

【作者】 袁辰霞

【导师】 曾思奇;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 台湾原住民使用的南岛语,在世界南岛语系语言文化史上占有重要的学术地位,然而由于经济发展、人口迁移、殖民统治、不当的语言政策影响等原因,这些语言都已处于濒危状态。1987年戒严令解除之后,台湾政府逐渐改变过去打压、限制方言族语的政策,开始致力于原住民族语言的保护和发展,出台了一系列的政策措施,如建立原住民族语言能力认证制度体系、开设语言巢、推广原住民族语言学校教育等等,这些举措对于原住民族语言的复振发挥了积极的促进作用。但调查显示,原住民族语言能力水平、语言使用范围并未提到大幅提升,族语仍面临灭绝的危险。因此,审视和评估目前原住民族语言政策与语言教育的具体实施情况,分析其存在问题与改进方法,十分必要和迫切。本文采用文献分析和问卷调查相结合的研究方法。通过文献研究,系统梳理了台湾原住民族语言政策的演变,注重探寻语言政策产生的历史背景、政策出台的经过、具体内容、措施手段及实际执行效果。同时,本文采取问卷调查、电话访谈的方法,通过调查数据的统计,对原住民族语言的学校教育情况进行量化研究,调查对象涉及高雄、台东、花莲等地国中小学校的340名学生、64名教师。本文第一章为绪论,介绍选题缘由及研究方法;第二章介绍该选题的相关理论及目前研究情况;第三章阐述台湾语言政策与语言教育的历史演变进程,理清发展脉络;第四章分析新时期有关台湾原住民语言的各项具体的政策措施;第五章分析新时期台湾原住民族语言教育情况;第六章介绍对原住民族语言教学进行问卷调查的情况;第七章为结论与展望。本研究的价值主要体现在三个方面:(一)专门针对台湾原住民族,进行了语言政策方面的系统梳理。由于历史、文化、人口、政治及经济等多方面的原因,台湾原住民族语言政策的专题研究比较少,一般是星星点点地散见于有关台湾总体语言政策的著述中。本文则专门针对台湾原住民,进行其语言政策方面的系统梳理。如日治时期的语言政策,很多研究是立足于日当局面向台湾人口主体(汉移民、平埔地区南岛语族群等)实施的政策,而事实上对于居住在偏僻山地的南岛语族群,情况并不完全一致,本文在前人研究基础上,重点探讨了山地原住民语言政策与语言教育情况。再如,对于二战后台湾语言政策,本文略写“国语运动”的有关情况,而将重点放于1987年解禁后新时期的原住民族语言政策具体措施。(二)汇总和整理了原住民族语言政策与语言教育实施情况的最新数据和资料。本文在理论分析的基础上,千方百计地收集整理了大量的、最新的数据和资料。在语言政策方面,详细记述了主要政策措施的目标与计划、经费预算、实际执行情况等;在语言教育方面,比较分析了教学大纲、教学目标、以及师资、教材、开课情况等教学因素。全面展现了1987年后台湾原住民族语言政策与语言教育实施的具体情况,并在此基础上,进一步分析其实施成效、存在问题及解决建议,提出了个人的一些认识和看法。(三)运用问卷调查的方法,取得了第一手的研究资料,为今后研究提供了可研性的素材。由于历史原因和现实条件的制约,大陆学者对于我国宝岛台湾原住民族语言政策与语言教育的理论研究非常少,田野调查方面的研究更少,本文在此方面做出努力和尝试,运用问卷调查及电话访谈的方法,取得了有关族语教育方面的第一手的数据和资料,使得本文更具实际意义,同时也为他人今后的研究提供了素材。希冀本文能够起到抛砖引玉的作用,促进大陆方面对于台湾原住民族语言政策与教育的研究。

【Abstract】 Austronesian, which is used by Taiwan aborigines, takes a significant academic place in the linguistic and cultural history of the world austronesian family. Meanwhile, due to the development of economy, migration of population, colonial domination, and inappropriate language policy, these languages has been facing the crucial situation of extinction. Then after the martial law was canceled in 1987, Taiwan government enacted a series of new policies to protect and develop aboriginal languages instead of confining them. Such new policies are founding certificating system of aboriginal language abilities, opening language nest and spreading school education of aboriginal languages etc, which contribute a lot to the resuscitation of the aboriginal languages. However, according to some research, levels of the aboriginal languages and their use fail to improve to a large extent and the languages still face the danger of extinction. Thus, to view estimate the implement of the policies and education of aboriginal languages, to analyze the existing problems and solving methods is without any doubt urgent and necessary.This dissertation employs the method of document analysis and questionnaire survey. It sorts out the evolution of Taiwan aboriginal language policies by a researching into the documents, focusing on exploring the historic background when the policies appeared, the process, content, measures employed and the effect of each policy. At the same time, questionnaire survey and telephone interview is used in order to carry out a quantized research on school education of the aboriginal languages.340 students and 64 teachers of primary schools and middle schools from the city of Gaoxiong, Taidong, Hualian etc. were involved in this research.The first chapter is general introduction part, suggesting the reason why this topic is chosen and the research methods. The second chapter is about regarded theories and present studying situation of this topic. The third chapter is a brief introduction about the history of Taiwan language policies and education. The forth chapter analyzes the present particular policies and measures adopted about Taiwan aboriginal languages. The fifth chapter analyzes the education of Taiwan aboriginal languages in this new era. The sixth chapter is about the questionnaire on teaching aboriginal languages. The seventh chapter is the conclusion and the future of the topic.The values of this research lie in the following aspects:Firstly, this research focuses on Taiwan aboriginal ethnic groups and sorts out a system on language policies. Because of the historic, cultural, population, political and economic reasons, monographic studies on language policies of ethnic groups are rare. Most of the regarded information is scattered in general description of Taiwan aborigines. However, this dissertation is focused on Taiwan aborigines, a systemic description on their language policies. For example, most researches about the language policies enacted during Japanese domination is concentrated on the main population, which is Han people immigrated from the mainland and Pingpu ethnic groups. Yet things maybe sheer different for those who speaks austronesian but live in the distant hill districts. Borrowing experience and achievements of the former experts, this dissertation mainly discusses and studies the language policies and education of the aborigines who live in the hilly areas. Another case in point is the language policy after WWⅡ. Mandarin Movement is slightly mentioned in the content but the main focus is on the particular measures of the language policies of the aborigines after the restrictions were broken after 1987.Secondly, it summarizes and reorganizes the most present data and information about the enforcement of the language policy and education. Based on theoretical analysis, this dissertation collects a great number of the newest data and information. On language policies, it documents the aim and plans of the main policies and measures. On language education, it compares and analyzes the syllabus, teaching aims as well as other teaching factors such as teachers’quality, textbooks etc. It reflects the panorama of the enforcement of the language policies and education on the aborigines. Also, the writer further study its effect, existing problem and solving measures, raising some personal comprehension and views. Thirdly, it employs the method of questionnaire survey in order to gain the first-hand materials, providing valuable sources for the future research. Due to the restrictions of history and social facts, scholars of the mainland did little theoretical research on language policies and education of Taiwan aborigines, not to mention the field study. The dissertation will try to make effort in this field and get first-hand materials about education on ethnic languages by means of questionnaire survey and telephone interview, infusing practical meaning to it. Also, it provides supportive materials for the future researches. The author sincerely wishes that this dissertation will be the stone thrown away to get a gem, promoting more and more researches on the language policies and education of Taiwan aborigines.


