

【作者】 耿毅

【导师】 张国杰;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文是从社区研究的角度出发,研究云南省元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县因远镇安定村文化变迁的问题。安定村是一个一千多人的白族聚居村。虽然地处滇中,位于相对闭塞的哀牢山区,但小村自古处于交通要道,相对发达的交通条件为小村创造了发展的外部条件。在小村发展的各个不同时期,代代村民和外界进行着交流,不断调整生计方式,呈现出不同的经济生活模式。经济生活的变迁带来了白族民俗以及婚姻丧葬习俗的变迁。在小村经济发展的过程中,村民们进行着与商业社会交融而生的各种调适。在传承传统白族文化的基础上,安定白族形成了既与因远其他白族村寨文化不同,也与大理地区白族主体文化不同的“安定白族文化”。本文主要包括导论、正文(共五章)、结论三大部分。导论部分包括:论文选题研究的目的和意义、相关的国内外研究状况、采用的研究方法、论文写作的主要思路以及相关概念界定等内容。正文部分共五章,主要是以民族志方式叙述社区的形成和变迁,并进行了相关的理论探讨。第一章,介绍社区概况,包括滇中玉溪白族、元江白族的历史溯源、因远镇概况和安定村的自然环境、人文环境以及人口概况。第二章,以时间为纵轴,辅以口述史的形式,对近百年来安定村民经济生活的变迁进行全方面的阐述。从单一的农耕经济、“走坝子”经济、商业集镇经济、“国道”个体经济到如今多种副业相辅的农商经济,通过对不同时期村民经济生活发展脉络的梳理,展现出他们应对不同时期变化生计方式的适应和调整。第三章,详细介绍因远白族民俗变迁,主要包括衣食住行、宗教信仰、传统节日、语言和洞经音乐等方面的变迁情况。由于因远镇九个白族村寨民俗的“普同性”,在对这一地区民俗变迁做集中描述的同时,对安定村所特有的民俗做文化“深描”。当地白族民俗的变化是与其自然环境和社会文化环境相互适应的结果,具有鲜明的地区特色,是在白族传统文化的基础上形成的一种新的本民族的文化习俗。第四章,通过分析安定白族的婚姻和丧葬习俗变迁,来进一步了解民族道德体系、价值观念和民族性格等方面的内容。随着社会发展,村民通婚圈不断扩大,婚姻习俗也有了不同程度的变化;“酸汤还没喝完就分家”的观念造成了当地以“核心家庭为主体”的家庭模式,也折射出村民们对于婚姻、家庭不一样的观念。在丧葬活动中,宗族的观念被进一步强化,传统道德观念也被加强。第五章,在论述村民经济生活、白族传统文化民俗以及婚姻丧葬习俗变迁的基础上来看安定人以及安定白族文化的不同之处。具有相对较高文化素质的安定村民在注重发展小村经济的同时,重视教育,重视自我和家庭发展以及重视社区生态环境保持等因素,使得安定村体现出不同的村民特点和村寨氛围。结论:在安定村发展的各个时期,生存的外部环境不断发生变化,村民们的生计方式也随之发生变化,从而形成了不一样的经济生活。不同时期经济生活变迁不仅让村民们的生活水平得到提高,而且对当地白族传统文化民俗以及婚姻丧葬习俗产生了重要的影响。小村一直延续着传统白族社会中的道德观念以及各种习俗。村民们对自己民族主体文化的历史记忆,在很大程度上决定了白族文化的传承。在传承传统白族文化的基础上形成了“安定白族文化”。安定白族文化的变迁是一种文化形式上的变迁,其内涵是一种调适性的传承。经济生活所带来的外部力量的压力和对于白族主体文化地区的追赶,在安定白族内部产生一种奋起之力,这种内启的力量,正是安定白族社会文化发展的主动适应能力。这种适应不是被动的适应,而更多地表现为主体性的文化适应和选择。

【Abstract】 The dissertation examines the culture changes of Baizu group in Yuanjiang County through the research method of community study. Yuanjiang county is an autonomous county of the Hanizu,Yizu and Daizu, which is the main living place for Baizu group in central Yunnan. As a field place, Anding village is representative in ethnic structure, production way, living style, traditional culture and ethnic relationship among the nine Baizu villages at the local place.Since the late Qing dynasty(1875), villagers have been doing some small business besides fanning work because it is at the key access path in the depth of Ailaoshan Mountainous area. Especially after 1980s, due to its favorable geographical position as a centre of communication on the No.213 National Road and its rich reserves of nickel ore, the villagers had once taken the opportunity to run their small restaurants and hotels along the road. In the process of the development, the different generations of villagers have been communicating with the outside world, made their adaptation and adjustment to their livelihood at different stages.The changes of their economic life have influenced their material and spiritual culture simultaneously. The villagers have made some adjustments to the economic development actively. On the basis of traditional culture of the Baizu group, they have developed their own ’Anding Baizu culture" which is different from the Bai culture not only in Dali but also in other Baizu villages of Yinyuan.The dissertation consists of the following parts:introduction, body (five chapters) and conclusion.The introduction mainly tells the purpose and significance of the study, the relative researches at home and abroad, research methods used in this study and some concepts defined and so on.The body part consists of five chapters, which narrate the formation and changes of the community in an ethnographic way and analyze the relevant theories.The first chapter introduces the general community, including the history of Baizu in Yuxi city and in Yuanjiang county, the overview of Yinyuan town, and the natural and social environment and population of Anding village.The second chapter elaborates the changes of economic life over the past centuries of Anding village in term of time order. It throws light on the process from family farming, "go Bazi" economy, commercial town economy, "national road" economy to diversified commodity economy at a different time. The villagers have tried to adapt themselves to the different conditions actively. The third chapter summarizes the material and spiritual culture among the nine Baizu villages in Yinyuan county, covering houses, clothing, food, religious belief, festivals, language and ancient music and so on. Meanwhile, special attention is paid to Anding village in order to show more features. As a result of their adaptation to the natural, social and cultural environment, they have developed their own "Anding Baizu culture" with local flavor.The fourth chapter focuses on the changes of their marriage, family and funeral customes. The contents about marriage form, marriage procedure, divorce, separation, parenting etc. are introduced in the part. With the social development, the customes have had some changes. Influnced by the idea "Separate soon after the wedding most of the families are nuclear family in the villlage. In the funeral activities, not only the concept of clan but also the traditional moral values are further strengthened.The fifth chapter further shows the specific features of Anding people and Anding village based on the introduction of the above chapters. Their emphasis on education, attention to the independence of a child and persistence in ecological environment has made them differ from others.The conclusion of the study:In every period of development, villagers have changed their livelihood and led their economic life with the changes of external environment accordingly. The changes have not only improved their own life but also influenced their material and spiritual culture simultaneously. The historical memory of main culture of Baizu group determines the inheritance of the moral values and various customs. On the basis of traditional culture of the Baizu group, they have developed their own "Anding Baizu culture" which is different from main culture of Baizu group in Dali and other Baizu villages of Yinyuan. The social and economic change haven’t made the villagers completely abandon their traditional culture, instead they have adapted themselves to their own environment, seek their status in their own development environment and keep a dynamic balance. This adaptation is not a passive adaptation, but the performance of subjectivity in the cultural adaptation and selection.


