通话语义韵的理论建构有一定的参考价值,并为汉语词典编撰、汉外翻译、汉语词汇研究、汉语文学批评、中文信息自动化等领域,特别是汉语(普通话)作为第二语言的习得研究,提供了新的视角。

【Abstract】 The concept of semantic prosody originated from the study of corpus linguistics. John Sinclair is quite experienced in the area of corpus linguistics and dictionary compilation. While he was in charge of the construction of Collins Birmingham University International Language Database, John Sinclair noticed the phenomenon of semantic prosody. For example, the subjects of set in are usually unpleasant. Within the framework of the studies on semantic prosody aboard, this paper will research the characteristics and regularities of semantic prosody in modern Chinese and study the acquisition of Putonghua’s semantic prosody by foreign students. This paper will focus on the study of standard modern Chinese, namely Putonghua. The major contents of this paper are as follows.Opening chapter is an introduction of the reason why this topic was chosen and research contents and methods.The first chapter summarizes the relevant researches done by both foreign and domestic scholars. Firstly, the studies of semantic prosody aboard are reviewed, which includes the definition, classification, function, significance, theory construction and applied research of semantic prosody. Secondly, the relevant studies within China are combed through. There was a long-term concern for the commendatory or derogatory traits of Chinese words, but nearly all the existing researches took the angle of lexis-semantic analysis. Corpus-based researches, which study words or other linguistic units from the angle of pragmatics, are at the primary stage.The second chapter is the definition and classification of Putonghua’s semantic prosody. Putonghua’s semantic prosody refers to the common pragmatic traits of those collocations which tend to co-occur with a key word or chunk repeatedly in various contexts and the key word or chunk is gradually affected by the common pragmatic traits and thus colored with certain emotional trends. The classification of Putonghua’s semantic prosody follows the traditional way, namely negative, neutral and positive prosody. The criterion for classification, namely the characteristics of evaluation, is further analyzed according to three aspects, namely feeling/emotion, reason/cognition and biological/social needs.The third chapter is the characteristics and function of Putonghua’s semantic prosody. There are three basic traits in Putonghua’s semantic prosody, namely evasiveness, inter-collocation, continuum and flexibility of its strength. The change of word class of the same word may lead to the change in semantic prosody and some sentence patterns may hide certain semantic prosody, all of which means that Putonghua’s semantic prosody bears certain relation to grammar. The pragmatic function of Putonghua’s semantic prosody is subdivided into four, namely persuasiveness, humor, irony and implicit criticism. Putonghua’s semantic prosody is conducive to textual cohesion, which is exemplified by the careful choices of words whose semantic prosody should be in line with the author’s attitudes and the fact that semantic prosody flows in certain direction.Chapter four studies the acquisition of Putonghua’s semantic prosody from various angles. Firstly, the questionnaire investigation shows that there is marked gap between foreign students and Chinese native speakers in terms of feeling of language, even advanced Chinese learners being no exception. Secondly, based on the data from both the inter-language corpus and native Chinese corpus, the differences of using the word "te51se51" between foreign students and Chinese native speakers are analyzed by the method of CIA. The differences include the richness of collocates, the span of the colligation, semantic preference and semantic prosody. Thirdly, the errors of Putonghua’s semantic prosody in 80 compositions written by foreign students are classified. Finally, the reasons of the errors are analyzed.Chapter five is the exploration of the teaching of Putonghua’s semantic prosody. It’s quite necessary to make use of corpus in the classroom teaching of Putonghua’s semantic prosody. In this way, we could help foreign students to build up awareness of Putonghua’s semantic prosody and improve their feeling of Chinese language. Based on the theory of language awareness, a classroom teaching mode of Putonghua’s semantic prosody is made, which includes the following procedures:(1) inspire the need for corpus study; (2) present the concordance lines;(3) analyze the concordance lines;(4) search for more examples; (5) expansion and consolidation. Taking the text Yang35 Xiao51 Xing55 Da51 Shan55 as an example, this paper shows how to put the conceived mode into practice.Chapter six summarizes the research goal, the significance, the characteristics, innovative points and the conclusion of this paper.This paper is beneficial to the further exploration of theories of Putonghua’s semantic prosody. It also provides a new angle for the study of Chinese dictionary compilation, Chinese translation, Chinese lexis, Chinese literature criticism, the atomization of Chinese information, and the acquisition of Chinese as a second language in particular.


